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why a shotgun


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Old July 19th, 2009, 14:37   #1
Jburough's Avatar
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why a shotgun

"woah buddy come-down w/ all the threads"
third thread I know, but lets just get this green out of my sytem

why is an airsoft shottie beneficial if at all?
is it just preference,
"I happen to like shotguns, so I will get one"

or is there some sort of feild advant?
Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
People will run and attend games that suit their taste. People will make investment in airsoft in a similar manner.
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Old July 19th, 2009, 14:59   #2
Rumpel Felt
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The most practical shotguns are the TM kind or anything that uses the 3-shot burst, shell magazine.

The shell holds 30 BB's and the gun is spring operated; no gas or batteries. You rack it for every shot and you get 10 x 3-shot bursts. Research some Youtube video's of these.

Obvious disadvantage is less ammo and rate of fire. But it's a more solid platform and you know how the gun is going to behave (which ironically is not to shotgun-y). The range and grouping is also impressively tight with TM shotguns.

Overall, shotguns are most badass too that's why you want one. I mean come on, shotguns are the trademark of 'macho' in with firearms.
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Old July 19th, 2009, 15:02   #3
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Mostly cause they increase your e-peen and Bad Ass factor by over 9000....

Really though I don't know anyone who uses a shotgun outside of CQB/indoor games. They don't really have too many advantages over AEG's since the range is about the same if not slightly less and you have to pump to chamber BB's instead of having a motor do all the work for you.

Essentially you can think of shotguns like airsoft BA (Bolt Action) sniper rifles they're really not all that different, you need to cock both of them to chamber a round and the range is about the same.

Some may like shotguns just because it's almost the same thing as being a sniper (or like a pump action player in paintball), some may just plink targets with it, etc.

Sorry if that was really long winded but you shouldn't worry about shotguns, sniper rifles, or pistols until you get some game experience and start to figure out your personal style of play that you like.

PS: You should probably have just kept your new questions in one thread and entitled it something like "newbie questions".

EDIT: If you really want to be badass and get a shotgun the Crosman 3 shot shotgun (all clear) is actually a TM clone and actually pretty decent. If you hop over to Canadian Tire right now I think they have them on sale for like $70. DON'T however get the crappier $40 crosman 1 shot shotgun.
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Last edited by L473ncy; July 19th, 2009 at 15:05..
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Old July 19th, 2009, 15:02   #4
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so it's almost the same range
Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
People will run and attend games that suit their taste. People will make investment in airsoft in a similar manner.
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Old July 19th, 2009, 15:08   #5
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Well now, you knew one. I used my TM M3 shotgun at a big game of the year in Quebec last year which is outdoor game. I got confirm 10 killed with her, The reason that I can confirm is I return back to re spawn with 15 coins in my pocket, 5 is mine.
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Old July 19th, 2009, 15:19   #6
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Originally Posted by L473ncy View Post
Mostly cause they increase your e-peen and Bad Ass factor by over 9000....

Really though I don't know anyone who uses a shotgun outside of CQB/indoor games. They don't really have too many advantages over AEG's since the range is about the same if not slightly less and you have to pump to chamber BB's instead of having a motor do all the work for you.

Essentially you can think of shotguns like airsoft BA (Bolt Action) sniper rifles they're really not all that different, you need to cock both of them to chamber a round and the range is about the same.

Some may like shotguns just because it's almost the same thing as being a sniper (or like a pump action player in paintball), some may just plink targets with it, etc.

Sorry if that was really long winded but you shouldn't worry about shotguns, sniper rifles, or pistols until you get some game experience and start to figure out your personal style of play that you like.

PS: You should probably have just kept your new questions in one thread and entitled it something like "newbie questions".

EDIT: If you really want to be badass and get a shotgun the Crosman 3 shot shotgun (all clear) is actually a TM clone and actually pretty decent. If you hop over to Canadian Tire right now I think they have them on sale for like $70. DON'T however get the crappier $40 crosman 1 shot shotgun.
duely noted - I feel a bit stupid making three threads, I just had another question pop up after making the first

are you able to delete your own thread?
Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
People will run and attend games that suit their taste. People will make investment in airsoft in a similar manner.
"My mind is my blade, my body is my soul - w/ out them I am useless"

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Old July 19th, 2009, 15:26   #7
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if you had a chance to shoot a G&P/Maruzen shotty you will not want to touch your AEG again, G&P shotty is essentially a enhanced version of the maruzen, they shoot harder (370fps vs 280) and generally have better ranges than a TM M3, being an all metal construction is an added bonus. If you can get one get them.
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Old July 19th, 2009, 15:30   #8
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How else are you suppose to play airsoft spewing Ash one-liners?

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old July 19th, 2009, 15:49   #9
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I like my gas M500. Changed the stock and stuff, fiddled with internals a bit. Full metal, 5 BBs per shot, no shells to deal with.

Still needs to be painted once I get all the accessories installed.


Last edited by Drake; July 19th, 2009 at 15:52..
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Old July 19th, 2009, 15:57   #10
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see I would have origanally presumed it would be for rolling into a scenario w/ two or three guys bunched together or it's just "ok, you just got hit by a theoretical shotty, you're dead, man!"
no ifs about it
Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
People will run and attend games that suit their taste. People will make investment in airsoft in a similar manner.
"My mind is my blade, my body is my soul - w/ out them I am useless"

"squeeze my lemon - 'til the Juice runs down my leg"
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Old July 19th, 2009, 16:22   #11
aka coachster
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wasn't going to post this in a public thread until after the M7 pistols and shotty game but here's my baby:

full metal 3 x 6mm
KA tactical stock adapter (w/rail not pictured), KA collapsible stock, TM tracer unit (JP Rifles barrel extension used as a barrel adapter)

I need to find a nicer grip.
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