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Canadian dollar drop and airsoft prices



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Old October 28th, 2008, 19:43   #16
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Yeah, definitely glad I bought some US cash when it was on par for a trip that never materialized.

What's the chance ours will drop even lower?
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Old October 28th, 2008, 23:43   #17
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Originally Posted by arcanuck View Post
How can anyone raise the price of an item they already have in stock paid for?
Sometimes businesses will charge prices to cover profitable replacement of inventory. IRC gasoline is priced according to replacement price rather than original purchase price. This is usually done to collect sufficient funds to assure ongoing business. If a filling station had a huge amount of gas under it's pumps (and many do) a jump in costs could have them unable to make future inventory purchases if they charged prices based on origin cost. However, if fuel costs dropped, they could afford to drop prices despite a higher original cost because they could cover the costs of replenishment.

You might say that this never happens, but in a competitive market this kind of pricing exists when you're fighting over customers in a long term business setting.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 01:10   #18
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Originally Posted by arcanuck View Post
How can anyone raise the price of an item they already have in stock paid for?
Prices have to be adjusted, since one of the benchmarks for determining selling price is the cost of your merchandise when it is time to stock up again. If it costs more to re-buy, then your current MSRP has to be adjusted so that we have enough margin to purchase these goods at the new higher prices.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 10:51   #19
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Canadian dollar drop and airsoft prices a differenet world

As if airsoft replicas pricing in Canada was subjet to market laws of offer and demand, Yes Right. So far airsoft replicas pricing in Canada was offer-driven. And it will continue to be so. This is not a self regulated market as for example clothing or ***** (incluidng ACU and combat boots) were prices adjust to marginal cost or else compettitors will jump in and take your clients. Nor it exist a full supply chain from manufactures, to grossist to retaillers. There is not inventories either (or very small ones). This market is closer to monopoly (and that is not a bad word, it just is) whit few retailers and huge barriers to entry: restricted firearms items, etc...)
Sure, prices will adjust up, (no matter when you placed your order, or the cost of the inventory...) just do not explect prices to adjust down when the huard becomes more competitive, THAT IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEND fast enough (remmeber the slow pace of price adjutment for oil prices -another rmonpoly market)
Saying this, I am not judging any specific retailer, this is just my view on a particular matter in a specific enviroment and economic coyunture. Business is business. I better understand those principles when engaging in any transaction otherwise I will be frustrated.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 11:27   #20
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I'm trying to hold the line on BB pricing. I've managed to secure an agreement on my next order for .20 and .25 from my supplier for on par with USD + 10%, so I'm going to eat a 10% hike on my next order to keep the .20 and .25 product at the same pricing, $10 a bag CAD. Yes, you can all thank me by ordering from your local bastard.

.28 and above will probably take a hit - no such deal there unfortunately because the volume isn't there for me to have the leverage like I do with .20 and .25.

I thought about doing replacement inventory pricing but I went back to my supplier and negotiated instead and got somewhat of a better deal. I'm going to try and hold the line as much as I can. Unfortunately it comes at a time when I am investing in an new online store to make ordering and quoting easier (for me and you) and more efficient. So thats costing me $$.

So, those of you doing group orders for BBs from the orient are probably not going to be able to get a better deal given that you're going to pay in USD at current rates. Also, from what I understand their costs have increased disproportionally larger than just the exchange rate so you may actually see an increase on product cost in USD - manufacturing just got more expensive in Asia because of their own fundamentals, not just because of forex rates.

Well, Confucius said "may you live in interesting times" and this certainly qualifies.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 11:39   #21
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Originally Posted by max.power View Post
Yeah, definitely glad I bought some US cash when it was on par for a trip that never materialized.

What's the chance ours will drop even lower?
As long as comodities like oil and such keep dropping you may find our dollar back at 65 cents again or worse. Not looking forward to that at all. I'm hoping that it finds bottom at 75 cents though. Only time will tell, but the markets aren't looking too good.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 11:51   #22
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according to , 1 $ USD = 0,81$ CAD
a real rollercoaster

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Old October 29th, 2008, 12:03   #23
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Originally Posted by Cheese View Post
according to , 1 $ USD = 0,81$ CAD
a real rollercoaster
Problem is financial institutions use a spread to cover fluctuations for that day, so its usually the posted rate plus a couple of percentage points. When the dollar was stable, the spread was tighter, but now I find myself getting 3 and 4% differences on the spread just doing a US dollar wire from CAD.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 13:30   #24
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Doing my best to hold my prices too.. Goddamn dollar! RAISE DAMN YOU RAISE!!
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Old October 29th, 2008, 13:41   #25
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Christ!! I'm trying to hold my prices, and I'm not even online yet!!

This is on crazy ride we're going on.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 13:50   #26
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Well at least the dollar is actually starting to go up again and so are the stock markets. Now all we can hope for is a quick burst of life in the dollar's worth....

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Old October 29th, 2008, 13:54   #27
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*puts hands in the air* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

This roller coaster won't end anytime soon I figure it's going to be a pretty down year. My aunt and uncle just got fucked out of a lot of their retirement savings because they were all in stocks, and my wifes friend is most likely loosing her house because of this. What a wonderful time we live in. :P

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Its a good thing stupidity doesnt have mass or whole sections of this board would collapse in and destroy themselves in a stupidity singularity.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 14:24   #28
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hah bushes fault.... regan started it... it only got a little better and i mean little when clinoton was in office....but yea the bushes really hurt the USA and the world....

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Old October 29th, 2008, 15:15   #29
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Originally Posted by Rukus View Post
*puts hands in the air* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

This roller coaster won't end anytime soon I figure it's going to be a pretty down year. My aunt and uncle just got fucked out of a lot of their retirement savings because they were all in stocks, and my wifes friend is most likely loosing her house because of this. What a wonderful time we live in. :P
Is your wifes friend here in Canada or the US? Mind giving us some details of why she is losing her house?

I personally don't see a dollar drop a terrible thing, its not a good thing for somethings like our sport and other purchases but in our town a good portion of local revenue is tourism aka the US travelers. And a lot of the local industiries rely on the low canadian dollar to intiese foreign buyers. Mind you at the same time, the low dollar might not be enough to bring back the foreign dollars to our local economy cause the currenty economy in that no one is building or buying or traveling. But I am trying to keep positive about the situation and I truely believe here in Canada we are far better off then most other nations.
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Old October 29th, 2008, 15:22   #30
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Well Bush had to do that fuckin bailout idea which screwed like all of North America over. I don't get why bushes dumb idea screwed over Canada but ok. Especially the TSX and the those stock losses were unbelievable. Bush is an idiot and I hope he rots for that dumb f*ckin mistake of his.
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