Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
September 30th, 2012, 14:02
Replies: 16
Views: 17,033
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
August 28th, 2011, 17:48
Replies: 4
Views: 5,294
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
August 1st, 2011, 16:56
Replies: 26
Views: 16,496
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
April 15th, 2011, 12:14
Replies: 78
Views: 72,923
Forum: Canadian Airsoft News Stand
October 22nd, 2010, 21:33
Replies: 93
Views: 82,741
I think the price is more the limiter then...
I think the price is more the limiter then anything else: it's not hard to build a drone that's capable of flying above the effective range of airsoft guns AND be able to transmit real time...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
October 16th, 2010, 16:28
Replies: 10
Views: 15,862
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
October 14th, 2010, 19:47
Replies: 8
Views: 7,558
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
July 7th, 2010, 00:18
Replies: 48
Views: 24,586
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
June 5th, 2010, 20:33
Replies: 13
Views: 10,007
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
May 15th, 2010, 13:36
Replies: 9
Views: 10,881
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
May 12th, 2010, 12:17
Replies: 91
Views: 58,556
Forum: Newbie Tank
February 17th, 2010, 00:33
Replies: 49
Views: 28,803
Not necessarily. Pure stock my P90 had roughly...
Not necessarily. Pure stock my P90 had roughly the same single shot effective accuracy as the VSR, good enough to hit a man sized target at 50 yards. The VSR could group a bit tighter but not enough...
Forum: Newbie Tank
February 16th, 2010, 22:00
Replies: 49
Views: 28,803
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
January 24th, 2010, 21:47
Replies: 8
Views: 10,604
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
September 24th, 2009, 13:47
Replies: 15
Views: 11,334
I'm fond of Diemaco's markings, dunno why.
I'm fond of Diemaco's markings, dunno why.
The custom ATRS real steel recievers are abslutely fantastic to see.
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
September 19th, 2009, 19:14
Replies: 57
Views: 31,519
P90's point a little faster to me then a...
P90's point a little faster to me then a conventional layout gun, as does the AUG; having the heaviest weight near the center or back of the weapon helps a lot. Not a whole lot but a little bit I've...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
September 7th, 2009, 15:09
Replies: 200
Views: 155,796
Forum: Accessories Discussion
September 4th, 2009, 12:01
Replies: 11
Views: 13,473
Anyone that reloads can punch out 5.56 dummy...
Anyone that reloads can punch out 5.56 dummy rounds pretty easily, making a fake primer might take a little artistic touch or just leave the spent primer in.
As for mag links... head down to your...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
April 26th, 2009, 11:38
Replies: 32
Views: 17,782
Forum: Newbie Tank
April 5th, 2009, 23:57
Replies: 189
Views: 137,385
Forum: Newbie Tank
April 5th, 2009, 22:38
Replies: 189
Views: 137,385
You won't need a vest. All the extras I needed...
You won't need a vest. All the extras I needed for my VSR I packed into an Eagles shooter rifle stock pack (one spare mag, a TM magazine loader and a small baggy of about 200 BBs). Had a Camelbak for...
Forum: Newbie Tank
April 4th, 2009, 14:02
Replies: 189
Views: 137,385
Paintball pretty much legal until someone in...
Paintball pretty much legal until someone in government decides to make a law stating that you cannot show little 68 caliber pellets of vegetable from an pneumatic gun.
Airsoft treads a much more...
Forum: Newbie Tank
April 1st, 2009, 14:04
Replies: 17
Views: 10,676
Eh, it's going to be a gamble... if the CBSA...
Eh, it's going to be a gamble... if the CBSA officer is smart enough to notice that it has no follower large enough to hold any bullet whatsoever he might let it through, on the other hand the...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
March 28th, 2009, 03:44
Replies: 104
Views: 53,276
Forum: Newbie Tank
January 31st, 2009, 00:08
Replies: 6
Views: 6,730
Forum: General
January 10th, 2009, 22:34
Replies: 108
Views: 77,808
Started out in paintball, played with a CCI...
Started out in paintball, played with a CCI Phantom (I actually speedballed with it once or twice, which lead to some absolutely fantastic moments and memories... "You shot me with THAT?!"). Taught...
Forum: General
September 26th, 2008, 10:29
Replies: 33
Views: 32,768
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
September 25th, 2008, 01:10
Replies: 83
Views: 93,439
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
September 22nd, 2008, 21:18
Replies: 83
Views: 93,439
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
September 22nd, 2008, 21:06
Replies: 83
Views: 93,439
I usually just took the barrel off, disengaged...
I usually just took the barrel off, disengaged the hop up, then used a fairly thick shoe lace tied that was tied to a kit string which in turn was tired to a small fishing weight. Makeshift bore...
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
September 22nd, 2008, 10:45
Replies: 83
Views: 93,439
Just to be a bastard, have you made sure your...
Just to be a bastard, have you made sure your shots are fired in the same way every time? It might be your firing technique throwing it off slightly. Even a degree or two of cant will throw the shot...
Forum: Airsoft Media
September 6th, 2008, 22:45
Replies: 72
Views: 78,306
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
September 6th, 2008, 20:15
Replies: 15
Views: 13,607
Forum: Upgrades & Modifications
September 5th, 2008, 10:21
Replies: 15
Views: 13,607
Forum: General
August 27th, 2008, 03:26
Replies: 192
Views: 244,198
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
August 18th, 2008, 00:54
Replies: 200
Views: 155,796
Hahahha, true.
1) JOC and...
Hahahha, true.
1) JOC and most of Alberta sets the limit roughly 500 FPS (JOC itself works around 480 for any marksman rifle in semi only or bolt action), chrono'd using 0.2G BBs. If...
Forum: Airsoft Guns Discussion
August 18th, 2008, 00:21
Replies: 200
Views: 155,796
Forum: General
August 17th, 2008, 00:33
Replies: 192
Views: 244,198
Forum: General
August 16th, 2008, 00:42
Replies: 192
Views: 244,198
Forum: Doctor's Corner
July 12th, 2008, 13:00
Replies: 2
Views: 4,244
Forum: Accessories Discussion
July 2nd, 2008, 17:12
Replies: 48
Views: 49,672
Forum: Accessories Discussion
July 2nd, 2008, 02:40
Replies: 48
Views: 49,672
Forum: Accessories Discussion
June 25th, 2008, 00:39
Replies: 247
Views: 131,183
Forum: Accessories Discussion
June 12th, 2008, 20:39
Replies: 247
Views: 131,183
Aye, my grenade's starting to settle down now....
Aye, my grenade's starting to settle down now. But I do find that one drop of oil in the tank like normal GBB lubing helps the grenade noticeably. I think a few more deployments should get it fully...
Forum: Accessories Discussion
June 4th, 2008, 17:06
Replies: 247
Views: 131,183
Forum: General
June 4th, 2008, 17:04
Replies: 213
Views: 140,840
Well it wasn't that I didn't enjoy being an...
Well it wasn't that I didn't enjoy being an observer. Pathetic number of kills but there's some thrill of being within a few hundred meters of an enemy base and them not having a clue that you're...
Forum: General
June 2nd, 2008, 01:34
Replies: 213
Views: 140,840
Forum: Accessories Discussion
June 1st, 2008, 20:52
Replies: 70
Views: 45,794
Forum: Accessories Discussion
June 1st, 2008, 20:45
Replies: 247
Views: 131,183
Forum: Accessories Discussion
May 28th, 2008, 17:14
Replies: 247
Views: 131,183