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What would you have between normal AEG vs PTW when you got money??


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old November 13th, 2011, 21:52   #1
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What would you have between normal AEG vs PTW when you got money??

I've been playing airsoft about 5 years for now and I've tried many different types of brand and gun. But I still can't decide what should I keep. I have both AEG and PTW.

I just want to ask you guys what would you rather have between AEG vs PTW when you got enough money to upgrade/modify your gun? Also, the reason why.

*This thread is not about which is better and worse, it's about what would you have when you got money and why.*
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Old November 13th, 2011, 21:58   #2
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A PTW is in fact an AEG...If you have the money, you could always run a PTW and have a few extra uppers for different configurations if you want.
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Unstep your dick and stay in your lane. You are waaaaay out.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 22:00   #3
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I don't understand people's infatuation with PTWs, if money were of little consequence, I'd rather have a variety of guns over 1 uber gun. I'm a big fan of design, so I like looking at stuff, the more stuff I have to look at.

Also, if I were to trip and fall on the PTW I would cry and go home and cry some more. If I were to trip and fall on a lesser gun, I'd swear and be mad for a bit and then say meh, shit happens and pull out another gun from the car that I was able to afford cause I didn't buy a ptw. :P
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Old November 13th, 2011, 22:20   #4
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You are in Calgary. You should have a pretty good idea what a PTW will do and if you want one to stay in the game.

For myself it is something on the back burner still. That TM Recce rifle is a pretty neat package.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 22:21   #5
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For the money, I would buy lots and lots of rubber training knives, just fling them at people all day long.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 22:24   #6
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this forum needs a "like" button...

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Old November 13th, 2011, 22:25   #7
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
I don't understand people's infatuation with PTWs, if money were of little consequence, I'd rather have a variety of guns over 1 uber gun. I'm a big fan of design, so I like looking at stuff, the more stuff I have to look at.
Or, you could have 13 Honda Civics in various conditions sitting in a shop or 1 finely-tuned and running Ferarri.

Or, you could be like may folks and ditch the 13 cheaper guns, buy a PTW and be money way ahead. Or, you could just bring your AEG and the 3 required back-ups to every game.

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
Also, if I were to trip and fall on the PTW I would cry and go home and cry some more. If I were to trip and fall on a lesser gun, I'd swear and be mad for a bit and then say meh, shit happens and pull out another gun from the car that I was able to afford cause I didn't buy a ptw. :P
So, you would cuss if you broke a $1200 Classic Army but would be crying for a $1500 PTW? OK, roll with that if it helps you sleep better.

You can buy CNC'd lowers and real uppers for a PTW. If you manage to break those, you would also break a real AR. There is pretty much no solution for dumb or careless.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 22:26   #8
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Full steel Type 56 hard to brake that.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 22:38   #9
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Originally Posted by Kingsix View Post
Full steel Type 56 hard to brake that.
Ive been running mine for a year now and i love it but the plastic hop-up has been killing me. I really do not like it, it is very finiky and only likes to be in one spot.

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Old November 13th, 2011, 22:39   #10
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Or, you could have 13 Honda Civics in various conditions sitting in a shop or 1 finely-tuned and running Ferarri.

Or, you could be like may folks and ditch the 13 cheaper guns, buy a PTW and be money way ahead. Or, you could just bring your AEG and the 3 required back-ups to every game.

So, you would cuss if you broke a $1200 Classic Army but would be crying for a $1500 PTW? OK, roll with that if it helps you sleep better.

You can buy CNC'd lowers and real uppers for a PTW. If you manage to break those, you would also break a real AR. There is pretty much no solution for dumb or careless.
My CA cost me 700bucks after a minor upgrade. It was my main workhorse for about 2 years and it never broke down. A huge issue with PTWs is the mags, they cost a fortune. The PTW is an amazing platform and I believe it is worth the money but the fact that you have to keep them dry kinda sucks, I would be afraid to take one out in Vancouver. Also, PTWs only come in the AR variant I cant speak for everyone but I enjoy having different weapons and I can run what I want when I feel like it.

Bringing a few guns to a game is never a bad idea, even PTWs break down. Having a back up AEG is just as important as having backup batteries. Also what happens if a buddy has an AEG breakdown? BOOM you are there to help a bro out and lend him a gun. I also like having guns around that are "beaters" just guns that work and have been abused, I wouldnt feel bad mistreating it.

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Last edited by Specs; November 13th, 2011 at 22:46..
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Old November 13th, 2011, 22:42   #11
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Or, you could have 13 Honda Civics in various conditions sitting in a shop or 1 finely-tuned and running Ferarri.

Or, you could be like may folks and ditch the 13 cheaper guns, buy a PTW and be money way ahead. Or, you could just bring your AEG and the 3 required back-ups to every game.

So, you would cuss if you broke a $1200 Classic Army but would be crying for a $1500 PTW? OK, roll with that if it helps you sleep better.

You can buy CNC'd lowers and real uppers for a PTW. If you manage to break those, you would also break a real AR. There is pretty much no solution for dumb or careless.
well whatever you need to have fun, but I doubt I'd spend anything over 1000 bucks for any one gun. Course, it's all imo.

If money were no object I wouldn't have a ferarri either, I don't want anything to do with such a bunch of pretentious snobs if you know what I mean. that's just the way I roll. I don't need a ferrari to have fun on 4 wheels.
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Old November 13th, 2011, 23:20   #12
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ptw mags are expensive but they will last a lifetime because they can be rebuilt, regular aeg mags are basically throw always if they wear out
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Old November 13th, 2011, 23:31   #13
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
Or, you could have 13 Honda Civics in various conditions sitting in a shop or 1 finely-tuned and running Ferarri.

Or, you could be like may folks and ditch the 13 cheaper guns, buy a PTW and be money way ahead. Or, you could just bring your AEG and the 3 required back-ups to every game.
while I do see the point ... that was a horrible analogy ... maybe it's just the car buff and mechanic in me ... but comparing 13 purpose built cars (include a daily driver for arguments sake) .. to 1 finely tuned ferrari.. if you daily drive said ferrari ... your going to eat it alive and be 3-4x times it's cost to purchase as shortly as 2 years of ownership ... ferrari's are in themselves purpose built to be run hard ... if you putt around on the street and drive back and forth to work you'll carbon up the engine to hell and back .. etc etc... the RX7 suffered a similar fate ..

as I said I did understand the analogy .. it was just a bad one ... in airsoft terms I would put your analogy more to the likes of selling off 13 aeg's to buy a pro tuned and tweaked sniper rifle... it would be absolutely wicked for it's specialized purpose .. but suck balls for general use.

but back on subject.

personally .. I pick a few purpose built aeg's, over 1 PTW ... and I am well aware of a ptw's capabilities .. they are beautiful guns, and perform exceptionally well .. if minor basic maintance is watched .. they last a hell of along time with very little issues. when I started airsoft I was thrown into the snake pit so to speak as a little over 75% of the guns on the field were PTW's ... fighting against them actually got me into gun doc'ing and custom work .. and also made me improve my gameplay to compete with them

I don't bring money into the decision as I'm currently $1300 into a custom one off Belt fed M4/shrike build .. and it's still not finished LOL

again personally I'd rather have a few purpose built guns for special occasions and a comfy daily 'beater' .. then put all my hopes in 1 basket.
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Old November 14th, 2011, 00:50   #14
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
well whatever you need to have fun, but I doubt I'd spend anything over 1000 bucks for any one gun. Course, it's all imo.
Wait until you are upgrading, or when (not if) things start to break. You will save some small amount of money if you are proficient in repair work. If not, your money will sail by when you are on your 4th piston and 3rd set of gears.

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
If money were no object I wouldn't have a ferarri either, I don't want anything to do with such a bunch of pretentious snobs if you know what I mean. that's just the way I roll. I don't need a ferrari to have fun on 4 wheels.
Well, a true believer. No point spending $199 on a black Kraken, a clear one should do you. It's not about the money after all.

Originally Posted by Specs View Post
My CA cost me 700bucks after a minor upgrade. It was my main workhorse for about 2 years and it never broke down. A huge issue with PTWs is the mags, they cost a fortune. The PTW is an amazing platform and I believe it is worth the money but the fact that you have to keep them dry kinda sucks, I would be afraid to take one out in Vancouver. Also, PTWs only come in the AR variant I cant speak for everyone but I enjoy having different weapons and I can run what I want when I feel like it.
There are tons of them in your area, likely a hundred or more. Lots on the island for years as well.

I only care about the gun in my hand performing well. I could care less what variant it is, as long as I can get the appropriate gear for it.

Originally Posted by Specs View Post
Bringing a few guns to a game is never a bad idea, even PTWs break down. Having a back up AEG is just as important as having backup batteries. Also what happens if a buddy has an AEG breakdown? BOOM you are there to help a bro out and lend him a gun. I also like having guns around that are "beaters" just guns that work and have been abused, I wouldnt feel bad mistreating it.
I sold a dozen Marui, Classic Army and G&P AEGs to get 2 PTWs. I used one for about 70K rounds and 3 seasons and the other was a loaner gun. I never needed a back-up. With AEGs, I had to have at least 4 available, 1 was guaranteed to die, the second sometimes.

There is no more rock-solid work gun than a PTW.

Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
while I do see the point ... that was a horrible analogy ... maybe it's just the car buff and mechanic in me ... but comparing 13 purpose built cars (include a daily driver for arguments sake) .. to 1 finely tuned ferrari.. if you daily drive said ferrari ... your going to eat it alive and be 3-4x times it's cost to purchase as shortly as 2 years of ownership ... ferrari's are in themselves purpose built to be run hard ... if you putt around on the street and drive back and forth to work you'll carbon up the engine to hell and back .. etc etc... the RX7 suffered a similar fate ..
I don't know about you, but I don't buy an airsoft gun just plink around and play run and gun games at a paintball field. I demand performance, and I get it.

Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
as I said I did understand the analogy .. it was just a bad one ... in airsoft terms I would put your analogy more to the likes of selling off 13 aeg's to buy a pro tuned and tweaked sniper rifle... it would be absolutely wicked for it's specialized purpose .. but suck balls for general use.
I've taken on many snipers with higher FPS and outranged them. I've been able to deliver the volume of fire that they simply can't compete with. The PTW has trigger response like NO AEG, unless you are prepared to invest comparable money. It can be purposed to be as short as MP5, yet be able to be 300 FPS or 600 FPS in 10 seconds. That places it is a league way beyond any other AEG.

Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
personally .. I pick a few purpose built aeg's, over 1 PTW ... and I am well aware of a ptw's capabilities .. they are beautiful guns, and perform exceptionally well .. if minor basic maintance is watched .. they last a hell of along time with very little issues. when I started airsoft I was thrown into the snake pit so to speak as a little over 75% of the guns on the field were PTW's ... fighting against them actually got me into gun doc'ing and custom work .. and also made me improve my gameplay to compete with them
Well, you could chose to spend more money on several AEGs, and be fixing them, tweaking them, modding them. I'll take 1 PTW.

Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
I don't bring money into the decision as I'm currently $1300 into a custom one off Belt fed M4/shrike build .. and it's still not finished LOL
Usually with a discussion of PTW vs. AEG, people come down to money. Smart money is the PTW.

Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
again personally I'd rather have a few purpose built guns for special occasions and a comfy daily 'beater' .. then put all my hopes in 1 basket.
I buy the gun that works. And works each time I pick it up. I don't give a crap over the cosmetics, or whether it is used by my favorite army or video game.

It does help that my real AR is purpose built just like each of my PTWs have been. I can use the same gear for both.
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Old November 14th, 2011, 01:07   #15
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I was going to try Polar Star or DG series before I finally made my decision but well...I guess I should stick with PTW and get some more spare parts.
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