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Old January 4th, 2012, 11:33   #121
Suburban Gun Runner
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Originally Posted by AngelusNex View Post
This is how my mother has cooked turkey ever since I can remember.
My mother uses salt pork instead of bacon. Its thicker so it doesnt burn and is oh so good.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old January 4th, 2012, 11:51   #122
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Originally Posted by Freeze View Post
"Patience is a virtue"

When my gun broke down, I first TRIED to fix it myself. After a month of no success, I spent another 2 weeks putting it back together, then took it to a gun doc. The gun doc spent about a month or so before I could get it back. Cost: $50 + $18 for some parts and stuff.

Total elapsed time without working gun: 2 and a half months.

Geez, calm down, there are some really tricky problems sometimes, but all it takes is time.
In fact, the guy I went to told me "call back in 2 weeks", I did, there was some complication, so I called back again in another 2 weeks. Guess what, it was finished and fired right and everything. Tested it on site and left, no problems.

Reading through this whole thread, I think that you, Bdot should have been less impatient and smarter. As in, TEST IT ON SITE TO MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO PROBLEMS. On the other hand, I don't understand why a reputed gun doc would give you back a broken gun.
Airsoft guns are toys. Expensive, complicated and sometimes delicate toys.

They are made up of a bunch of small parts (metal and plastic) that are moving about at high speed under significant loads. Very few but the highest end parts are structurally sound. Many parts look the part, but are not made with durability in mind.

So...the base fact remains that they can (and often do) break suddenly...and if they don't break down completely, they will wear out eventually.

There are a number of ways to "hedge" your bets on wear and tear...and setting up a gun to last as long as possible. But again...due to the parts and materials used, they may just simply fail with the next trigger pull.

I agree 100% that when you pickup your gun from your gun doc that YOU should satisfy yourself 100% with all aspects of your gun. Fit/function/etc...

When you leave with your's yours 100%...with the good and the bad. Anything less is he-said-she-said.

When dealing with a gun doc you're buying:
1. Their sum total of knowledge
2. Their access to parts
3. Their best efforts

If you insist of substandard parts, rushed timeframes, and not testing it yourself when "it's all done"...then YOU fail on ensuring that the best job can be done in the first place.

I've got a guy on his way to drop off his gun right now. He wants it working for this Friday/Saturday's games. I have no idea what's wrong with his gun...what it will take to get it working long it'll be. Haven't seen it. I'll explain these very things to him and if he can't deal with it, I'll show him the way out. It's truly not worth the couple of bucks for the potential headaches.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 12:15   #123
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
The best strategy when dealing with Gun docs is to take them the gun.. Tell them when you need it done, ask if that is reasonable .. and then forget about it until you are called and told it is done. The go pay the bill in cash, round up to the nearest $10 ..

and if it breaks again shortly thereafter.. repeat the process.. sometimes the gun Doc will give you a break on the second fix.. but it should not be expected.

I asked a gundoc for a repair and upgrade on my Scar... I asked him maybe 2-3 updates in a 3 months of him having possession of my toy.
Never rush somebody who is taking HIS time to fix YOUR shit period... just be happy he ever did it !
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Old January 4th, 2012, 12:24   #124
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Let's not neglect the heritage of the two AEGs in question.

Now a lot of this will be speculation but I'm a pretty good guesser at times.

First is the "custom built" Troy, Magpul etc. Who built it and why isn't he fixing it? Second is the TM MP5; usually as reliable as a Timex.

The guys with the AEGs weren't members on here so not from the classifieds. He says he works at McDonalds so he's probably not loaded. So these two are the typical craigslist shankers that have been used hard, put away wet and then dumped on the first unsuspecting & ignorant person to reply to the ad.

Contrast that with someone who signed up on here, took the time to be age verified (which is free, it just costs time) and then was able to buy here, either new or used. There are sales that go bad here but I think the quality of the product and the support of the community make that risk minimal.

So for anyone who's new and wondering if getting that AV tag under your user name is worth it you can be sure that it is.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 13:30   #125
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Originally Posted by theshaneler View Post
i have read threw this entire thread, and there is one really important thing that a lot of people have missed.

holy Jesus titty fucking Christ, there is such a thing as bacon jam!!!???!?!?!?!?!?!

wildcard... pics or it didn't happen... this may have just made my day... no! my month.... no! MY LIFE!!!!!!!!
Bacon Jam:

It's like spreadable gold. Or sex in your mouth.

Drake: I love that Trollcrusher 1-1 picture.
"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend: the city of the Men of Numenor, and I would have her loved for her memory, her ancientry, her beauty, and her present wisdom. Not feared, save as men may fear the dignity of a man, old and wise." - J.R.R. Tolkien
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Old January 4th, 2012, 13:39   #126
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Where does one get Bacon Jam?
Originally Posted by FirestormX View Post
I know that isn't really what you asked, but it's the internet, and I like to type things that don't matter.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 13:42   #127
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DIY i guess.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 13:48   #128
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How can anyone actually defend this asshole gundoc?

I really don't care if he is your friend or if he's been a long time member here, he acted like it wasn't his problem BUT when he took this job, he made it his problem. He had their guns for weeks at a time without responding to any messages and had to be 'bothered' by the client for his services? The way I see it he is just taking advantage of people who don't know any better, the exact same way someone took advantage of me when I bought a used gun in Ottawa, tossing shit parts in there and telling me to go to a gundoc to fix them when the crappy parts failed...

Now that I actually know how to fix up guns myself I would never trust you 'gundocs' who are just looking to make a buck off people, instead of actually fixing up a gun & helping out a fellow player. With a gun taking an evening to take apart and swap brand new parts into, I see NO reason why he couldn't do this in a week, as I think he is no likely undertaking 50 guns before Christmas.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 13:49   #129
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Loblaws black lable has bacon marmalade
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George Orwell
To those Rough men... Thank You.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 13:56   #130
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Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
How can anyone actually defend this asshole gundoc?

I really don't care if he is your friend or if he's been a long time member here, he acted like it wasn't his problem BUT when he took this job, he made it his problem. He had their guns for weeks at a time without responding to any messages and had to be 'bothered' by the client for his services? The way I see it he is just taking advantage of people who don't know any better, the exact same way someone took advantage of me when I bought a used gun in Ottawa, tossing shit parts in there and telling me to go to a gundoc to fix them when the crappy parts failed...

Now that I actually know how to fix up guns myself I would never trust you 'gundocs' who are just looking to make a buck off people, instead of actually fixing up a gun & helping out a fellow player. With a gun taking an evening to take apart and swap brand new parts into, I see NO reason why he couldn't do this in a week, as I think he is no likely undertaking 50 guns before Christmas.
Whoa, easy there cowboy.....
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:04   #131
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Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
as I think he is no likely undertaking 50 guns before Christmas.
Slow down broskie, don't want you getting too close to the angry mob, flame spreads fast.

This is a pretty accurate summery of the events above:


Ár skal r?*sa, sá er annars vill
fé eða fjör hafa. Sjaldan liggjandi úlfur
lær um getur né sofandi maður sigur.

Last edited by ShelledPants; January 4th, 2012 at 14:21..
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:07   #132
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Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
Now that I actually know how to fix up guns myself I would never trust you 'gundocs' who are just looking to make a buck off people
Which he was clearly doing, at something like $17 an hour.

Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
instead of actually fixing up a gun & helping out a fellow player.
Which it is clear he has a history of doing whenever he has the time

Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
With a gun taking an evening to take apart and swap brand new parts into,
Plus ordering parts in. Plus debugging the issue through trial and error.

Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
I see NO reason why he couldn't do this in a week, as I think he is no likely undertaking 50 guns before Christmas.
Because this is clearly his full time job and all his evenings are guaranteed to be free.

I will grant Bdot one thing. Gundocs should all have a disclaimer that says, "If you're paying me bottom dollar, do not expect your project to take over my life." One of the big issues at play here is unrealistic expectations.

"He resisted. I asked him to comply."
"Telling him to 'eat it, bitch' is not really a request."
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:15   #133
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Originally Posted by W@tchtower View Post
Now that I actually know how to fix up guns myself I would never trust you 'gundocs' who are just looking to make a buck off people, instead of actually fixing up a gun & helping out a fellow player. With a gun taking an evening to take apart and swap brand new parts into, I see NO reason why he couldn't do this in a week, as I think he is no likely undertaking 50 guns before Christmas.
i take it you would let a certified mechanic work on your car, if you dont use gundocs good for you, some of use like the quality of the work they do and its a load off of us they will fix our guns while we do something else, if you missed it before he most likely had to order the parts gun docs dont have a rack full of every part for every gun, and he does have a reason its a not a full time job he already has a full time job being a gun doc is not tax deductible so gun docs do it when they feel like it they have other priorities first: family, job, personal time, prior obligations, then comes fixing guns
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:22   #134
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You can make all the excuses you want for him, but the fact remains, he took over 2 months to do this, and for that I pass judgment on him. I see no justification for it taking that long. No part order takes that long, even from HK, just got a piston from there in 9 days... There is no way he didn't have a free weekend or weekday evening to get these 2 guns done.
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Old January 4th, 2012, 14:25   #135
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Originally Posted by logoris View Post
i take it you would let a certified mechanic work on your car, if you dont use gundocs good for you, some of use like the quality of the work they do and its a load off of us they will fix our guns while we do something else, if you missed it before he most likely had to order the parts gun docs dont have a rack full of every part for every gun, and he does have a reason its a not a full time job he already has a full time job being a gun doc is not tax deductible so gun docs do it when they feel like it they have other priorities first: family, job, personal time, prior obligations, then comes fixing guns
If you take your car to the dealership to get your car fixed I pity you for being caught in the same scamming bs that this gundoc is pulling, but on a much more grand scale. My entire point is that they don't do quality work & prey on the people who don't have the knowledge of gun repair. You think I've never ordered a gun part before? Takes 3 days TOPS for ASP to ship out to me and 2-3 weeks from HK for parts. Your last point is too much for me, his prior obligation is fixing the gun, when he took it in with the intention of fixing it for pay. If you run a business I will be sure to avoid it, judging by your poor approach to clientèle.
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