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Old August 6th, 2009, 20:20   #31
Join Date: Jul 2009
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Originally Posted by Fury View Post
I actually like the Boring Blue skin.

Easy on the eyes.
hi there, im wondering if anyone could help me get the settting back to "boring blue:. I'm still getting use to my new laptop and it happened to click on the "mobile setting: and now i cant put it back the way it was.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
thanx scorp
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Old August 6th, 2009, 20:24   #32
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Old August 6th, 2009, 20:34   #33
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This site has definitely come a long way, and is much more "user friendly" than past years;

"ASC Vintage 2001" anyone?
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Old August 6th, 2009, 20:54   #34
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You know, I do a bit of work as a graphic designer, I work on website designs and layouts, and I think boring schemes just seem to fit ASC. Adding a "stylized" skin, would probably just clutter the place up, besides, the boring schemes keep a large sum of immature kids away. :P

Originally Posted by Kokanee View Post
This site has definitely come a long way, and is much more "user friendly" than past years;

"ASC Vintage 2001" anyone?
That is so sexy.
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Old August 6th, 2009, 21:17   #35
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Originally Posted by Dragate View Post
I noticed first of all there isn't a suggestion thread haha.
You'd think you'd get the hint.
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Old August 9th, 2009, 17:07   #36
Jayne Finch
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lol. now now janus.

anyway ASC is like an ak47 it doesn't need all kinds of shit stuck to it to be beautiful. you want it more like an AR with rails and tac-lights and vert grips and shit.
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Old March 10th, 2010, 15:00   #37
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Well... I know what you are saying, but the ak is beautiful to start with.

I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but I'd just like to defend my word.

1. I do not mean it to be graphically heavy, but more consistent in professional and clean style perhaps with div sizes and just overall VBB style.
2. There are a lot of things wrong with the current styles, and I know YOU know it isn't perfect, so why not make the experience more enjoyable?
3. There are other styles, but they have the same issues. It's not an issue of colour or graphic heavy appeal, but overall professionalism asthetics.

I do a lot of professional large corporation layouts, please do not misunderstand and underestimate.

Thank you
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Old March 10th, 2010, 15:24   #38
Con Murder
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Drop it, we don't want no fandangled eyecandy! We got all the gun pron we need and can always add more. No hip-hop scrawl or gangsta sign, no fashion glitz or vane ritz we like camo and guns and gear and mud. If you want to edit pages make a new myspace.
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Old March 11th, 2010, 04:53   #39
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obviously you have not read my previous post...
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Old March 11th, 2010, 10:11   #40
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I actually wouldn't mind having some new color and visual themes. Call me crazy but I really like the looks of the kind of websites that are artsy and have had huge PS overhauls. For example,
I love how the banner looks with the details and fractals inside, as well as the buttons. As someone posted before, it would be a shit-load of work to get it done, but I bet it would look nice as hell.
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Old March 11th, 2010, 17:57   #41
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Originally Posted by Con3jo View Post
I actually wouldn't mind having some new color and visual themes. Call me crazy but I really like the looks of the kind of websites that are artsy and have had huge PS overhauls. For example,
I love how the banner looks with the details and fractals inside, as well as the buttons. As someone posted before, it would be a shit-load of work to get it done, but I bet it would look nice as hell.
I am happy that there are others out there who appreciate work of graphic artists and know the effort required.

The thing is, for a website and for what Airsoft Canada is, it doesn't require such an image heavy, grunge look. Also, photoshop tower may not actually be the best example for graphics, as they are really old and new photoshop art is quite more exquisite

I'm sure the reason we have airsoft canada first off, is to connect. Secondly, it also acts as a regulator as who gets help and who can play airsoft to some extent. We do not want those who pursue flashy and quick.

Let's compare... There are big companies like Nike, McDonalds... Then there are smaller companies that are professional. The difference between them on how big they get is in fact their public image. If you have a very modest and very honest group doing the best quality work, but you visit their website and it looks like it was done in the 1990's by an amateur who read an html book and thought he/she knew everything there is about website design and really just didn't care all that much about asthetics, that company doesn't get far until they pay to get a professional site done. Then, there are the more successful small companies with the same quality of work who has a good company image along with a good website. These go far. They understand that the website is only for image and should not attract customers, but definately, not loose any.

Then there are those... the "fake" companies with testimonies and showing all these benefits of the company and using the website as their main front to get new clientel. They most often than not do not actually offer what they advertise, or at least, not to that extent, so thus they must rely on a very attrative, very boastful page. But after seeing many like these, you can tell the false-ness. It's like looking at a bully. All talk, no walk.

I find Airsoft Canada to be more of the modest and professional company with a bad company image at this momment in the metaphorical sense. When I first got on this page, I thought this page was much less capable than what it is, just from the looks. I had underestimated the size and capabilities that it is possible of. Thus many noobs come here expecting the same and thus why the veterans have issues with them. If you would, take a look at Arnies Airsoft. They are a much larger community and much more organized in the sense that they are able to draw in more members and they will not underestimate. This is soley based on the website. When I first found Arnies, I thought to myself that the search was over, and there was a place where I could finally get some good information. Do not make an excuse of laws and country, you know this is true.

That is what I've been trying to say from the start. Yet again, this forum has underestimated the other and overestimated itself of it's image and what it thinks other thinks it is.

There is much more to be said, but needless to say, it comes to the same conclusion.

This is why I feel, it is almost of utmost importance we sort this amateur layout... out.
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