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boogiebot February 1st, 2013 15:26

how serious?
I am totally new to airsoft. as some of you may know I just recently purchased my first gun and some gear. a few of my friends and myself decided to give this a try. it looks like a fun weekend thing to do and gives a bit of a break from family and kids.

As I dig deeper into the sport I am starting to realize that some people take this pretty serious. From what kind of gear to wear (is this what a specific force would wear), to running drills with their teams. Since I have not had a chance to really play or be involved with the sport for long I really could not tell you what kind of player I will end up being. My gut tells me that it will be more of a fun thing to just get out and blow some steam.

I am curious to hear from you guys how you play and how serious you take it.

TaroBear February 1st, 2013 15:30

I think some people here take it very (too) seriously. For some people, it's training for their real-life employment. For people like me, it's about as serious as reading a book or playing a video game: entertainment. It's the adult version of playing with water guns.

boogiebot February 1st, 2013 15:31


Originally Posted by TaroBear (Post 1754884)
I think some people here take it very (too) seriously. For some people, it's training for their real-life employment. For people like me, it's about as serious as reading a book or playing a video game: entertainment. It's the adult version of playing with water guns.

I can definitely see the appeal to the game. It really is a live first person shooter.

NANA February 1st, 2013 15:40

For lots of us it is as close as we will ever get or want to get for that matter to real combat. Plus you get the chance to shoot your buddies.

It is as serious as you make it. When I am in game I try to act as one would in a real situation. Or at least how I feel they would act. But at the end of the day it is just a fun game, fantastic stress relief, great excercise and an over all good time.

TurlteRaph February 1st, 2013 15:40

Being a newie with guns and gears, I have yet to check out/involve with a game yet. I want to do it for fun and not get too serious about it. I have so much things going on and I need to have an activity for relaxation. Some people take up golf, but I rather doing something that is more exciting.

In fact, I so not want to be overly serious about it. I just want to play.

QUATTROISKING February 1st, 2013 15:40

Not to hate on anyone, this is my personal opinion. I have a full swat loadout, but I will never! Ever wear or buy a Tac helmet, I would feel like a child dressing up.
But don't mind other people wearing them. I'm one of those people that always feels like everyone is always looking at me and judging me. But to each there own.

Thenooblord February 1st, 2013 15:48

it really depends what kind of games you plan to play, if you go to milsims, then yes, most people will take it pretty seriously, if you go to CQBs and skirmishes, its less serious and generally more people messing around for fun,

Nickaayyy February 1st, 2013 15:53

I started airsoft for the realism and I like to play realistic as possible. But I'm here for fun mainly and even in my death I want to make it fun (love to simulate a wound or an execution from a knife, etc.)

For my equipment im like QUATTROISKING, building a full multicam equipment like the army use except for the helmet. Fell like it's too big for my head and I look idiot, so I just wear a bandana.

Brian McIlmoyle February 1st, 2013 16:06


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1754894)
Not to hate on anyone, this is my personal opinion. I have a full swat loadout, but I will never! Ever wear or buy a Tac helmet, I would feel like a child dressing up.
But don't mind other people wearing them. I'm one of those people that always feels like everyone is always looking at me and judging me. But to each there own.

The first time you slip on a water slick floor and crack your noggin, you may change your mind.

helmets are actually a key piece of gear.

Hectic February 1st, 2013 16:09

If you go out to your average skirmish game on fhe weekend you will find it is a prety relaxed environment for the most part.
Yes you will get some of the mord "hardcore" milsim types at those games but noone is really gonna judge you on your gead or gun choice and you will find that airsofters are for thd most part friendly helpfull and tolerant of people. Just not those who are unsafe.
Lotta guys just wear jeans and such the "contractor" look if you will. Others will wear full matching camo and vest and apropriate gun to try for a certian impression say navy seals as an example. Then u got yer ww2 guys and such. At a 24 hour milsim type game there most likely will be a chain of command so u will have to listen and follow orders to some extent and probably wear a certian camo for the team u are on but still at the end of the day 90% of airsofters are just there to have fun just like u and swap "war stories" once its all done so dont sweat it too much just get out and play and have fun and youll do just fine

ShelledPants February 1st, 2013 16:09


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1754894)
Not to hate on anyone, this is my personal opinion. I have a full swat loadout, but I will never! Ever wear or buy a Tac helmet, I would feel like a child dressing up.
But don't mind other people wearing them. I'm one of those people that always feels like everyone is always looking at me and judging me. But to each there own.

To chime in with Brian above.

I have hit my head way more often than I should probably admit... I only started wearing a helmet last year and while I only wear one in the woods if I've got NODs on, I will always wear one in urban or CQB environment, as I have slipped and hit and fallen on and pushed, and pulled around and hit my head in numerous ways... Over the last year with the helmet... it makes it hurt a lot less.

lurkingknight February 1st, 2013 16:12


Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING (Post 1754894)
Not to hate on anyone, this is my personal opinion. I have a full swat loadout, but I will never! Ever wear or buy a Tac helmet, I would feel like a child dressing up.
But don't mind other people wearing them. I'm one of those people that always feels like everyone is always looking at me and judging me. But to each there own.

let me get this straight.

You have a fake gun

you wear fake police gear that says SWAT on it

you run around a facility shooting PEWPEW at other people who are like dressed, who pretend to die when they get hit to suddenly be reborn somewhere else in the facility to re-enter the engagement.

and you won't wear a helmet because you think it will make you look like a kid playing dress up?


I play so I don't sit on my ass in front of the tv or computer when I can be enjoying nice weather and better health by running around shooting my friends for laughs.

I have a team, but we're all like minded individuals who like to run around shooting friends for laughs. At times we DO practice drills to be able to more effectively shoot members of the other team for laughs.

TurlteRaph February 1st, 2013 16:13


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1754917)
Lotta guys just wear jeans and such the "contractor" look if you will. Others will wear full matching camo and vest and apropriate gun to try for a certian impression say navy seals as an example.

I most likely will be wearing jeans for my first game, because I am having a hard time finding pants that fit.

Hectic February 1st, 2013 16:28


Originally Posted by TurlteRaph (Post 1754921)
I most likely will be wearing jeans for my first game, because I am having a hard time finding pants that fit.

Wear some old jeans or cargo pants good boots some knee pads and a khaki black white or green coloured shirt run an m4 or an ak and you will look just like a military contractor in afghanistan
Yer average pmc guys. Prolly the easyest kit to build cause we all have most of it at home alrdy.
If yoi have a badass beard and stache yer alrdy one up on alot of guys lol

Stealth February 1st, 2013 16:32

I've been working on my operator beard.

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