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Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:38   #31
Suburban Gun Runner
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: St Lambert, Quebec
Once again bud, THERE ARE NO GOOD SNIPER RIFLE PLATFORMS IN YOUR PRICE RANGE!!!!!1! If you are set firm on sniping as your first gun, save up $1200, then you'll need about $50 for boots, $50 for goggles, $100 for bdu's, $50 for mags, $300 for a pistol, $80-150 for a ghillie suit depending on if you make it or not. Then about another $200 for other costs. So in total save $2000 to play as a sniper. Infact to keep you occupied why not build your own ghillie suit. It can be dont for under $100, and there are many thread and great links on this site. Plus if you ask nicely there are a couple guys on here who have gotten really good at building them.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:38   #32
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Is it me, or is his spelling kind of bad? Just wait till Pusangani gets a hold on this thread D=

Your best bet would be to wait a few years till you can get age verified. Trust me, you probably know somewhere in your head that your "Dream Sniper Rifle" will be left in the back of your closet to rot one day. You are still growing, just like me. We get new hobbies and we sometimes lose interest in others. So now ask your self, are you dedicated to blow off lots and lots of money for this hobby?

Ps: I suggest you listen to the other age verified members of ASC.

- Just my little cookie.

Last edited by ccssneo; June 19th, 2010 at 15:42.. Reason: Just to add more information
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:38   #33
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Originally Posted by Gato View Post
Right now it doesn't matter what good ones are, as who knows what will come out or be discontinued in the next 4 years, there's a few good ones, all of which can be found easily by doing a google search
i have tryed google but its hard to find good guns at good prices that can be in canada most advice and guns on google is american
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:39   #34
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Originally Posted by ccssneo View Post
Is it me, or is his spelling kind of bad? Just wait till Pusangani gets a hold on this thread D=
no my latops eyboard is kinda messed
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:42   #35
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There are no guns in your price range that are good. If you keep asking the same question again and again the answer isn't going to change. Your too young to own one too, if someone where to see you shooting your friends your backyard and call the cops thinking it was real which leads to the cop shooting you...airsoft gets a bad name and ruins it for everyone else that listened and plays by the rules.
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:43   #36
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Originally Posted by Eeyore View Post
Once again bud, THERE ARE NO GOOD SNIPER RIFLE PLATFORMS IN YOUR PRICE RANGE!!!!!1! If you are set firm on sniping as your first gun, save up $1200, then you'll need about $50 for boots, $50 for goggles, $100 for bdu's, $50 for mags, $300 for a pistol, $80-150 for a ghillie suit depending on if you make it or not. Then about another $200 for other costs. So in total save $2000 to play as a sniper. Infact to keep you occupied why not build your own ghillie suit. It can be dont for under $100, and there are many thread and great links on this site. Plus if you ask nicely there are a couple guys on here who have gotten really good at building them.
ok so what im asking is can the well l96 be turned into a good gun (everyoe on youtube says its awesome) and ten what about that tm that i found
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:44   #37
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Originally Posted by xXSkillzScopeXx View Post
ok so what im asking is can the well l96 be turned into a good gun (everyoe on youtube says its awesome) and ten what about that tm that i found
The answer doesn't matter because your not allowed to own one.
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:44   #38
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making a ghille is a god idea cuz i can use for pball to or could just buy one for about $100
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:47   #39
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Originally Posted by xXSkillzScopeXx View Post
ok so what im asking is can the well l96 be turned into a good gun (everyoe on youtube says its awesome) and ten what about that tm that i found
No, no it can't, it's a Well, they're horseshit, everyone on youtube says they're great because they're 12-15 years old, they're american and only pay a small portion of what it costs for us to buy the same gun, they're idiots or a mixture of all three

Originally Posted by xXSkillzScopeXx View Post
making a ghille is a god idea cuz i can use for pball to or could just buy one for about $100
Make as many ghillie suits as you want, they're fine and won't get you into much if any trouble, for all we care you can make a Ghillie mini-van cover
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:55   #40
a.k.a. flamethis
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One thing that is just plain good advice, don't listen to youtube reviews! At least 90% of all youtube reviews are made by 14 year old kids who don't have access to anything that is actually good. The L96 may be "the most amazing sniper available" according to kids who usually play with WalMart crap. But that doesn't make it good.

If you already have a pistol for shooting cans with your Dad, that's cool. Stick with it. Keep reading and you'll learn alot. I've only been into airsoft for a few months now and I have learned so much stuff I'm gonna have to start forgetting people's names to make room in my brain for airsoft knowledge.

Just chill out for a bit, read alot, don't impulse buy. You'll enjoy it alot more that way.
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:56   #41
Suburban Gun Runner
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Location: St Lambert, Quebec
Originally Posted by xXSkillzScopeXx View Post
making a ghille is a god idea cuz i can use for pball to or could just buy one for about $100
No don't buy one, make one. If you are truely set on being a sniper take the time ( alot of time) and patience and make your own ghillie. Trust me, the feeling of accomplishment will be worth the effort in the end.
Originally Posted by Pinard View Post
eeyore, the more I look at your avatar, the more I find it looks like a vagina...
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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:57   #42
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Dont spoonfeed the baby. Hes already been spoonfed enough. Just cause hes a baby and regurgitates the info we JUST fed him demands more doesnt mean we should keep spoonfeeding him.

Hes not listening to a word we said from page one. Let him buy the well, let him buy the tsd and other crap, let him shoot his stupid friends. Better yet, let him try to import from overseas with daddy's credit card.

Go play paintball kid. And dont ask paintball questions on this board. this is AIRSOFT Canada, not PAINTBALL Canada.

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Old June 19th, 2010, 15:58   #43
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Okay, enough. You had a warning handed out cuz at this rate it looks like you're gonna be making a new thread like this every week til you turn 18.


As Eeyore already suggested, paintball is where you want to be.
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Old June 20th, 2010, 07:42   #44
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Despite the fact that I have informed you about this websites policy; you choose to go ahead and ignore it and state your interest in building an airsoft gun anyways. Until you are the age of majority you will receive no advice or assistance. Do whatever you wish, just leave us out of it.

You being on my radar is not a bad thing.

You being on Drakes radar is a bad thing.

You have been warned.

"Its only a little bit on fire"
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