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View Poll Results: Would you play in a hot (up to 490 FPS) game?
Yes - with proper kit and prep 297 70.71%
No - Just too dangerous/painful, regardless of kit etc 123 29.29%
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Old April 13th, 2008, 00:52   #46
Yep I would do it for sure
Old April 13th, 2008, 01:39   #47
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I would only do it if I knew everyone on the field was useing star realcap mags, I dont trust that someone will load only 30 bbs into his mag when he could put 60-110
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Old April 13th, 2008, 02:35   #48
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I don't see the need for it unless you're playing in an open field. I have no problem getting hits with a stock gun, and see no need for any upgrades. If you need to upgrade your aeg to get leverage on the opposition, you just suck :P

As far as a high fps game goes, invite only for sure.

My 2 cents.

Last edited by redmond; April 13th, 2008 at 02:42..
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Old April 13th, 2008, 12:04   #49
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I already gave my opinion.

But I think that having "longer ranged" rifles having a higer FPS would make more sense.

Because a MP5 having the same range and accuracy as a SR-25 is not realistic at all.

AND I am heading to play sniper role.

50 fps is not making enought difference to be used properly. It gives what? 20 feet increased range? A normal man running will clear that distance under 1 second.

Give it AEGs 400fps, semi only 480 BA 550 fps. Already, there is enought difference to fear the longer ranges weapons, while be able to tacticise more when using shorter arms.

Last edited by Kos-Mos; April 13th, 2008 at 12:07..
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Old April 13th, 2008, 12:29   #50
G.I. Joel
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I agree with Lawdog aswell. Its more about common sense. Have a mercy rule set inplace, as well as head/face protection. Also people gotta realize that if the only give their face to shoot at you...thats where they are gonna get hit. Also, if people shoot at you in the face, they better realize they'll be recieving the same treatment. Maybe close combat mirrors may come in handy.
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Old April 13th, 2008, 13:24   #51
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I've been to 2 outdoor games in HK with field MINIMUMS of 450. I don't recall the field limit or if their even was one.

People play differently when their is the potential for serious harm or injury on the line.
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old April 13th, 2008, 14:32   #52
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I'd be in, but i'd only be there if it was invite only and there were strict rules, and i mean the fear of Thors hammer bashing down on you if you fuck up either engagement distances etc....

Also as far as protection goes...i'd assume that everyone comming would be smart enough to figure out what kind of protection they wanted...each can take his/her own risks, but understand what they are getting into...

Also a chrony, just to know what we are all actually doing...

Other than that i think as long as the venue is fairly large so we aren't talking FIBUA type ranges then we'd all be fine. Sidearms would be a requirement in my opinion.
My Sig was removed beacuse i'm a moron...
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Smelly troll is smelly.
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Old April 13th, 2008, 14:46   #53
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I'd definitely wear extra protection for this type of game. It sucks enough getting hit in less-protected areas at lower FPS rates, nevermind 500FPS. I think there would have to be very tight safety restrictions. Airsoft is generally safe but when additional risks are being taken, additional protection should be too.
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Old April 13th, 2008, 14:50   #54
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Originally Posted by Azathoth View Post
I've been to 2 outdoor games in HK with field MINIMUMS of 450. I don't recall the field limit or if their even was one.

People play differently when their is the potential for serious harm or injury on the line.
I think that is the point of Blackthorne's game idea.

BTW, you guys are making too much of it. I've been playing for years against guys with guns shooting 450+ (full-auto) and bolt action guns at 600++. No problems to report here, in fact, the most nasty injuries came at close quarters from stock guns and GBBs, not the upgraded ones at long range.
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Old April 13th, 2008, 15:15   #55
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So I can finish my 650fps beast and have a place to play...
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Old April 13th, 2008, 15:45   #56
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
I think that is the point of Blackthorne's game idea.

BTW, you guys are making too much of it. I've been playing for years against guys with guns shooting 450+ (full-auto) and bolt action guns at 600++. No problems to report here, in fact, the most nasty injuries came at close quarters from stock guns and GBBs, not the upgraded ones at long range.
I agree with you. so long as their is some way to punish people who are being asshats or prevent them from playing.

I've been hit with airguns at those high FPS games and the ranges were so great that they didn't hurt that much more than a normal game.

What high FPS games generally do IMO is increase engagement range in open / broken fields. I would avoid a skirmish in an urban environment at high FPS probably not a problem in Canada.
Do you know what ruins airsoft?
(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old April 15th, 2008, 18:26   #57
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I wouldn't see a problem as long as everyone attending the event is competent. I think a mercy rule would have to be in effect, though - that or not have any exposed skin for those close encounters.
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Old April 16th, 2008, 12:24   #58
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You hit the nail on the head, realism=fear of getting hurt, testing skills at greater ranges and actually taking advantage of the camo you wear.

I am up for a game like this no problem at all, I never complain about someone with a hard hitting "hot" gun I could not care less. I play not to get hit regardless of shooting speed. Who will pay are the cheaters who think they are bullet proof and raise these "pain" concerns. Don't get hit, then it does not hurt, simple! If you are hit put your hands in the air, fast, and people will not continue to shoot at you. If you contemplate being hit, as I have seen many do, too bad for you.

Some have these skills, others do not. The ones that don't are the ones who will bitch and should not be attending a game like this anyways.

These type of games are not CQB.
I hear people talking about getting full auto at close range, when does this happen, its never happened to me and I play alot of outdoor games. One to 2 extra BB's maybe but I have never heard of someone just emptying a full mag into someone at close range. The lesson you should take away from that situation is that it hurts. Don't let anyone ever get that close again and learn from your mistake.


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Last edited by MADDOG; April 16th, 2008 at 12:33..
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Old April 16th, 2008, 18:47   #59
Angry Chef
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In my opinion raising the FPS won’t change things, much if at all, the people who will walk upright/talking loud in the open/cover field will do the same thing (just at longer distance).
The only way to get people to play ‘milsim’ style is to take them out of the game for longer periods of time (i.e. 1-2 hour respawn time, instead of the 10 min or 4 ‘dead’ player limit).
Again in my opinion we should have a game that is more along those lines, rather then jumping the FPS limit, and see if that will make ‘milsim’ games more realistic.
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Old April 16th, 2008, 18:50   #60
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The problem is that I would not go to an event, paying 30$ and spend most of my time waiting to respawn.

Plus, as soon as one side would get the advantage, the game would be set. No chance to turn around. Most people would see this and call out right away.
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