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How many of you use 1 point slings?


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Old June 6th, 2005, 13:28   #1
section5's Avatar
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How many of you use 1 point slings?

Hello Everyone!
I want to gauge how many of you use 1 point slings and if you are happy with them. I am in the process of designing and producing a 1 point sling that is more comfortable to use. I am having it made for myself, but if enough people are interested, I can have more produced. I will have a working prototype in a week or so, but I wanted to know if there are enough of you that would use it. I will post pics of it as well. Estimated cost plus Xpresspost shipping would be around $75-$80. I am having these made professionally if you are wondering about the steep price :smile: It's not just a sling with a loop. It has a lightweight chest harness and is very comfortable. No neck or shoulder strain :mrgreen:

Cheers :mrgreen:
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Old June 6th, 2005, 13:33   #2
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I use to use a 1 point,,, Then went to a 3 point,,, Then scraped the whole sling thing.... No point using a sling while playing, they just get in the way.
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Old June 6th, 2005, 13:33   #3
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i use them on all my guns
Jason - Batman
Bad Karma - Pacific region

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Old June 6th, 2005, 17:33   #4
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I use one but it it is annoying because its always rubbing against my neck
M.arkham I.surgent A.irsofters
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Old June 6th, 2005, 17:34   #5
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it sounds like you're trying to replicate a Blackhawk Chalker Sling, correct?
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Old June 6th, 2005, 19:38   #6
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Hey Illusion, I looked at that. Actually no, not the Chalker sling at all. More like the Stargate sling they use on their P90's. The SG-1 type of thing. I know there is one that sells in the US, but with that price converted to Canadian, the taxes, and duty on top of that is outrageous! I do not want to discourage people from buying it. It is after all part costume and is functional as well. There have been good reviews about them and they are very comfortable. But the one I am having made is built like a tank! It can hold your weight and then some. It also is designed more anotomically. It is not a replica of the Stargate model. There's no way somebody would be able to yank your gun from you, unless they want you as well I am making no profit on that quoted price, it's for the good of the airsoft community :-D Anyway, I hope to test it out next week at a game
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Old June 6th, 2005, 23:59   #7
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I've been using a single point sling in various incarnations over the years... first a c-biner on my shoulder and some paracord on the gun, then a homemade nylon affair and finally a CSM sling.

And to be blunt, I wouldn't be interested in your sling if it's in the style of this. Why? First of all, that sort of harness is going to interfere with most LBVs and chest rigs. Second of all, with a tradiational single point sling, when you go hands free, you can just turn the gun "inward" and it won't bounce around. I can't see you being able to do the same with this one.


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