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Search: Posts Made By: monkeyboy
Forum: Gear Discussion March 18th, 2010, 16:49
Replies: 12
Views: 21,620
Posted By monkeyboy
+1 About the nicest cheap radio you can get...


About the nicest cheap radio you can get for airsoft. Those little frs radios are ok for some stuff, but you just can't beat a 5W radio for long distance.

As for your original question,...
Forum: Gear Discussion March 11th, 2010, 11:58
Replies: 25
Views: 22,760
Posted By monkeyboy
The tad gear dealers page no longer lists oneshot...

The tad gear dealers page no longer lists oneshot as a dealer. This doesn't seem surprising to me as I have asked many times over the last year or two when they were going to bring in any new tad...
Forum: Gear Discussion March 1st, 2010, 08:42
Replies: 7
Views: 6,645
Posted By monkeyboy
you can always try ebay. I've bought several...

you can always try ebay. I've bought several pairs off of there.
Forum: Gear Discussion February 18th, 2010, 20:23
Replies: 12
Views: 31,776
Posted By monkeyboy
You should consider nuun. They're electrolyte...

You should consider nuun. They're electrolyte tabs with no carbs. so no energy, just hydration. And they come in a handy little tube. They function like alka seltzer tables so no complicated mixing...
Forum: Gear Discussion October 15th, 2009, 13:37
Replies: 9
Views: 7,430
Posted By monkeyboy
My team made an order around march of 2008 and we...

My team made an order around march of 2008 and we still haven't seen anything. We just decided to get the refund because he is never going to deliver anything.

Lesson learned I suppose
Forum: Newbie Tank September 15th, 2009, 23:38
Replies: 36
Views: 27,653
Posted By monkeyboy
But it is 100% true. An M14 is an...

But it is 100% true.

An M14 is an investment, more so than other guns I find but I am satisfied with what I built at the end of the day.

If you are in the market for an M14, I would suggest...
Forum: Newbie Tank September 5th, 2009, 00:31
Replies: 68
Views: 32,757
Posted By monkeyboy
Solder can cause birth defects if you ingest...

Solder can cause birth defects if you ingest large quantities. a few minutes of breathing it in won't hurt anyone.

Lead free solder SUCKS to work with. I do on a daily basis and lead solder...
Forum: Newbie Tank September 4th, 2009, 15:47
Replies: 68
Views: 32,757
Posted By monkeyboy
Yup. male deans on the ????, female on the one it...

Yup. male deans on the ????, female on the one it attaches to and a male on the opposite end of that cable. It would be hard to connect a deans to a tamiya plug :)


--- = wire
Forum: General August 3rd, 2009, 02:09
Replies: 7
Views: 6,492
Posted By monkeyboy
When you click on the link you will see a cover...

When you click on the link you will see a cover of the mag. click on it, it will take you to another page and on that page is a link to download it.

For those of you that are too lazy lazy/cannot...
Forum: Accessories Discussion July 26th, 2009, 14:28
Replies: 6
Views: 4,969
Posted By monkeyboy
A lot of the guys in Calgary use the Linton...

A lot of the guys in Calgary use the Linton 6288's as well as frs/gmrs radios. There are also a large number of UHF radio users (Motorola, yeasu, etc.).

I personally use a yeasu vx6r with a...
Forum: Gear Discussion July 13th, 2009, 10:43
Replies: 18
Views: 12,522
Posted By monkeyboy
I've got an m14 socom and a rig setup for it. ...

I've got an m14 socom and a rig setup for it.

I use a wasatch, and I can fit at least 4 m14 mags in the rig. I have it setup so that I carry 4 180 round mags in the vest, with a magpul on each...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications July 3rd, 2009, 21:49
Replies: 18
Views: 11,360
Posted By monkeyboy
Halo isn't referring to the tamiya connector,...

Halo isn't referring to the tamiya connector, he's referring to the connectors on the other side of the tamiya connector. those two that you can slide together when you have a front wired m4.
Forum: Gear Discussion June 30th, 2009, 22:59
Replies: 1
Views: 3,514
Posted By monkeyboy
The Motorola GP68 comes in a few flavours....

The Motorola GP68 comes in a few flavours. There's VHF and a UHF models so make sure you find out what it runs on before you buy. The plain VHF is useless unless teammates have other radios that use...
Forum: General June 22nd, 2009, 13:23
Replies: 28
Views: 26,492
Posted By monkeyboy
Just had a buddy using firefox have that same...

Just had a buddy using firefox have that same issue.

Use IE or opera, and it works fine.

I've just ordered from them some stuff that is hard to find otherwise, and now that wgc only does...
Forum: General May 20th, 2009, 10:33
Replies: 170
Views: 105,742
Posted By monkeyboy
When I started playing that was not a bad place...

When I started playing that was not a bad place to go. Remember, he was getting guaranteed revenue every wednesday night for the entire winter season. A couple of years later, he raised prices by $5...
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand May 10th, 2009, 23:44
Replies: 146
Views: 141,388
Posted By monkeyboy
And they're all awesome. Great shots man!

And they're all awesome. Great shots man!
Forum: Doctor's Corner April 30th, 2009, 15:51
Replies: 17
Views: 12,304
Posted By monkeyboy
I just had a round of problems with my PTW after...

I just had a round of problems with my PTW after a year of good performance. The motor problem reared it's ugly so it was off to macguyver for a mcguyvering. Works great now.

That cleared that up....
Forum: Reviews April 26th, 2009, 01:54
Replies: 13
Views: 15,560
Posted By monkeyboy
I picked up an m92f from Ken a when they first...

I picked up an m92f from Ken a when they first came out. It's late so here's my unofficial review:

The plastic lower is incredibly similiar to the metal version. I owned a kjw p229 and other than...
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand April 20th, 2009, 10:15
Replies: 146
Views: 141,388
Posted By monkeyboy
13th Actually. I can't wait to get to...

13th Actually.

I can't wait to get to claybank. there's a lot of people and I know Al will be putting on a damn good game. See you there Al!
Forum: Reviews March 24th, 2009, 23:06
Replies: 9
Views: 9,769
Posted By monkeyboy
I recently ordered two M92f's from Ken....

I recently ordered two M92f's from Ken. Communication was fast and he shipped them overnight as requested. Other than a goof up on Purolators part, this sale couldn't have gone any smoother.

Forum: Gear Discussion February 5th, 2009, 16:38
Replies: 4
Views: 4,063
Posted By monkeyboy
You should be fine with the lintons. We use them...

You should be fine with the lintons. We use them in heavily wooded areas and I've never had an issue with them. I assume it's for airsoft right?
Personally I use the yaesu vx6r (modded for 5 watt)...
Forum: Accessories Discussion January 30th, 2009, 17:15
Replies: 7
Views: 5,368
Posted By monkeyboy
Last I heard you can import silencers no problem...

Last I heard you can import silencers no problem (even the ones with the foam inserts). You cannot import a silencer with foam into the USA however. I used to have a gemtech halo.
nice units, but...
Forum: Gear Discussion December 23rd, 2008, 11:17
Replies: 13
Views: 11,284
Posted By monkeyboy
Will there be any other colours of the hardshell...

Will there be any other colours of the hardshell available?
Forum: Reviews November 20th, 2008, 23:52
Replies: 43
Views: 35,071
Posted By monkeyboy
Maybe not, but some of us like the real thing....

Maybe not, but some of us like the real thing. After a season of hard abuse (grabbed all sorts of stuff I never would without gloves on, played in the rain, gotten muddy, and to top it off I have...
Forum: Airsoft Media October 31st, 2008, 10:20
Replies: 15
Views: 9,824
Posted By monkeyboy
Looks like you lazer cat needs recharging.

Looks like you lazer cat needs recharging.
Forum: General October 26th, 2008, 02:38
Replies: 15
Views: 10,069
Posted By monkeyboy
I know airsoft international is frequently in the...

I know airsoft international is frequently in the bookstores here. It's good, but they focus on the uk events mostly.
Forum: General September 24th, 2008, 16:42
Replies: 8
Views: 5,714
Posted By monkeyboy
Signup on JOC, and attend an outdoor game. Gish...

Signup on JOC, and attend an outdoor game. Gish usually attends those and he will age verify for joc and asc.
Forum: General September 12th, 2008, 10:13
Replies: 9
Views: 7,208
Posted By monkeyboy
As far as calgary goes? 911 supply...

As far as calgary goes?

911 supply (, seals action gear (, crown surplus ( they have IMP's and other stuff you might not see elsewhere)....
Forum: Gear Discussion September 12th, 2008, 10:05
Replies: 10
Views: 6,876
Posted By monkeyboy
Get a radio that was designed to do it, like a...

Get a radio that was designed to do it, like a moto or a yaesu. I believe there was a way to set it to periodically hop back to a channel, but the radio was not designed for dual watch.

Forum: General July 31st, 2008, 18:47
Replies: 31
Views: 25,393
Posted By monkeyboy
Does this code still work?

Does this code still work?
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion June 4th, 2008, 12:12
Replies: 77
Views: 43,086
Posted By monkeyboy
I bought one of the first 08 SCK from thePirates...

I bought one of the first 08 SCK from thePirates ptw orders, and i've played in light rain, highly dirty/dusty environments and it's never given me any trouble. It hasn't chewed any bbs, all the...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 27th, 2008, 00:07
Replies: 33
Views: 17,512
Posted By monkeyboy
That radio looks almost exactly like a linton...

That radio looks almost exactly like a linton 6288. the buttons are even in the same place. and a linton can be had for $80 or so. I used to run wiht one. it's ok, but I'm starting to get into...
Forum: Gear Discussion May 21st, 2008, 12:35
Replies: 18
Views: 12,790
Posted By monkeyboy
If you're looking for UHF/VHF radios try...

If you're looking for UHF/VHF radios try

I just got my new Yaesu VX-6R from there for not a bad price. Granted a lot of the uhf/vhf need to be modded to transmit on the 450-470...
Forum: General May 14th, 2008, 00:38
Replies: 20
Views: 25,318
Posted By monkeyboy
I just want everyone to know that Cal City...

I just want everyone to know that Cal City airsoft is a seperate entity from the Cal City Team. He's on the team, so he used the name. We operate independantly from the store, and it's actions have...
Forum: Accessories Discussion April 30th, 2008, 17:17
Replies: 121
Views: 92,199
Posted By monkeyboy
I would possibly be interested in a box of black...

I would possibly be interested in a box of black /w no window. I assume these are modelled after the standard pmag and not the maglevel pmag (the one with the window).
Forum: General April 22nd, 2008, 16:57
Replies: 8
Views: 9,141
Posted By monkeyboy
The Site. for some reason an...

The Site. for some reason an old copy is still being hosted (I'll have to mention that to tony)
Forum: General April 13th, 2008, 01:59
Replies: 21
Views: 15,428
Posted By monkeyboy
I recieved my 08 SCK a while ago (pirate's group...

I recieved my 08 SCK a while ago (pirate's group order #4 Apparently zshot put the first full 08 sck kit in there that pirate recieved. not those in-between models like they had for a while) and...
Forum: Gear Discussion April 11th, 2008, 13:26
Replies: 49
Views: 39,680
Posted By monkeyboy
I also ditched a ciras for something lighter and...

I also ditched a ciras for something lighter and am currently using a wasatch. I really like it. I'll take some pics when I get home
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 5th, 2008, 03:10
Replies: 17
Views: 25,514
Posted By monkeyboy
Owning a PTW doesn't make you an uber-l33t...

Owning a PTW doesn't make you an uber-l33t airsofter. It's a tool and nothing more.

As far as manufacturers go, I've been through two Classic Army guns - a SAR Taktik (g3) and an M15A4 (M4-A1)....
Forum: General March 10th, 2008, 11:47
Replies: 21
Views: 13,427
Posted By monkeyboy
I've got one and they're generally good. Open the...

I've got one and they're generally good. Open the mechbox, clean that jelly crap out of there and regrease it properly. or get a gunsmith to do it for you. That's the only issue I've had with my...
Forum: Accessories Discussion November 28th, 2007, 01:19
Replies: 29
Views: 21,667
Posted By monkeyboy
very nice! How much, and where can I get one?

very nice! How much, and where can I get one?
Forum: General November 25th, 2007, 13:08
Replies: 9
Views: 5,451
Posted By monkeyboy
I've gotten the last five or six from one of the...

I've gotten the last five or six from one of the chapters' near my house in Calgary. No other chapters in the city seems to have it however. I just know where to look and generally when they get them...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion November 1st, 2007, 01:08
Replies: 25
Views: 13,136
Posted By monkeyboy
and is it upgraded? if so, in what way

and is it upgraded? if so, in what way
Forum: Gear Discussion October 2nd, 2007, 08:37
Replies: 9
Views: 5,924
Posted By monkeyboy
They're prett decent patches. I've got a one of...

They're prett decent patches. I've got a one of these ( on my ciras
Forum: Gear Discussion September 13th, 2007, 01:31
Replies: 15
Views: 13,442
Posted By monkeyboy
When I used to run with and mp5, I used a molle...

When I used to run with and mp5, I used a molle triple mag pouch made by phantom attached to my ciras. It was od, and worked reasonably well.
same as this one:...
Forum: General April 21st, 2007, 19:24
Replies: 64
Views: 39,401
Posted By monkeyboy
So, you've read everything you could find about...

So, you've read everything you could find about the m700, opened the box (I assumed you looked it over a few times. I know I can't put down a new gun right away), and didn't look at it again for...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion April 15th, 2007, 12:28
Replies: 15
Views: 11,130
Posted By monkeyboy
My buddy has a p226 and I have a p229. I tried...

My buddy has a p226 and I have a p229. I tried the 226 mag in a 229, and the 226 is a little bit longer. it fits, but it sticks out a little bit. getting a 29 mag would be best
Forum: Airsoft Media March 7th, 2007, 02:22
Replies: 19
Views: 12,349
Posted By monkeyboy
where are you getting it from and how much? I've...

where are you getting it from and how much? I've been looking for one for mine but wasn't sure what actually fit on this one.
Forum: Gear Discussion March 6th, 2007, 02:03
Replies: 15
Views: 8,780
Posted By monkeyboy
I know it's not in your budget, but I use a...

I know it's not in your budget, but I use a Phantom Ciras /w mp5 triple mag pouch (also by phantom). works really well. the only gripe i have is that the phantom pouches don't have a tab to amke...
Forum: Gear Discussion January 7th, 2007, 22:19
Replies: 55
Views: 32,043
Posted By monkeyboy
That's odd. Mine has almost no smell whatsoever....

That's odd. Mine has almost no smell whatsoever. good to hear it's holding up though
Showing results 1 to 50 of 53

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