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Old September 26th, 2012, 17:33   #16
Join Date: Aug 2012
i'm sixteen, I bought a sniper because i wanted to start off airsoft sniping and now i find out that i can't even go anywhere or to any ops because every op basically is 18 older. its so disappointing because I basically got screwed over because they probs have alcohol at the ops. really i think it should be all ages and just cut out the alcohol, like really if its because of maturity then the 18+ players should get the fields to allow at least 16 and up because really if you have a legitimate airsoft gun that's high powered then you're mature enough to play a milsim op or atleast give a waver to the 16-18.
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Old September 26th, 2012, 17:38   #17
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Originally Posted by thatgingerkid View Post
i'm sixteen, I bought a sniper because i wanted to start off airsoft sniping and now i find out that i can't even go anywhere or to any ops because every op basically is 18 older. its so disappointing because I basically got screwed over because they probs have alcohol at the ops. really i think it should be all ages and just cut out the alcohol, like really if its because of maturity then the 18+ players should get the fields to allow at least 16 and up because really if you have a legitimate airsoft gun that's high powered then you're mature enough to play a milsim op or atleast give a waver to the 16-18.
Firstly, the drinking age in Ontario is 19.

Secondly, any game which has booze sanctioned during the event will wave at it's insurance from the moving car of lawsuits about to drive it into the wall of reality.

The 18+ thing, is about the player being responsible for their actions as adults.

I have shot with kids (hell, I led a bunch of them into battle Kony style at the LZ), and it's not a matter of maturity, it's a matter of liability. If the host wants to take on the added stress of dealing with legal liability of minors, then good for them.

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Old September 26th, 2012, 17:48   #18
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I know one thing....y'all got a bunch of whiny underage codsofters in Ontario with a big case of entitlement....glad I live on the east coast where the people around here understand and accept the 18+ restrictions
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Old September 26th, 2012, 18:24   #19
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Originally Posted by thatgingerkid View Post
i'm sixteen, I bought a sniper because i wanted to start off airsoft sniping and now i find out that i can't even go anywhere or to any ops because every op basically is 18 older.
So basically what you are saying, is that you or your parents went out and bought you an airsoft rifle without doing any research on the player base requirements beforehand, and you are now bitching at us for that?

Originally Posted by thatgingerkid View Post
its so disappointing because I basically got screwed over because they probs have alcohol at the ops. really i think it should be all ages and just cut out the alcohol, like really if its because of maturity then the 18+ players should get the fields to allow at least 16 and up because really if you have a legitimate airsoft gun that's high powered then you're mature enough to play a milsim op or atleast give a waver to the 16-18.
Yeah, everyone is getting drunk off their faces at Ops, and don't want to share with the kiddies. Like that is anything approaching a logical argument.

It's about liability and responsibility. At your age, you have none legally, so unless you find a venue willing to take on the extra liability related to your under-aged arse in the form of a Waiver or guardian playing alongside of you, you are shit out of luck until you are 18.

Ownership of a "powerful airsoft rifle" at your age doesn't make you mature, it makes you a potential menace not to be trusted until you prove otherwise - Especially with that self-entitled attitude that you are displaying with this post.

Life ain't fair buddy. Should have already learned that lesson before buying toys primarily meant to be in the hands of adults. Suck it up, buttercup.

Last edited by HackD; September 27th, 2012 at 10:39..
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Old September 26th, 2012, 19:13   #20
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by thatgingerkid View Post
i'm sixteen, I bought a sniper because i wanted to start off airsoft sniping and now i find out that i can't even go anywhere or to any ops because every op basically is 18 older. its so disappointing because I basically got screwed over because they probs have alcohol at the ops. really i think it should be all ages and just cut out the alcohol, like really if its because of maturity then the 18+ players should get the fields to allow at least 16 and up because really if you have a legitimate airsoft gun that's high powered then you're mature enough to play a milsim op or atleast give a waver to the 16-18.
Actually we heard about you.. And quickly changed the rules to keep you out.

Before you showed up we used to play with toddlers.

Way to go... Ruining it for all the other kids.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old September 27th, 2012, 06:37   #21
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Originally Posted by thatgingerkid View Post
i'm sixteen, I bought a sniper because i wanted to start off airsoft sniping and now i find out that i can't even go anywhere or to any ops because every op basically is 18 older. its so disappointing because I basically got screwed over because they probs have alcohol at the ops. really i think it should be all ages and just cut out the alcohol, like really if its because of maturity then the 18+ players should get the fields to allow at least 16 and up because really if you have a legitimate airsoft gun that's high powered then you're mature enough to play a milsim op or atleast give a waver to the 16-18.
You do know that there is no such thing as quick-scoping,and kill streak rewards in the real world right?. Starting off in airsoft with a "SNIPER RIFLE" is like getting your beginers and starting to drive a tractor-trailer. And if all the players that are over the age of 19 and whom have spent thousands of dollars on their equipment want to have a beer after a 24 milsim,then they're going to do it,regardless of what you say or feel. The sooner you realize you can't change this...the sooner you'll accept it,and I hope you accept it before you shoot down your chances of playing when you turn 18.......the player base up there will remember you if you keep whining...get that part right.
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Old September 27th, 2012, 07:24   #22
ceazer's Avatar
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[QUOTE=thatgingerkid;1707524]i'm sixteen, I bought a sniper because i wanted to.......
play call of duty??? LESSON OF THE DAY KIDS!!!

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Old September 27th, 2012, 23:39   #23
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by thatgingerkid View Post
i'm sixteen, I bought a sniper because i wanted to start off airsoft sniping and now i find out that i can't even go anywhere or to any ops because every op basically is 18 older. its so disappointing because I basically got screwed over because they probs have alcohol at the ops. really i think it should be all ages and just cut out the alcohol, like really if its because of maturity then the 18+ players should get the fields to allow at least 16 and up because really if you have a legitimate airsoft gun that's high powered then you're mature enough to play a milsim op or atleast give a waver to the 16-18.
You are the reason people don't want to play with younguns and you give them all a bad name by writing mambi-pambi boo-hoo like this. My brother is 14 and will be playing his first airsoft game within the next month because he is buying an M4 with his own money that he's been saving (mom ain't paying), and only because the kid has shot before, knows how to handle a weapon, and plays paintball, a lot, so knows the fundamentals and actually has a code of honor. My brother just turned 14 on Tuesday and he has more sense than you. There aren't enough facepalms in the world to cover what you have written here. Go sell your gun to someone who will use it properly before you hurt someone else, or yourself. Saying that because you have a high powered sniper rifle makes you mature enough to play airsoft is like saying because you have a dick it means you're mature enough to fuck. You go off doing that, you'll hit someone in the eye, and both parties end up disappointed. Dunce.
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Last edited by Zack The Ripper; September 27th, 2012 at 23:45..
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Old September 28th, 2012, 13:38   #24
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Since this thread is in the totally wrong area, has been necro'd by minors more than once who just cannot be bothered. I am going to lock the damn thing...If anyone else in the staff want to re open the damn thing that is there call.

Things to take away from this thread;

1. Fill out your profile accurately.

2. Follow links when they are provided to you. To be nice here is the link again

3. Complain to your friends about how unfair life is. The rest of us have already figured it out on our own.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.

Last edited by Zeonprime; September 28th, 2012 at 13:41..
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