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What would you have between normal AEG vs PTW when you got money??


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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:25   #46
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
I know what 270 ft. are, and you're not gettin' that, even with a fully modded PTW, MATE.

Originally Posted by jameskersten View Post
I highly recommend this mod. I had it done and got a direct hit on someone at 85-90yards with zero lobbing, just a straight up point and shoot. This was while using the M130 cylinder and a .30 bb
From 2008. I as well as others have had similar results. It was one of the factors that played into a decision by one club to increase their sniper rifles' velocity to near 600fps.

It would appear that you are wrong. Now, if you won't listen to me or others and insist that what you know is right, there is really no point entertaining your foolishness.
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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:34   #47
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
From 2008. I as well as others have had similar results. It was one of the factors that played into a decision by one club to increase their sniper rifles' velocity to near 600fps.

It would appear that you are wrong. Now, if you won't listen to me or others and insist that what you know is right, there is really no point entertaining your foolishness.
Huh...I heard people say they were getting 70 yards on a stock CYMA AK, without any hop up. Did this guy measure the distance? Got any proof? Just one hit? A top of the line sniper gets a consistent grouping at 90 yards.
Bet you'd like that if you paid 2k for a gun. If you're saying some OOTB, piece of crap AEG is shooting (like the PTW) at 90 yards, well, it's you who doesn't know what they are talking about.
That gun is for people who are too scared to tinker with an AEG or GBB. And I tell ya, my WE SCAR GBB is a couple thousand times more realistic than some still, laser weapon from Star Wars.


Last edited by Fox62; November 14th, 2011 at 20:37..
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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:38   #48
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Wow are you ever off in your own little world.

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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:42   #49
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
Huh...I heard people say they were getting 70 yards on a stock CYMA AK, without any hop up. Did this guy measure the distance? Got any proof? Just one hit? A top of the line sniper gets a consistent grouping at 90 yards.
What, you want swron affidavits? You are rich.

Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
Bet you'd like that if you paid 2k for a gun. If you're saying some OOTB, piece of crap AEG is shooting (like the PTW) at 90 yards, well, it's you who doesn't know what they are talking about.
OK, I think you need to slow down and read.

Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
That gun is for people who are too scared to tinker with an AEG or GBB. And I tell ya, my WE SCAR GBB is a couple thousand more times than some still, laser weapon from Star Wars.

The PTW is a level beyond the AEG. Any dolt can fix an AEG. It takes experience and alot of luck to get a tuned AEG. You don't have to do a thing to a PTW except basic maintenance. And there are not alot of guys who understand the PTW, how it works, what it is capable of and how to fix them.

I'm glad you posted that. It shows you know nothing about the PTW and your opinion is worth about that much.

Haters gonna hate.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:44   #50
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Originally Posted by Fox62 View Post
I know what 270 ft. are, and you're not gettin' that, even with a fully modded PTW, MATE.

I can tell you for fact that they can and they do.

We played a game yesterday where the PTW users on the field were out ranging everyone else by a solid 75feet. Now. I was running with a guy who could hit a man sized target at 200 feet 10 shots out of 10 and he was getting out distanced a fuck load by these guys.

You should really be taking what mcguyver says about the PTW as gospel truth. He knows his shit about that platform far better than most people ever will.
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Old November 14th, 2011, 20:59   #51
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I think the best way to end this argument is to have a 20 PTW vs 20 tuned AEG contest. I'd put my money on the PTW team.

That said, I'd rather go for the normal AEG. It's easier for people like me who like having a variety of weapons on a student budget. And I get the joy of tweaking it myself. This is just personal preference. I'm not saying it's right or wrong.

Last edited by Jaelommiss; November 14th, 2011 at 21:30..
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Old November 14th, 2011, 21:43   #52
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I love these threads.
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Old November 14th, 2011, 21:47   #53
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*raises hand* ... I'll be Jameskersten's affidavit .. I've seen him stand beside another team mate with a wicked 200+ft sniper rifle.. taking pot shots at a target outside of his range... the target was doing a little jig and thumb to nosing them... only to have James shoulder his PTW and smack that target in the center of the chest....

how do I know this so well.... I WAS that target :P ... and I've been gaming with them for over a year at that point. I knew the range of the sniper rifle ... I was there and helped measure out the targetting he was using to set his hop and scope ... his highest repeatable shot was 210ft ... that day James shot me.. he easily smoked that by 40ft to where they were hitting the ground.

and I'll repeat again.. the PTW is a wicked platform... I just wish it wasn't a damned M4 .. LOL
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Old November 15th, 2011, 01:00   #54
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Alright everyone, I started this thread to see what people would like to have, I did not start this thread to make a war between AEG users vs PTW users.

So please stay on topic guys....

1. AEG? or PTW?
2. reason.

Thank you.

Last edited by ryan1796; November 15th, 2011 at 01:23..
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Old November 15th, 2011, 01:13   #55
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Reason: Shoots amazing well, quick and easy FPS swap, better airseal thus more consistency and the feel is as close to a real M4 then anything out there(when comparing AEG's and PTWs, forget the gas guns they are not included in this thread). With a little care/cleaning these last longer than any AEG ive seen. Only thing ive had to do was the 2 mods(hopup and motor) which in the long run really isnt a big deal. This "moisture" issue people complain about is more a myth in my opinion. Just need to take a few precautions when approaching wet gaming days and it will be fine.
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
You have a wife that admits defeat when you provide her with proof?

Congratulations; you have already won the contest!
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Old November 15th, 2011, 03:27   #56
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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As far as electronics, a PTW is about as reliable as any AEG with an SW-COMP in the rain.
My G&P 249 and M4 work 100% in HEAVY rain, whereas most people's SW-COMP AEG's fail miserably in just light rain.
As long as you're not dragging a PTW through the water or over-exposing it to the rain, it'll be fine.

And range is only minimally important to range and accuracy. You need the proper weight of ammo to fully take advantage of high FPS, I've made some pretty lengthy posts about it.
Fact is, the heaviest, while still being economical, BB on the market is the .30, and the maximum velocity you can accurately use a .3 at is about 440fps. Anything beyond that and you REALLY need a .34 or .36 to take advantage, otherwise you start LOSING accuracy.
I run my VSR-10 at about 430fps, and it's a freaking laser beam out to 240 feet, and can hit targets out at 300. Hell I've seen 330fps guns that were accurate out to 180 feet!
The two main deciding factors in range and accuracy are compression, and hopup. Get those two working 100% and you'll have superior range and accuracy from 300-480fps as long as you use the right weight of BB.

That being said, an AEG is specifically engineered to be fairly easy to produce. A PTW is specifically engineered to be a good shot.
And you CANNOT compare a PTW to a bolt action sniper rifle, or a GBBR, because they are TOTALLY different systems. It would be like comparing a 4 door sedan to a race car.

Last edited by ThunderCactus; November 15th, 2011 at 03:30..
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Old November 15th, 2011, 03:36   #57
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Holy crap, newton, einstein, magnus, prandtl, Euler... the whole bunch are rolling in their graves right now.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for a 400fps .2g bb (or whatever) to reach 90 yards with no lobbing, in level flight (unless in a vacuum, and in a vacuum with gravity, hopup doesn't work, so we need a gravity-less vacuum). You need to understand that either you are massively overhopping, lobbing, or totally measuring wrong. (I suppose shooting off a huge hill might work).

Now if I ignore the huge fallacy that was that statement, and just look at the ability to shoot 90 yards with a stock clone... with lobbing, and a crap ton of hopup (I really want to swear here, because a s... ton of hopup>crap ton) I can understand something like 1:300+ hit:miss ratio, but if you claiming that you/your friend could hit that consistently, then you really need to get your facts checked.

Oh, another assumption is 70 yards=210 feet, not 840 inches...

Last edited by krap101; November 15th, 2011 at 03:43..
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Old November 15th, 2011, 06:50   #58
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Still running the same old ak for the last 10 years. I can count the number of times it faild me on the fingers of 1 hand. 2 dead gearbox shell, 1 stripped piston and 1 worn out systema m120.... Not bat for a gun that has seen over 20 cases of excel bbs.... The total cost of the gun/upgrade parts and repaurs are still well under the price of a PTW. Unless you factor in the rpk conversion kit. And as far as performance you can ask any player of the pqac that face it just how efficient the damn thing is. To me a ptw is the easy/lasy way out of getting performance. But hey I enjoy taking other peoples parts and crap and making monsters out of them.

Yes the ptw is a well built gun that delivers but for me i dont see the point. Lately i bought/built 4 full metal fully upgraded m4 from spare parts fir under 600$ 1 dmr, 2 m4 and one cqbr so whats the point of paying 1500 for 1 gun. Will they perform on par with a ptw, of course not but to quote a good friend of mine after seeing his 4 year old virgin tm m4 clock in at 220 fps and offeriemg to upgrade and tune his gun he sais that there is no need to upgrade the gun just to upgrade the player... And anyone that remembers Spleen can attest to his level of play And if I realy need the as close as possiblr to the real thing then I'll open the vault and grab one of my 6 ar-15 that I've also built from spare parts atthe fraction of the cost of buying iff the shelf.

So for me a ptw while a nice aeg is not a viable option. But in all honesty will I eventualy buy one yeah probably but that's the gun whore in me speaking and not the airsoft player
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Last edited by vondnik; November 15th, 2011 at 07:50..
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Old November 15th, 2011, 15:03   #59
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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My G&P 249 has run for 4 years now. Prometheus internals, 1500rpm at 380fps.
Gone through 3 motors, and it's on it's second piston. The first piston was half-stripped due to operator error, I made a mistake programming the SW-COMP and it wrecked the piston lol
Also got a good one about a G&P M16, guy brought it to me to shim when it was new. He used it for a year, then sold it to a hard user. Went through about 130,000 rounds with him, then sold it to his buddy. His buddy ran it with a 9.6v large (1200rpm), and put about 200,000 rounds through it. Finally sent it to me for service.
3 years and 300,000 rounds later, this bone stock G&P still fucking worked, nothing was broken.

But that kind of thing only happens to 1 in 1000 AEGs lol
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Old November 15th, 2011, 15:52   #60
kyle milliken
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i'm, going with an AEG over the PTW. why? because i don't have the money not to do so im a student and money is tight. two i love auto and anything like it. last i don't have 2825 TO SPEND ON AN M4, A BATTERY, A NEW PART SO I CAN PLAY, AND FIVE MAGS. if you don't believe me go check out mach1airsoft they only have one systema ptw and its $2200.
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