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PatrickM August 18th, 2008 23:53

Airsoft Fields in Ontario
Sorry if this is the wrong section and anything else I do wrong while posting this. And yes, I did try searching fields up around Toronto and didn't find anything. Sorry, I'm too lazy to do some extreme searching. Are there any Air soft fields within an hour or two from Toronto? I'm not 18 but when i went paint balling you could just get a waver and that was good enough. I wanted to try Air soft out before I spend hundreds on a gun without trying to the sport and giving you guys a bad name. Thanks in advance.


S.H.I.E.L.D. August 18th, 2008 23:54


That's to sum up what's heading your way right shortly.

Bowers August 18th, 2008 23:55

game and events section (from here pick your region to find a game in your area)

PatrickM August 18th, 2008 23:56

Thanks for that, must of overlooked that.

Tech August 18th, 2008 23:59

How old are you anyways?

PatrickM August 19th, 2008 00:01

I'm 15 atm. Yeah, my DOB is set as 1990 because that is what I always put it as.

Tech August 19th, 2008 00:05

Your going to have to wait till your 18 to be allowed at almost any airsoft game, although some places do allow 16 year old's to play with a waiver signed by their parents. Until then your just going to have to wait.

skalnok August 19th, 2008 00:23

not with a waiver signed they wont let you play, you have to have your parent on the field with you at 16 and thats "if" they actually let you play, seeing as most games are strictly 18+

Disco_Dante August 19th, 2008 13:20

Whether or not the field lets you play at 16 is irrelevant most of the time. It's the game host that decides the age limit, and in Ontario that age limit is almost universally 18+.

At 15 you aren't supposed to have an airsoft replica anyways, but you can always get a loaner once your older.

Brian McIlmoyle August 19th, 2008 13:42

So... chronically lazy underage'll go far

Crunchmeister August 19th, 2008 13:59

+1 to Brian. You're underage and lying about your age in your profile. That won't fly very well around here. Nice start with shooting yourself in the foot.

Stick with paintball.

hatednproud April 2nd, 2010 03:40

Does anyone know where there is a field close to Pickering?

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw April 2nd, 2010 07:55

The link to the Ontario games and events section is posted in this thread, which you have necroed needlessly.

Lotech September 19th, 2011 16:16

You are posting a question about radio's in an Airsoft Fields in Ontario thread?
If you don't have a radio you can still play Airsoft. Many players use a FRS radio you can purchase at Canadian Tire, Walmart and so on....


Originally Posted by Jsquared (Post 1534557)
Hi all, just a quick question here about the mandatory radio's.

1. If we do not have a radio, will one be provided.
2. If not, what type of radio is reasonably priced and would work for this?

VpBubbies April 21st, 2012 11:23

are there any airsoft fields close to Toronto/GTA? Looking for realistic conditions, not so much looking for playing in an old K-Mart store with office partitions, hay bails and 50Gal drums.?? Ive heard of this place that is all out of doors, (woods), has underground bunkers to sleep in for the weekend, apparently has old structures in the woods, IE: buildings, fox holes, old busses, even old/crashed air planes and such, has anybody heard of this or know where its at??

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