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scottaaayyy November 24th, 2008 03:08

Get in trouble for selling an airsoft gun?
If I sell my airsoft gun to someone, and they decide to shoot up their neighbourhood or for whatever reason get in into trouble with the cops, and the cops ask them where they bought their gun from, could I get in trouble for selling it in the first place?


Retro November 24th, 2008 03:11

best suggestion i can give you is get age verified and sell it to someone on here thats actualy into the sport and wont dick about with it.

White_knight November 24th, 2008 03:14


arman November 24th, 2008 03:14

it looks to real to sell on the street.... just use caution when selling.... if the guy looks like a tool then dont sell it to him....

L473ncy November 24th, 2008 10:21


And yes I believe the charge is trafficking firearms or providing firearms to criminals for the purpose of crime.

The last thing we need is a noob with a good airsoft gun out running on the streets. Theres already one guy here who's getting charged and sentenced on Weapons trafficking. Best option is to get verified and sell here OR contact another verified member (who's close to you) to sell on your behalf.

Crunchmeister November 24th, 2008 10:30

Transferring a replica is illegal, but is still done all the time. If you intend on selling any airsoft gun, at least make sure it's to someone over 18 who's actually involved in the sport. That will pretty much ensure that you're not selling it to some tool who's going to do something stupid with it and get you both into legal hot water.

scottaaayyy November 24th, 2008 13:13

Okay thanks, I'm gonna try to get age verified then.

Ktown Militia November 24th, 2008 13:44

Good replies so far, try to use your common sense for something like this. Do not sell to a minor or just some guy who wants a "cool looking gun to show off to his buddies." Get verified and do it the right way mate!! :D

Dracheous November 24th, 2008 13:51

The answer is yes, so you should just gives me all your airsofts, I make sure right homes are found.

Crunch is right though, sell, trade or give is illegal transfer of prohibited items, but then thousands of people speed 10km above the posted limits in Ontario every day and no one typically goes after them for that :P.

It gets kind of fun, debating how long it is before such transfers start to get targeted.

dragwindsor November 24th, 2008 14:25

Just sell it. Who say's someone I sell my goalie stick to, ain't gonna bash someones skull in with it.

Do away with the paranoia.

Xx William xX November 24th, 2008 14:45

Cash deal. After that you have never seen the gun or the buyer before in your life. Just don't sell it to a tool.

Dusti69 November 24th, 2008 15:24

haha.... drive by airsofting?

selling it to a fellow airsofter would be your best bet

FOX_111 November 24th, 2008 16:41

I'd be very reticent and unconfortable selling an AEG to someone that does not play in organised events.

I saw some for sale on and I was face palming myself a lot.

L473ncy November 24th, 2008 16:42


Originally Posted by Dusti69 (Post 866817)
haha.... drive by airsofting?

selling it to a fellow airsofter would be your best bet

Dude. Don't joke about that. That's actually happened. There were also a lot of paintball incidents too with driveby paintballings.

Needless to say I believe those idiots got charged for discharging an airgun within city limits where it was not zoned for that purpose (which is why paintball fields in city limits can operate their business) and endangering lives of pedestrians.

Capt.Flan November 24th, 2008 18:29

Do as you would do whit a real firearm.

You would probably sell it to a hunter, whit papers and over 18 right?


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