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Search: Posts Made By: Beefhammer
Forum: Gear Discussion February 27th, 2007, 14:08
Replies: 29
Views: 19,594
Posted By Beefhammer
I apologize I meant to sayCustomized, its been...

I apologize I meant to sayCustomized, its been fixed. All I am saying is that SDS is meant as issue equipment and is therefore more basic and less tailored. There pouches tend to be generick and...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 27th, 2007, 12:41
Replies: 29
Views: 19,594
Posted By Beefhammer
Ebay is a great place for SDS pouches and gear....

Ebay is a great place for SDS pouches and gear. There is lots of surplus and some new. SDS has the advantage of being cheap (price not quality) but its not anywhere near as inovative or customized...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 22nd, 2007, 13:00
Replies: 6
Views: 7,094
Posted By Beefhammer
Ive got an Italian reporduction of what I iam...

Ive got an Italian reporduction of what I iam guessing is a U.S. bomber/flight jacket. My parents picked it up for me years ago in Italy. Its bloody heavy and even has the removable collar and the...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 20th, 2007, 13:12
Replies: 20
Views: 16,560
Posted By Beefhammer
I would say Ebay is your best bet. Provided you...

I would say Ebay is your best bet. Provided you know what size you are after. If you know anyone who has some and could try it on, then Ebay it. I have seen quite a few sellers with real Crye...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 16th, 2007, 01:46
Replies: 31
Views: 24,013
Posted By Beefhammer
Excelent loadout DarkAlman. If I may, I would...

Excelent loadout DarkAlman. If I may, I would suggest you wear some body armor under that Load bearing vest, nothing fancy just a trauma plate style vest, possibly with a groin protector. As for the...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 10th, 2007, 15:05
Replies: 29
Views: 42,299
Posted By Beefhammer

Hear is a pic.
Forum: Gear Discussion February 10th, 2007, 15:01
Replies: 29
Views: 42,299
Posted By Beefhammer
I know its not the SAS's sf10, but the Mcu 2/p...

I know its not the SAS's sf10, but the Mcu 2/p and 2a/p ( currently used by the SEALs, though they may have moved on and I could be out of date) have ballistic visors. I dont know if they are...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 5th, 2007, 16:19
Replies: 49
Views: 27,543
Posted By Beefhammer
No, the leading causes of death in Iraq and...

No, the leading causes of death in Iraq and Afghanistan concussive blunt force trauma from IED's i.e. legs and arms blown off or internal organ rupture and failure. You right about the 2nd one being...
Forum: Gear Discussion February 4th, 2007, 22:56
Replies: 25
Views: 18,460
Posted By Beefhammer
Are you looking for fjust frag protection and...

Are you looking for fjust frag protection and nothing more ? or do you want like level2 or 3a for 9mm and the like ?
Forum: Gear Discussion February 4th, 2007, 22:53
Replies: 49
Views: 27,543
Posted By Beefhammer
No the dragon skin test models have not failed...

No the dragon skin test models have not failed the tests, its all pollitics. The NIJ (nation institute for justice) has just passed the level 3+ dragonskin and has proven previous claims of...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 30th, 2007, 17:21
Replies: 31
Views: 24,013
Posted By Beefhammer
The lower velocity of the ump's .45 acp works...

The lower velocity of the ump's .45 acp works very well for hostage situations when over penetration is unacceptable. Also the mag capacity is only 5 less than a standard mp5 mag, and it if you...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 21st, 2007, 16:16
Replies: 28
Views: 34,475
Posted By Beefhammer
Does anyony still manufacture the IBH (the real...

Does anyony still manufacture the IBH (the real one that is ) as Dover's website has only a slight mention of it. Any info would be apreciated. Also Has anyone read/heard any comparisons to the MICH...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 11th, 2007, 15:00
Replies: 5
Views: 4,959
Posted By Beefhammer
I dont know how much money your willing to pay...

I dont know how much money your willing to pay but there is a Canadian company called Dropzone tactical that make smocks. The recce smock is of heavier weight, not unlike the British SAS smock (I...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 11th, 2007, 14:23
Replies: 23
Views: 11,948
Posted By Beefhammer
My Wiley x CQC will fit over my glasses just...

My Wiley x CQC will fit over my glasses just fine. I wear a narrow set of glasses though, so if yours are wider they may not fit. If its an option go to a supply/tactical store and just try on...
Forum: Accessories Discussion January 11th, 2007, 12:53
Replies: 15
Views: 15,058
Posted By Beefhammer
Millet. Buy a millet red dot sight from Island...

Millet. Buy a millet red dot sight from Island Tactical. They cost about $75 Canadian w tax and shipping. They are easy to adjust and are a real working red dot sight. Also ultradot. they are...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 11th, 2007, 12:47
Replies: 1
Views: 3,227
Posted By Beefhammer
Well you can buy pepper spray, MEC sells it. I...

Well you can buy pepper spray, MEC sells it. I would suggest emptying the canister first (outside with a respirator and gogles) then washing it. The last thing you want is to spray your team mates...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 11th, 2007, 02:18
Replies: 32
Views: 14,845
Posted By Beefhammer
Nothing hurts more than LONDON BRIDGE TRADING...

Nothing hurts more than LONDON BRIDGE TRADING gear. I love it to death and it will most likely kill me. The best pieces are so damn rare and expensive that is if you manage to outbid the asian...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 11th, 2007, 02:04
Replies: 16
Views: 18,343
Posted By Beefhammer
Ebay. If you dont care that its been issued (like...

Ebay. If you dont care that its been issued (like you said, it's only gonna get muddy and damaged) then just buy some used on ebay. Find a fellow airsofter and try out a size. The real stuff holds up...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 11th, 2007, 01:54
Replies: 16
Views: 8,800
Posted By Beefhammer
Sure will, though I am starting to think this may...

Sure will, though I am starting to think this may be a very rare and expensive piece of kit. There is a German guy on ebay I found that sells real KSK stuff, so I am going to run it by him. If I find...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 8th, 2007, 19:19
Replies: 16
Views: 8,800
Posted By Beefhammer
Thanks alot Yuxi & slick for your help in trying...

Thanks alot Yuxi & slick for your help in trying to identify the suit, I knew it would be a long shot. Thanks as well for all the usefull tips with regards to posting and searching.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 8th, 2007, 16:09
Replies: 16
Views: 8,800
Posted By Beefhammer
Yeah its a little hard to distinguish cause the...

Yeah its a little hard to distinguish cause the operators are wearing beleclavas in the pics, but the suit is hooded. It almost looks like a one piece soft shell rain suit. Think orc PCU only one...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 8th, 2007, 15:46
Replies: 16
Views: 8,800
Posted By Beefhammer Some photos of the suit.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 8th, 2007, 15:44
Replies: 16
Views: 8,800
Posted By Beefhammer (
Forum: Gear Discussion January 8th, 2007, 13:50
Replies: 16
Views: 8,800
Posted By Beefhammer
Thanks alot Yuxi, I will get on that.

Thanks alot Yuxi, I will get on that.
Forum: Gear Discussion January 8th, 2007, 02:00
Replies: 16
Views: 8,800
Posted By Beefhammer
I dont have any pics that I can link, just on my...

I dont have any pics that I can link, just on my hard drive, if there is a way to upload the images i will do so. As for the suit it is a one piece, like a flight suit only hooded and made of what...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 7th, 2007, 18:42
Replies: 16
Views: 8,800
Posted By Beefhammer
Question KSK CQB hooded suit where to buy/manufacturer ?

I am interested in a black KSK CQB suit, the new stye with the velcro arm patches on the pockets and the hood. I have looked/searched high and low and cannot find one online. I dont know the...
Showing results 1 to 26 of 26

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