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Beware of manchovie!!!



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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:31   #136
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Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
How can anyone actually defend this asshole gundoc?

I really don't care if he is your friend or if he's been a long time member here, he acted like it wasn't his problem BUT when he took this job, he made it his problem. He had their guns for weeks at a time without responding to any messages and had to be 'bothered' by the client for his services? The way I see it he is just taking advantage of people who don't know any better, the exact same way someone took advantage of me when I bought a used gun in Ottawa, tossing shit parts in there and telling me to go to a gundoc to fix them when the crappy parts failed...

Now that I actually know how to fix up guns myself I would never trust you 'gundocs' who are just looking to make a buck off people, instead of actually fixing up a gun & helping out a fellow player. With a gun taking an evening to take apart and swap brand new parts into, I see NO reason why he couldn't do this in a week, as I think he is no likely undertaking 50 guns before Christmas.
Buddy You need to see and understand the whole thing before you open up a can of worms and if we want to take advantages of new players I'll charge a buttload of money whenever i loan my shit out to nubs like you who can't comprehend the basics of how an AEG works, there are guys that have posted on this thread that have gave their shit out no questioned asked or drop their playing time to fix a fellow airsofter gun without any compensation and sometimes not even so much of a thank you, Who the hell are you to judge this gun doc? or any other people in this thread? Fuckin Nubtards like you that have a year under their belt n this hobby with the know it all attitude needs to understand the basics, shut up and listen before they open up on matters that they don't understand or have knowledge on.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:32   #137
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Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
You can make all the excuses you want for him, but the fact remains, he took over 2 months to do this, and for that I pass judgment on him. I see no justification for it taking that long. No part order takes that long, even from HK, just got a piston from there in 9 days... There is no way he didn't have a free weekend or weekday evening to get these 2 guns done.
obviously you are one of the ones that lives on airsoft. people have lives and families if you think your gun is more important then their family you are sadly mistaken, 9 days for your piston thats over a week what if the desired part was not in stock it would take probably another week for it to come in so 2 weeks to order one part, and if he didnt know he needed a part it would have to be ordered first so it could take up to 2.5 weeks for 1 part

if you would give up your weekend to fix a gun good for you
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:34   #138
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Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
How can anyone actually defend this asshole gundoc?

I really don't care if he is your friend or if he's been a long time member here, he acted like it wasn't his problem BUT when he took this job, he made it his problem. He had their guns for weeks at a time without responding to any messages and had to be 'bothered' by the client for his services? The way I see it he is just taking advantage of people who don't know any better, the exact same way someone took advantage of me when I bought a used gun in Ottawa, tossing shit parts in there and telling me to go to a gundoc to fix them when the crappy parts failed...

Now that I actually know how to fix up guns myself I would never trust you 'gundocs' who are just looking to make a buck off people, instead of actually fixing up a gun & helping out a fellow player. With a gun taking an evening to take apart and swap brand new parts into, I see NO reason why he couldn't do this in a week, as I think he is no likely undertaking 50 guns before Christmas.
really? have you even read the OPs post and all the responses?

the OP knew it would take 2+ months, why else would he tell the gun doc about his vacation when he gave them his guns. texting some one saying "haven't heard anything in 2 weeks any update" when you know he hasn't even looked at it is a dick move.

if you have the skills to do it yourself, awesome, but don't bitch about the way gun docs do work. you may have one gun to work on and you are willing to sit down and burn threw it in an evening, but a gun doc can have more than 10 guns at a time, and still have a life to live.

are you implying gun docs should sacrifice their time and not charge people for it? saying they are trying to just make a quick buck is retarded, because 1) they sacrifice their free time, time they could use to enjoy life, to help others who can't/wont work on their own guns
2) there is nothing quick about working on guns

most reputable gun docs are players first and do gun work on the side, they will put down their gun in a game to get yours up, so the game can go on.

its people like the OP and you who come at it with the wrong attitude, that make gun docs want to get out of that line of work.
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:39   #139
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Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
You can make all the excuses you want for him, but the fact remains, he took over 2 months to do this, and for that I pass judgment on him. I see no justification for it taking that long. No part order takes that long, even from HK, just got a piston from there in 9 days... There is no way he didn't have a free weekend or weekday evening to get these 2 guns done.
Unlike you most of us do have Jobs and lives other than Airsoft, in fact the gundoc in question Bartek do have three jobs. parts can come in less than a week, during Christmas time my order from Polar star (in the U.S) took over three weeks to arrive explain that Genius? Fair warning unless you know the whole situation BACK OFF!
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:46   #140
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Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
You can make all the excuses you want for him, but the fact remains, he took over 2 months to do this, and for that I pass judgment on him. I see no justification for it taking that long. No part order takes that long, even from HK, just got a piston from there in 9 days... There is no way he didn't have a free weekend or weekday evening to get these 2 guns done.
If someone wanted me to do something for parctically nothing, complain and harass me the entire time, then have other people try to bully me into paying back money rightfully earned, for a headache no one should have to endure, I would most certainly fix a gun for someone like Bdot, or yourself.

Do you have any concept of the idea of why gundocs exist? because they are the best at what they do. The argument you suggest is that helicopter pilots are ripoff artists, because anyone can do what they do, and they could do it better, for free.

Some fucking people.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:53   #141
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Originally Posted by Ozone06 View Post
Loblaws black lable has bacon marmalade
That stuff is crap compared to wildcard's bacon jam. I've tried both. Wildcard's bacon jam, hand's down.

Last edited by ILLusion; January 4th, 2012 at 15:04..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:57   #142
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
That stuff is crap compared to wildcard's bacon jam. I've tried both. Wildcard's bacon jam, hand's down.
OK but what about us normies that don't have the option of eating Wildcard's goodies?

If you had never had Wildcard's jam would you recommend it?
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old January 4th, 2012, 15:03   #143
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
OK but what about us normies that don't have the option of eating Wildcard's goodies?

If you had never had Wildcard's jam would you recommend it?
Sure. Just because it's bacon.

It will do in a pinch.

It's like... if I absolutely HAD to play airsoft, and I couldn't get my hands on a premium gun, I'd settle with a crappy China made clearsoft gun, just so I could sling some BBs downrange. But the difference between Wildcard's Bacon Jam vs President's Choice Bacon Marmalade, is literally like a fully macked out PTW vs a McDonald's straw.

Anyways, this thread has started to expire. manchovie or OP, if you want to post something in here, report the thread or PM one of the mods/admin, and we'll unlock it for you to post.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 12:25   #144
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bdot feels he has some important input for this thread, so I've unlocked it for now.

If I see it degrade again, I WILL lock it until either the OP or Bartek wish to say something.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 15:36   #145
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Guys like the OP are the reason I stopped doing guitar tech work and why I will NEVER do gun doc work even though I'm more than capable of it when it comes to AEGs. There isn't enough money in the world to make that kind of trouble worth it.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 17:08   #146
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next derail post gets 1 day ban for every letter in his post

go ahead, test me
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 17:09   #147
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This thread was a very interesting read, all i could do is feel bad for the poor gun tech who seemingly had 2 customers who, i guess assumed this was his life and full time job and felt that they were entitled to the fast service they are accustomed to. So funny how some of us forget that, i can see this being annoying for retailers and age verifiers as well.

We all have lives, jobs, family and doing things on the side although make seem like a favor for someone may not to others...patience is a virtue. If you don't give someone a deadline upon surrendering your goods for repair then dont call back later and say "yah this needs to be done by this time" lesson learned to the op hopefully.
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 17:57   #148
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Drake, it looks like the op has nothing new to add....throw'er in to lockdown
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 21:23   #149
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Not according to the PM he'd sent to me, bitching and moaning about why I locked his thread while he was on his forced "time out" from the forum...

He'd also accused me of banning him (I didn't), and went on a rant about how the forum supports bad business by not taking care of his problem. Actually, we *don't* support bad business, which is why he's getting the treatment he got. As a bad customer, HE IS the bad business. This thread, and his PM to me were proof of his personality type. I sure as hell wouldn't ever do business with him.

Last edited by ILLusion; February 3rd, 2012 at 21:25..
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Old February 3rd, 2012, 21:29   #150
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unless the OP has some rediculus new evidence or better yet, an apology, this thread should actually be deleted or moved deep deep into the pit, not just locked. as much as I am sure a reputable gun doc loves to have a thread with his name being smeared by a child in the general section of the forum, i think we have more than proved that manchovie has not done anything wrong. We should take this down so we don't discourage new members from using him as a gun doc (although after this i wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't take any new peoples guns)
Originally Posted by White_knight View Post
Wildcard his gun is better than all of yours, he has magpul stuff on it, all the magpuls you can dream of. He has all of them. On his gun. I wish I had magpuls
Originally Posted by Curo View Post
Look at all the fucks no one gives Miles, look at them. There is a lot of fucks not being given.

Last edited by theshaneler; February 3rd, 2012 at 21:33..
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