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Get in trouble for selling an airsoft gun?


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:01   #31
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Im with Dragwindsor on this one...

Even though its a better idea to sell it to someone within the community, you can sell it to anyone you want who is over 18. For god sakes, it might be a "weapon" in our eyes but in the end it is still just a toy that requires you to be 18 to own.

So, if the person was 18 and over and payed legit then it's okay.

Do you think stores that sell knives are made responsible when somone uses their knives for murder? Not if they were 18 when they bought it.

Although, technically, you aren't even allowed to sell it to anyone without declaring it, because then you're selling under the table and feeding the underground bastard (this is a joke).

Think about this logically! How the hell can you be responsible for someone else's illegal actions that COULD happen weeks, months even years after they purchased a legal product from you? You aren't a mindreader and the law doesn't expect that of you.

I could sell my buddy power tools, but im not going to be responsible if he hacks up his wife with them.

Just use your judgment when selling it, obviously you wont give a sniper bb gun to a crackhead.

Last edited by Combine; November 24th, 2008 at 21:06..
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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:11   #32
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I'm actually with Amos on this. A good through screening is probably a good idea.

TBH I've met so many asshats here (in RL, who ARE 18+) that I would never trust with airsoft let alone paintball or a nerf gun. Honestly it's really in the AV'ers best interest to screen the people they AV.

I didn't have to go through a process with my verifier but it was basically:

- Let me see your ID (records my info)
- So you're into airsoft huh?
- Well I guess I'll see you on the field later.
- Then a bit of random banter (which could have been a gauge of if I should really be AV'ed)

All in all it took like 15-20 mins.
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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:22   #33
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So if the AV thinks yer a tool, you're not going to be able to buy pieces off of ASC?

They are allowed to judge if you are capable of safely owning an AEG?

Who has granted them this power?
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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:34   #34
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Originally Posted by dragwindsor View Post
So if the AV thinks yer a tool, you're not going to be able to buy pieces off of ASC?

They are allowed to judge if you are capable of safely owning an AEG?

Who has granted them this power?

And for the second part, the community/admins on this board.

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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:36   #35
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Time and situation permitting, I try my best to screen people for douchebaggery as best I can. Simply being 18 does not mean you're a responsible adult who isn't going to go around with these things in public or otherwise behave in a manner that is detrimental the sport.

I care more about people's safety and the future of Airsoft in Canada (and as a whole) a hell of a lot more than disparity of authority.
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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:38   #36
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Being a verifier isn't just about verifying age, they must also verify maturity....
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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:42   #37
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Will someone please show me where anything other than AGE verification is mentioned?
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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:43   #38
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Are you serious?
It's not written down somewhere. It's just common sense that Age Verifiers have. Why do you think they're Age Verifiers in the first place?

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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:48   #39
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Originally Posted by dragwindsor View Post
I'm pretty sure I won't be needing your services anytime soon.

I'm just saying that NOBODY can judge a persons intent. And obviously you don't sell to people with known issues, or under-agers.

As for Amos's comment. It's not your job to do any of that. Your job is to verify AGE not character. : facepalm :
... Sure it's not my "JOB" to judge some one's character... But I wont verify or sell to anyone that I think has a malicious intent. Airsoft is already in a gray area, I don't plan on helping push it towards the "BLACK."
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Old November 24th, 2008, 21:53   #40
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I see it as a CYA thing. I wouldn't sell a gun to just anyone because the act of selling that gun is illegal. Yes, we all do it all the time, but for the most part, it's to other ASC members or to members of the airsoft community. We're not guaranteed that the buyer won't go out and do something stupid with it, but there's a reasonably good chance that the buyer, being part of the ASC community, is going to be using the gun either as a collection item or to actually partake in the sport, and not go knock off a convenience store with it.

That's the part that would get me worried. If I sold a gun to an unknown person and the buyer does something stupid (like use it to commit a crime) and gets caught and then reveals to law enforcement who he got the gun from, then they can technically come knocking at my door and charge me with selling a prohibited device. For me, that's a BIG issue. As unlikely as it is to happen, the possibility is there. When a crime is commited with a replica, then charges are laid just as if you had sold that individual a REAL illegal firearm to commit the crime with. And to me, taking the chance of losing my secret security clearance, cushy government job, pension, my POL and my real steel, and getting another criminal record (after getting a pardon), etc is really not worth it. And then there's also the potential repercussions to the airsoft community if the crime commited is serious enough, and law enforcement decide to crack down on airsoft guns.

As an age verifier, I won't even age verify someone if they appear shady or immature and just wanting the gun to show off. The last thing ASC needs is to give some gangsta wannabe access to replicas so he can go amuck with them, and then it comes back on us. And this is actually encouraged by ASC staff to not just grant any asshat AV status because he's 18.

Anyway, just my 2 cents' worth on the topic. Take it or leave it.

Last edited by Crunchmeister; November 24th, 2008 at 21:59..
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Old November 24th, 2008, 22:11   #41
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I'm with AMOS.

If I go meet someone to be verified and he's a gansta wannabe or something clearly not fitting, he's going to prove himself to be morally competent to own such a toy.

I'v refused to forward infos of select occations where I judged the persone to be a possible threat to the comunity or the society at large. And you know what, you never heard of it because I was 100% right all the time, they never came back complaining since they don't give a shit about our systeme and they probably ended up going somewhere easyer (harder way, depend on how you look at it)to find a showpeice to impress tha hood. Most other verifiers, when they make that call, are allso 100% right to my knowledge because I don't remember reading about someone complaining of being refused verification other than the fact that he is underaged.

We function a bit the same way as the federal do for licensing gun owner. Only, we don't rely on laws, only on rules.

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Old November 25th, 2008, 00:01   #42
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Originally Posted by theshaneler View Post
he is ignorant

personal note: never sell dragwindsor a gun.....
thats tthe funnyist thing in this thread....

p.s. i know funnyist isnt the way to spell it but i dont care....

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Old November 25th, 2008, 01:25   #43
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I was asked by a friend of a friend to buy him an airsoft gun ( glock 17 or 19 ) since he has no clue how to get one except that canadian tire doesent sell it and he knows he cant order one online himself. Hes kind of a young "gangsta" type wannabe so I dident trust him one bit. The $ he offered for one was almost double what they go for, but I decided to tell him I couldent get a pistol like that at the moment and he quickly moved on.

Basically, if theres any doubt in your mind you may be selling or loaning your airsoft gun to the wrong type of person... just dont.
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Old November 25th, 2008, 01:29   #44
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good for you demco11, greed can quickly ruin the fun for everyone.
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Old November 25th, 2008, 03:40   #45
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Thanks for the answers, Im looking to get age verified tomorrow so I can do it the standard way.

Do you guys know of cases where people get in trouble for selling these things?
I know for sure theres that post in the frontpage about the guy Will Wong who is about to be sentanced in two weeks (i dunno what he did, must've been some crazy dealing).
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