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Old February 1st, 2013, 16:59   #16
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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I think currently Gunk has the best operator beard. I keep askin him what he feeds the damn thing lol
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old February 1st, 2013, 17:05   #17
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Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING View Post
Not to hate on anyone, this is my personal opinion. I have a full swat loadout, but I will never! Ever wear or buy a Tac helmet, I would feel like a child dressing up.
But don't mind other people wearing them. I'm one of those people that always feels like everyone is always looking at me and judging me. But to each there own.

I've got a couple helmets - plastic PAGST with a buncha covers for various camos, a MICH with cover for airpat (ATACS FG lol..) and black FAST tactical helmet.

I don't use the FAST for airsoft.. somewhat like you, i'd feel pretty much dweebed out wearing the thing with an airsoft rifle in hand. It does however, rock for mountain-biking - particularly night mountain-biking with all it's lighting bells and whistles added on. I prefer the more traditional styled helmets for airsoft, i guess.

As for what others think of what i'm wearing/looking like .. feck 'em. My life to live, the way i want to live it. Unless they are married to ya.. no need to worry about judgements being made.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 17:18   #18
LOVES helmets!

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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
let me get this straight.

You have a fake gun

you wear fake police gear that says SWAT on it

you run around a facility shooting PEWPEW at other people who are like dressed, who pretend to die when they get hit to suddenly be reborn somewhere else in the facility to re-enter the engagement.

and you won't wear a helmet because you think it will make you look like a kid playing dress up?


I play so I don't sit on my ass in front of the tv or computer when I can be enjoying nice weather and better health by running around shooting my friends for laughs.

I have a team, but we're all like minded individuals who like to run around shooting friends for laughs. At times we DO practice drills to be able to more effectively shoot members of the other team for laughs.
Considering I'm a constable for peel region police, it's not really dress up for me.
I would be embarsed if anyone I knew or if even my own parents saw me dressed up with extra fake gear, I.e. helmet, blood type patches , dog tags, fake plastic drop night vishion monocular, military/swat zip tie hand restraints, even talking like there is a Charlie at you're 6, there flanking us go for broke I repeat go for broke.
You could have simply said one guy behind us. Or there flanking us do you're best.
I don't look at people different or judge, I simply won't do it and I'm a constable graduating soon.
I carry what I need, and use, I have a dummy knife, my first 2 games I had over 3 kills with it already and I still believe its a little silly.
This is my own opinion about myself, again I'm not bashing anyone's ways or style or even judging them.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 17:45   #19
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I'm not bashing you, I just wanted to see your logic on what defines the line of airsoft being a fun/light hearted activity and something childish. Your reasoning seemed to contradict itself.

I personally think this entire thing is just letting our inner child out and being young and stupid again in a controlled manner, it's all about being a kid and having fun.

If people need to wear 100 morale patches and blood type patches and 'oorah' 'yes sir, no sir' to have fun while they're doing it, I'm not going to disagree with what their image of fun is, as long as they don't require me to play along in those aspects :P Most of the guys I played with don't really use the lingo or the ceremony unless of course, they're serving members of military and that's just their habits.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 17:58   #20
LOVES helmets!

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Also I just started airsoft, mabe I just need some getting used to. The helmet on the other hand.... Never.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 18:18   #21
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I probably will get a helmet at some point. It's a personal protection for me. Then again, I am used to wearing helmet as I also have an addiction with 2 wheeled machines.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 18:20   #22
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You can give a ball to a child and it will be just a child fooling around with that ball. You give a ball to David Beckam or Zidane and make it the most watched game/sport on the planet with serious technics and hard work. Both of these people will have a ton a fun.

I take Airsoft seriously as a milsim player and drills are part of the game to improve my team skills like soccer players work on their technic to win a game.

It's just a different mentality. You will have casual sportive people and serious sportive people.
I have been like this in all the sports I do and I did, and I love it.
If you find them too serious, you didn't pick the right game or the right team for you...
We will find a way.

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Old February 1st, 2013, 18:25   #23
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Originally Posted by Heerven View Post
You can give a ball to a child and it will be just a child fooling around with that ball. You give a ball to David Beckam or Zidane and make it the most watched game/sport on the planet with serious technics and hard work. Both of these people will have a ton a fun.

I take Airsoft seriously as a milsim player and drills are part of the game to improve my team skills like soccer players work on their technic to win a game.

It's just a different mentality. You will have casual sportive people and serious sportive people.
I have been like this in all the sports I do and I did, and I love it.
If you find them too serious, you didn't pick the right game or the right team for you...
+1 on that.

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Old February 1st, 2013, 18:35   #24
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I'm just going to pop in here and mention different strokes for different folks. I know a CANSOF guy that thinks airsoft guns are cool but dressing up and playing in the woods is retarded. In the same conversation, his peers thought it sounded awesome.
It's all good, and I think the people here are in violent agreement (that's a DND term, you can use it in milsim :P)
Views are my own.

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Old February 1st, 2013, 19:26   #25
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Originally Posted by Heerven View Post
You can give a ball to a child and it will be just a child fooling around with that ball. You give a ball to David Beckam or Zidane and make it the most watched game/sport on the planet with serious technics and hard work. Both of these people will have a ton a fun.

I take Airsoft seriously as a milsim player and drills are part of the game to improve my team skills like soccer players work on their technic to win a game.

It's just a different mentality. You will have casual sportive people and serious sportive people.
I have been like this in all the sports I do and I did, and I love it.
If you find them too serious, you didn't pick the right game or the right team for you...

Nothing against you but the funniest thing is when guys/teams take airsoft so serious, doing drills and training then get completely worked by a few guys just having fun for the weekend
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Old February 1st, 2013, 20:04   #26
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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Originally Posted by TaroBear View Post
I think some people here take it very (too) seriously. For some people, it's training for their real-life employment. For people like me, it's about as serious as reading a book or playing a video game: entertainment. It's the adult version of playing with water guns.
I'm a very competitive player, but I play airsoft, not make-believe army. It's important to make that distinction.
Yes it can be a casual, for-fun, videogame like sport.
But it can also be a competition sport. We train and we want to be the best at airsoft

It's important to be aware of both kinds of players, and to respect how they play the game.
We can all get a long as a community, but we don't necessarily all have to play together.
Anyway there seems to be a place for everyone these days
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Old February 1st, 2013, 20:23   #27
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Originally Posted by forsberg2110 View Post
Nothing against you but the funniest thing is when guys/teams take airsoft so serious, doing drills and training then get completely worked by a few guys just having fun for the weekend
Not sure whether I want to take things too seriously as it will take all the fun out of it.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 22:19   #28
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
The first time you slip on a water slick floor and crack your noggin, you may change your mind.

helmets are actually a key piece of gear.
99% of the people out there are buying cheap Chinese repros. With that in mind, I very much doubt they provide any serious protection from much more than the .2-.4gram rounds tossed at them or some thin brush outdoors.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 22:35   #29
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I'm so serious about airsoft, I shit BB's.

but honestly, there are different levels of players just like in everything.
from the weekend warriors, to milsim players, to collectors, to reenactors(though I think thats a whole different category).

I play on the weekends with a group who just wanna have fun.
but by the same token a milsim game comes up and we'll jump into it full kit and all.

I have a helmet. Have I worn it? once or twice. Most guys who have helmets I noticed have NVG's mounted to them or cameras. In certain areas I can understand the importance of them like face protection.
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Old February 1st, 2013, 22:42   #30
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by unknownvariable View Post
99% of the people out there are buying cheap Chinese repros. With that in mind, I very much doubt they provide any serious protection from much more than the .2-.4gram rounds tossed at them or some thin brush outdoors.
well if you are buying a helmet as part of a costume.. then yes I agree.

I wear a real( non ballistic) helmet to protect my noggin from falls and bumps. I can't afford to have another concussion, I've had too many.
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