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Search: Posts Made By: HellRanger
Forum: Doctor's Corner October 9th, 2007, 13:44
Replies: 7
Views: 5,119
Posted By HellRanger
Weak spring... Did you leave your spring...

Weak spring...
Did you leave your spring compressed the last time you fired it?
Forum: Gear Discussion October 5th, 2007, 16:04
Replies: 23
Views: 11,052
Posted By HellRanger
You know I was kiddign right... ;)

You know I was kiddign right... ;)
Forum: Gear Discussion October 5th, 2007, 14:58
Replies: 23
Views: 11,052
Posted By HellRanger
It's not called fading, it's called experience. ...

It's not called fading, it's called experience.

On a more serious note:
1- I have never done this myself, but the first time your wash them there is trick involving salt to set the colors... What...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion October 4th, 2007, 09:10
Replies: 49
Views: 19,730
Posted By HellRanger
10-14 locaps (loaded in real caps) 2 extra...

10-14 locaps (loaded in real caps)
2 extra pistol mags
Forum: Airsoft Media September 29th, 2007, 12:52
Replies: 14
Views: 9,820
Posted By HellRanger
I only own 2 CQB guns. At the top is a...

I only own 2 CQB guns.

At the top is a regular M4A1, in the middle it's a Colt Commando on which I replace the A2 upper for a flat top upper.

And obviously the bottom on is Mk18 MOD0 (CQB-R)....
Forum: Airsoft Media September 28th, 2007, 16:23
Replies: 14
Views: 9,820
Posted By HellRanger
Forgot to mention that I have the real steel...

Forgot to mention that I have the real steel version of that MK12 MOD0 minus the paint job.
Forum: Airsoft Media September 28th, 2007, 15:23
Replies: 14
Views: 9,820
Posted By HellRanger
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 28th, 2007, 10:25
Replies: 149
Views: 135,571
Posted By HellRanger
I woudl take the package as well, but the mag...

I woudl take the package as well, but the mag only i salso fine with me.
I woudl get the LaRue RS mount to use with an RDS instead.
I don't run EOtech hollow sights, but I need a higher mount to...
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 24th, 2007, 10:29
Replies: 8
Views: 9,660
Posted By HellRanger
It's hard choice, since aiming devices with zero...

It's hard choice, since aiming devices with zero magnification such as an "Aimpoint" are ment to be used with both eyes opened. I would hti an event and try and speak with the peopel there so you can...
Forum: General September 14th, 2007, 09:52
Replies: 35
Views: 22,831
Posted By HellRanger
Anyone noticed the "chicken wing" action as...

Anyone noticed the "chicken wing" action as well?
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 14th, 2007, 09:01
Replies: 40
Views: 53,085
Posted By HellRanger
That's not the best example because, a PDI is...

That's not the best example because, a PDI is like a box of chocolate... you never know you are going to get.
Forum: Doctor's Corner September 13th, 2007, 16:40
Replies: 45
Views: 21,917
Posted By HellRanger
+1 on that one as well, I would like to know how...

+1 on that one as well, I would like to know how this would be possible. :confused:
Forum: General September 12th, 2007, 11:23
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
To me this is one of the key features of a MILSIM...

To me this is one of the key features of a MILSIM that is grossly overlooked.

I don't knwo how many times an organizer has pointed to the map during the pre-game breifing and told me "They are in...
Forum: Accessories Discussion September 12th, 2007, 09:22
Replies: 32
Views: 24,356
Posted By HellRanger
Well get a protector for it, I shot one out with...

Well get a protector for it, I shot one out with a single shot 2 weeks ago.
It's pretty annoying for the guy that was sitting behind it. Still for bad for him.
Forum: Gear Discussion September 11th, 2007, 10:56
Replies: 15
Views: 13,791
Posted By HellRanger
I use it on standard Vertical grips, for......

I use it on standard Vertical grips, for... well... a better grip.
Forum: General September 10th, 2007, 13:12
Replies: 29
Views: 13,708
Posted By HellRanger
That's one of the things that totally killed my...

That's one of the things that totally killed my knees, including football and hockey.

I ued to fight in the good old days where it was a contact sport, not what I call "playing tag", that's...
Forum: General September 10th, 2007, 13:03
Replies: 29
Views: 13,708
Posted By HellRanger
And the 2 you gave me did helped last time we saw...

And the 2 you gave me did helped last time we saw eachother. Forgot to thank you for those.
Forum: General September 10th, 2007, 12:19
Replies: 29
Views: 13,708
Posted By HellRanger
Not too many people know or even notice that I...

Not too many people know or even notice that I have chronic knee issues.
I pack more than the average Joe everytime I hit the field, to the point of overduing it in some peoples opinions.

Forum: Accessories Discussion September 7th, 2007, 15:02
Replies: 7
Views: 6,947
Posted By HellRanger
So it's already wired to the back... In...

So it's already wired to the back...

In order to tun the wire into the stock, you can fill the part to the buffer tube fits over so the wire can run in between the buffer tube and the rear part of...
Forum: Doctor's Corner September 7th, 2007, 09:59
Replies: 0
Views: 3,392
Posted By HellRanger
G&P Metal Body installation using a TM Stock delta ring (My solution)

This is not for people used to installing metal bodies, but since it was the first time I ran into the issue, I figured might as well put my solution out there.

Out of the options I have read to...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications September 6th, 2007, 11:43
Replies: 0
Views: 3,833
Posted By HellRanger
Resolved: G&P metal body install using a TM stock delta ring.

From what I understand, the TM delta ring is a tight fit on the G&P metal body.

What I would like to know from the guys that install those bodies & delta ring combo on a regular basis is, what is...
Forum: General September 6th, 2007, 08:28
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
I received a few more PMs and some IM messages as...

I received a few more PMs and some IM messages as well from people that didn't wanna post in this thread or even on ASC for that matter.

One of them I saw get pissed on SO many occasions, but he...
Forum: General September 5th, 2007, 09:52
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
Yes Jon, you are getting "not many...

Yes Jon, you are getting

"not many comments have been made by Quebec players"

This implies that some have been made, but not many!
Forum: General September 5th, 2007, 09:37
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
Good points Mad, I fully agree with you. ...

Good points Mad, I fully agree with you.

Very well put and thanks for your input.

Sad to see that not many comments have been made by Quebec players thus far.

Migth be the language barrier...
Forum: General September 5th, 2007, 07:55
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
I'm glad that the "old" guys are taking interest...

I'm glad that the "old" guys are taking interest in the thread.

I met Scarecrow for the first time face-to-face in Rawdon. Very nice guy, I had to walk up to him to introduce myself and shoot the...
Forum: General September 5th, 2007, 07:12
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
This thread was going so well for a while. Can...

This thread was going so well for a while.
Can a mod get rid of some of the crap on page 5 & 6 please.

Back on topic.

On my way to work this morning I was thinking to myself, "And what about...
Forum: General September 4th, 2007, 14:30
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
Nice plug! :D But I would like to keep this...

Nice plug! :D

But I would like to keep this thread going the way it has been so far.

I'm happy to see the amount of participation.
I have received a few PMs already.

I have to agree that I...
Forum: General September 4th, 2007, 14:00
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
That's one good point, but for many people the...

That's one good point, but for many people the objective (no matter what the CO assignments are) is to rack some kills.

Edit: And to add to your sitting there for hours w/o firing a single shot. I...
Forum: General September 4th, 2007, 09:51
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
It's hard to explain some of the issues that I...

It's hard to explain some of the issues that I have.

One good examble was @ the LZ someone was certain to have registred a hit on me with his pistol as he got shot from the CQB house and he was...
Forum: General September 4th, 2007, 09:08
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
When ever we approach the new guys and tell them...

When ever we approach the new guys and tell them about their mistake they say "You guys bitch all the time!" and such.

I miss X-Ray and the good old PQAC event for shit like that...

It seems...
Forum: General September 4th, 2007, 07:04
Replies: 123
Views: 63,256
Posted By HellRanger
Thinking about giving up and leaving AS...

Well, I'm seriously thinking of putting everything up for sale and leaving w/o looking back.

I remember just a few years ago when Sierra introduced me to AS. We had long discussions and one of the...
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 31st, 2007, 11:23
Replies: 6
Views: 7,362
Posted By HellRanger
I'm sorry but sinc eyou have a hard time pushing...

I'm sorry but sinc eyou have a hard time pushing the spring into the piston fricton might be the issue. Think abotu it of the spring doesn't compress inside the piston...

You got an oversized...
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 31st, 2007, 11:02
Replies: 6
Views: 7,362
Posted By HellRanger
Nop, you got one of the famous "Pratice strings"...

Nop, you got one of the famous "Pratice strings" from PDI.
Those are made by the new employees and are far from perfect. Even when they fit in the piston your guess is as good as mine as per the...
Forum: General August 23rd, 2007, 15:09
Replies: 21
Views: 16,865
Posted By HellRanger
Fidn me an indoor range where you can use black...

Fidn me an indoor range where you can use black powder... I need to knwo cause I won't be going there.
Forum: Doctor's Corner August 22nd, 2007, 13:18
Replies: 2
Views: 3,845
Posted By HellRanger
Look on for an assembly...

Look on for an assembly replacement.
Forum: General August 17th, 2007, 18:50
Replies: 60
Views: 43,387
Posted By HellRanger
You do know that MRE stands for "Meals Rejected...

You do know that MRE stands for "Meals Rejected by Everyone" right?
Incluing your stomach. =]
Forum: Gear Discussion August 3rd, 2007, 14:10
Replies: 29
Views: 28,114
Posted By HellRanger
I'm going to Dallas for a week, but mine should...

I'm going to Dallas for a week, but mine should be in when I get back.
I will do a full review during my second week of vacations.

Now, I'm trying to justify to myself why I needed an other rig....
Forum: USA July 31st, 2007, 15:34
Replies: 833
Sticky: US Navy SEALs
Views: 2,624,148
Posted By HellRanger
Don't over do it with the paint job either, keep...

Don't over do it with the paint job either, keep it simple it's not work of art.

Take a look at some of the real steel paint jobs on the net. They are very simple and the paint is scratched off...
Forum: General July 30th, 2007, 09:17
Replies: 387
Views: 305,903
Posted By HellRanger
Whiskey - Tango - Foxtrot

Whiskey - Tango - Foxtrot
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 27th, 2007, 10:08
Replies: 44
Views: 22,860
Posted By HellRanger
And it's all mine... Yes, I'm proud of it.

And it's all mine...

Yes, I'm proud of it.
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 26th, 2007, 15:46
Replies: 9
Views: 7,434
Posted By HellRanger
It's definitly Titanium coating. Any...

It's definitly Titanium coating.

Any tightbore of equal size will give you about the same result, until it gets railed (scratched). Also with a tightbore, the quality fo the round is very...
Forum: Airsoft Media July 26th, 2007, 14:55
Replies: 15
Views: 9,760
Posted By HellRanger
Wow, almost as scary as the guy that was checking...

Wow, almost as scary as the guy that was checking out the shoty at the range last week and all I could see was a shoty barrel pointing at the back of my head every 2 seconds.

Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 26th, 2007, 13:08
Replies: 16
Views: 14,041
Posted By HellRanger
Many reasons, for one have you noticed the...

Many reasons, for one have you noticed the realism ofo what we use?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion July 26th, 2007, 11:04
Replies: 44
Views: 22,860
Posted By HellRanger
Get yourself one of those... This is my puppy. ...

Get yourself one of those...
This is my puppy.

No! Wait, you can't get one it's custom made.
Forum: Reviews July 23rd, 2007, 13:30
Replies: 25
Views: 20,251
Posted By HellRanger
When it comes to barrel wobble, look at the...

When it comes to barrel wobble, look at the doctor's section and you will find a fix for it.

And if I'm not mistaking the what you refer to as a "CQB sight" and a "Marksman sight"... Aren't they...
Forum: Airsoft Media July 20th, 2007, 13:43
Replies: 18
Views: 9,908
Posted By HellRanger
25$ at the range I go to and very easy to come...

25$ at the range I go to and very easy to come by.
And that's real steel part...
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 20th, 2007, 12:17
Replies: 3
Views: 5,010
Posted By HellRanger
Stay away from FRS or get an FRS/GMRS unit. ...

Stay away from FRS or get an FRS/GMRS unit.
Look into Motorola, they are very commun on the field and they do the job.

Then you have the more expensive alternatives and the learning curve is...
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 16th, 2007, 15:04
Replies: 9
Views: 10,133
Posted By HellRanger
Compared to what?

Compared to what?
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 13th, 2007, 20:16
Replies: 83
Views: 53,616
Posted By HellRanger
W/ trades for 120$ for me.

W/ trades for 120$ for me.
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 13th, 2007, 16:52
Replies: 10
Views: 6,590
Posted By HellRanger
Ain't the formula more lile bat(mAh) /...

Ain't the formula more lile bat(mAh) / charger(mAh) * 1.5

So a 3300 mAh charging at 300 mAh will take 16 hours...
I migth be wrong.
Showing results 1 to 50 of 202

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