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Blackthorne April 11th, 2008 13:23

I am curious what the community thinks about attending a "hot" game.

I am thinking anything up to 490 to avoid going over 500FPS

My reasoning here is that some games are less than realistic from a tactical perspective because people are doing things they would never do if they knew they were going to get really hurt i.e.:

Peek a boo
Long runs across open ground with no supporting fire
Rambo charges


Let er rip....

Lawdog April 11th, 2008 13:26

I have often thought this would be an interesting thing to try...with the right group of people.


Aquamarine April 11th, 2008 13:27

Yepper and got the chance to play at one indoor game before Japan's fps/joules law kicked in.

One word......


Endymion April 11th, 2008 13:29

Agreed with Lawdog... I wouldn't want to play with just anybody. Location would be a contributing factor - playing at a field where the standard engagement range is under 100ft due to layout and terrain would probably not tickle.

PaCHeKo! April 11th, 2008 13:29

Bring on the pain baby! I'm in!

wildcard April 11th, 2008 13:30

Are we going back to the AMC days again.........Nah too expensive, I remember in those days I would be going through at least 6 - 7 mechbox every four months Using M150 for indoor

paranoid987 April 11th, 2008 13:30

Hell Yes

ToTaL_oWnAgE April 11th, 2008 13:37

I think theres a difference between playin a "hot" game and playing to inflict pain. There's a certain level which I don't mind having a hot gun pointed at me. However. When Engagements start getting close quartered, 490FPS is gonna hurt like a royal SOB. Thats were secondaries should definatly be used.

You have to remember with this is that people play airsoft for fun. Not to go out and get hurt (unless you have a fetish for that stuff.

Another thing is realism relies on who you play with. If you play with a bunch of guys who act like paintballers trying to charge across the field firing two guns at everything that twitches then yeah it's gonna suck if you want sim-like play. However if you play with teams that actually like sim's and conducting themselves as a combat-like unit then your gonna have fun.

swatt13 April 11th, 2008 13:42

id like to do it, but youd need the right guys. guys that arent out there to hurt you, but out there for the same reason you are. i find i do stuff that i wouldnt normally do because im not afraid of getting hit, or i know that i can dodge the rounds.

666 April 11th, 2008 13:44


Originally Posted by Lawdog (Post 692043)
I have often thought this would be an interesting thing to try...with the right group of people.


Same here.

scooby April 11th, 2008 13:46

No fear No fun!

Bender April 11th, 2008 13:51

490 fps wouldn't hurt too much. I would be more worried about mechbox failure.

666 April 11th, 2008 13:52

Here's where real fun is :)

Metternich April 11th, 2008 13:53

If I had the gun for it I'd like to try it. Although, it would probably be better to try a game at 450fps first and see whether more or less fps is desired/safe.
What about sniping weapons? What kind of muzzle velocity restrictions would you want on those?

Steggs April 11th, 2008 13:54

As long as I had proper full face protection. BRING IT ON!!!!!

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