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Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion August 15th, 2006, 13:06
Replies: 10
Views: 6,182
Posted By section5
Smile WE 1911a1 coming?

This is directed to the retailers as I do not have the time to email each and everyone of them. Please no flaming :)

Are any of the retailers going to carry these? I like the TM and KSC models,...
Forum: General June 20th, 2006, 13:50
Replies: 79
Views: 32,341
Posted By section5
so I finally found whole packages at 711. I only...

so I finally found whole packages at 711. I only had the samples for a while. they work fine if they are cool. I found that if they're warm, they warp a bit. putting them in the fridge worked well...
Forum: Accessories Discussion June 6th, 2006, 15:03
Replies: 6
Views: 7,371
Posted By section5
If anyone can find one here in Canada, let me...

If anyone can find one here in Canada, let me know cuz I can't find it anywhere online up here :) I'd check Walmart, but it's pretty far from where I live. Maybe The Bay will have it.
Forum: Accessories Discussion June 6th, 2006, 11:59
Replies: 6
Views: 7,371
Posted By section5
Thumbs up Hot Wheels Radar Gun

Dunno if this will work for the size of our BB's, but for the price, it...
Forum: General May 15th, 2006, 16:54
Replies: 79
Views: 32,341
Posted By section5

LOL :razz:
Forum: General May 15th, 2006, 15:09
Replies: 79
Views: 32,341
Posted By section5
The container looks like this: ...

The container looks like this:

And an interesting article. These won award in Japan! Coincidence?...
Forum: General May 14th, 2006, 21:09
Replies: 79
Views: 32,341
Posted By section5
They are vegetable oil based so you may need Wisk...

They are vegetable oil based so you may need Wisk to get them out of your clothes :)

K, I measured with a highend caliper a KSC .2g BB on average of 5.918mm and the Frisk brand Liquid Mints...
Forum: General May 12th, 2006, 19:34
Replies: 79
Views: 32,341
Posted By section5
Looks like those UV rounds from Underworld ...

Looks like those UV rounds from Underworld :mrgreen: LOL
Forum: General May 12th, 2006, 18:40
Replies: 79
Views: 32,341
Posted By section5
That's too hilarious!!!

That's too hilarious!!!
Forum: General May 12th, 2006, 18:31
Replies: 79
Views: 32,341
Posted By section5
True, I used an TM Beretta Cougar springer and a...

True, I used an TM Beretta Cougar springer and a KSC Glock 23f GBB.

Man, just don't ask people if they want a mint at a game, then shoot them in their mouths. Ouch! Just take them normally....
Forum: General May 12th, 2006, 18:18
Replies: 79
Views: 32,341
Posted By section5
6mm breath mints

OK, I know I may get flamed or this will go into Off Topic, or even the Trash Disposal. I don't really care, I'm anticipating Greylocks' reply...
I just wanted to share my experience. Anyway here...
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 4th, 2006, 17:27
Replies: 4
Views: 6,017
Posted By section5
I'm having the same problem on my G23f. I think I...

I'm having the same problem on my G23f. I think I need a stronger recoil spring :( I also think it has something to do with the touch breach, but I'm not sure. I think the recoil spring isn't...
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 28th, 2006, 13:16
Replies: 3
Views: 5,137
Posted By section5
Thanks KwokwaiWu, I contacted Stealth and I got...

Thanks KwokwaiWu, I contacted Stealth and I got the spring. Now I just have to be careful and not lose this one. Anywho, Thanks for your help :)
Forum: General March 23rd, 2006, 21:27
Replies: 63
Views: 24,224
Posted By section5
I saw that on the news this morning! That's...

I saw that on the news this morning! That's totally not good for any of us! We'll see how this pans out. City TV specifically said replica firearm that shoots plastic pellets. GEEZ!
Forum: Doctor's Corner March 19th, 2006, 18:25
Replies: 3
Views: 5,137
Posted By section5
Question G23f part missing

I was taking it apart so that I could clean and relube everything and part number 82, which is a spring, flew somewhere into the great beyond. I put...
Forum: Accessories Discussion March 13th, 2006, 11:40
Replies: 11
Views: 9,151
Posted By section5
You can totally add a couple of drops of silicone...

You can totally add a couple of drops of silicone in it. As for it breaking because it is plastic? I don't know. I do know that I have made a dozen fills and there is no breaking whatsoever, so far...
Forum: Accessories Discussion March 9th, 2006, 19:18
Replies: 11
Views: 9,151
Posted By section5
Just go to your dentist and ask for a couple. I'm...

Just go to your dentist and ask for a couple. I'm sure they'll just give you one or two. I only have a couple and I'm giving them to my buddies. Sorry dude, I'm not sure it's worth the 51 cents :)
Forum: Accessories Discussion March 9th, 2006, 17:58
Replies: 11
Views: 9,151
Posted By section5
Smile Duster Adapter Alternative...

Well after whitening my teeth, I reallized something. I think I can use the removable tip on the syringe from my tooth whitening kit.

I have one of those tooth whitening kits you get from your...
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi February 10th, 2006, 13:04
Replies: 33
Views: 43,856
Posted By section5
I think BCairsoftsupply can get a hold of that...

I think BCairsoftsupply can get a hold of that SIIS P99 through their supplier. I believe their supplier is Leapers. Might be a cheaper alternative to the Maruzen P99. Best to contact them directly...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion January 6th, 2006, 13:23
Replies: 1
Views: 3,495
Posted By section5
Talking G26/G27 Owners, I need your help

I do not have a trigger safety on my G27. I was wondering if one of you could pop it out and trace as accurately as you can onto paper, scan it at at least 600 DPI and email it to me. Maybe also take...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 23rd, 2005, 12:24
Replies: 85
Views: 35,443
Posted By section5
A stop notch or what ever you call it on the...

A stop notch or what ever you call it on the lower accesory rail and a stronger recoil spring :)
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 19th, 2005, 16:56
Replies: 153
Views: 67,230
Posted By section5
I'm definately interested in the 3.8 as well :D

I'm definately interested in the 3.8 as well :D
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion December 15th, 2005, 12:01
Replies: 85
Views: 35,443
Posted By section5
Oh man, I was wondering when WE was going to come...

Oh man, I was wondering when WE was going to come out with a smaller 1911. I think this may be my next pistol :D
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 8th, 2005, 19:47
Replies: 27
Views: 15,036
Posted By section5
Uh-oh :D Now I wonder if it is importable into...

Uh-oh :D Now I wonder if it is importable into Canada or will a supplier import them and more than double the cost ;) LOL
True though, it is pretty expensive. Especially if you take into account...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 3rd, 2005, 19:41
Replies: 27
Views: 15,036
Posted By section5
The solenoid idea is different, but you wouldn't...

The solenoid idea is different, but you wouldn't have the same recharge time between shots. The soleniod system is like your automatic locks in you car, they work on solenoids. You can click them up...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 3rd, 2005, 19:09
Replies: 27
Views: 15,036
Posted By section5
Made Man, that is true. I do not know enough...

Made Man, that is true. I do not know enough about batteries or electronics, but the concept is there. May apply more to a rifle or SMG. But I think it could work. Diamagnetic bb's hmmmmm.... that...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 3rd, 2005, 18:51
Replies: 27
Views: 15,036
Posted By section5
See, here's my idea. No metal bb's. Instead think...

See, here's my idea. No metal bb's. Instead think of how a piston is used in a springer. Now instead of a compressed spring pushing the piston, a metal rod is "pulled" along by the magnetic forces...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 3rd, 2005, 18:08
Replies: 27
Views: 15,036
Posted By section5
I posted it as an adaptation of that idea for...

I posted it as an adaptation of that idea for airsoft use. Of course not as powerful, that would be crazy! I posted a design similar in concept to that on ASR, I didn't get much feedback from the...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 3rd, 2005, 17:57
Replies: 27
Views: 15,036
Posted By section5
Airsoft Rail Gun

Edit: Looks like they have applied it to shoot Airsoft BBs now :D

Old Post:
Well sort of. But not that powerful!
Forum: Gear Discussion November 2nd, 2005, 18:54
Replies: 19
Views: 13,987
Posted By section5
Then add Canadian GST and Duties on top of that!...

Then add Canadian GST and Duties on top of that! :(
Forum: Gear Discussion November 2nd, 2005, 18:34
Replies: 19
Views: 13,987
Posted By section5
It's at SpecArms, $92.50 CAD ...

It's at SpecArms, $92.50 CAD
Forum: Movies/Video Games/Sci-fi November 1st, 2005, 18:02
Replies: 58
Views: 35,664
Posted By section5
Hey Bunny, do they actually use airsoft stuff or...

Hey Bunny, do they actually use airsoft stuff or blank firing p90's? My friends at Atmosphere VFX do the effects for both SG-1, Atlantis and BSG. They say it's all post production editing for the...
Forum: General October 22nd, 2005, 23:50
Replies: 56
Views: 21,962
Posted By section5
Exclamation Hey Carl, paintball copies airsoft

Yeah, yeah, it's paintball but paintball now uses propain!
Forum: General August 2nd, 2005, 16:48
Replies: 15
Views: 14,689
Posted By section5
Donor, I believe you are right in that Umarex...

Donor, I believe you are right in that Umarex owns Walther. Not the other way around as I stated on my last post :)
Forum: General August 2nd, 2005, 16:41
Replies: 15
Views: 14,689
Posted By section5
They are a German company that is also under the...

They are a German company that is also under the Walther umbrella. Walther is manufacturer of Real Steel firearms.

I'm just interested because they are a real steel company that is delving on the...
Forum: General August 2nd, 2005, 16:27
Replies: 15
Views: 14,689
Posted By section5
Question Umarex makes Airsoft?

Just checked their site It looks like they carry springers, AEGs and GBBs. Interesting... I know they have the crappy Crosman springers, but I noticed they have a G36, and a P90 AEG as...
Forum: Accessories Discussion June 17th, 2005, 19:07
Replies: 2
Views: 7,197
Posted By section5
I am wondering the same thing :D Help anyone?

I am wondering the same thing :D Help anyone?
Forum: Accessories Discussion June 14th, 2005, 22:03
Replies: 33
Views: 22,489
Posted By section5
K, time to chime in Orby! Here's a link:...

K, time to chime in Orby!

Here's a link: At the bottom of the page

You can order into Canada and it'll be about $60 + $12 shipping.
With these you can mount them...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 6th, 2005, 19:38
Replies: 6
Views: 9,784
Posted By section5
Hey Illusion, I looked at that. Actually no, not...

Hey Illusion, I looked at that. Actually no, not the Chalker sling at all. More like the Stargate sling they use on their P90's. The SG-1 type of thing. I know there is one that sells in the US, but...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 6th, 2005, 16:25
Replies: 7
Views: 10,899
Posted By section5
Hey thanks Iceman. I really didn't think of that....

Hey thanks Iceman. I really didn't think of that. The heat, sheesh! I may rethink this idea for carrying gas. It may not be a really good idea. Especially if one is carying GG/propane. Maybe I should...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 6th, 2005, 14:57
Replies: 7
Views: 10,899
Posted By section5
Will at SpecArms has those on sale if you guys...

Will at SpecArms has those on sale if you guys are interested. $75 I believe :mrgreen:

In the "On Sale" section
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 6th, 2005, 14:05
Replies: 7
Views: 10,899
Posted By section5
Yeah, I have seen that. But the one I have...

Yeah, I have seen that. But the one I have designed uses the smaller duster cans for those who don't want to buy the refillable containers. I know Will has those at SpecArms. The holster uses black...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 6th, 2005, 13:33
Replies: 7
Views: 10,899
Posted By section5
How many of you carry gas with you during games?

Hello Everyone!
I want to gauge how many of you use gas(duster) during games and if you are happy with the way you carry them. I am in the process of designing and producing a gas holster that would...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 6th, 2005, 13:28
Replies: 6
Views: 9,784
Posted By section5
How many of you use 1 point slings?

Hello Everyone!
I want to gauge how many of you use 1 point slings and if you are happy with them. I am in the process of designing and producing a 1 point sling that is more comfortable to use. I...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 2nd, 2005, 00:13
Replies: 2
Views: 7,324
Posted By section5
Apparently it will work if it was the other way...

Apparently it will work if it was the other way around. I was wondering about this too and decided to do some investigating. The question was answered on ASR. Here is the link:...
Showing results 1 to 45 of 45

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