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Classic Army - P90 Sportline Series



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Old April 7th, 2009, 17:59   #1
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Classic Army - P90 Sportline Series

Hello all I have not done a review in a long time

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Classic Army P90

YouTube - Classic Army P90 - Out of Box Review

Out of the Box adjustments

1. Replace the hop up rubber, the current one is too hard and does not give much hop when adjusted like a TM P90 would

2. May need to rework mechbox to have the loading nozzle not stick forward or inwards (Can vary in problem some have inwards sticking while others have outwards sticking)

Performance - 3/5

Apr 7th - Performance Test
Straight out of the box in stock form this gun performs very well. Even while it was outside my door for 4 hours it still was able to shoot. After owning the TM P90 for awhile and testing out the JG/Echo 1 P90 is seems the Classica Army P90 is more close to the TM P90 maybe even better right out of the box. Straight out the box nothing needs to be modded.

Apr 23rd - Performance Test
I just found out if I ever want to increase the ROF I will need a new Gearbox or fix the internals which I have heard probably will not alleviate this problem. As I read in other review it appears out of the box that the nozzle has some problems either always sticking inwards or outwards.

Mine sticks Outwards on Full auto which is a big problem. Reason being is that if the nozzle sticks out wards too much then the BBs cannot feed in. Right now using a 8.4v Nimh battery but I tried my Lipo on it and the ROF is insane but its so fast that the BBs are not feeding in because the Nozzle is stuck forward causing the BBs not to drop in the loader. So that leaves a bitter taste as I remember when I had my TM P90 and tried it with a Lipo is cycled well AND Echo1 can also take Lipos and feed properly too.

In conclusion CA P90 if you want a good upgrade platform Echo1 or TM P90 may be better. Don't get me wrong the CA P90 is fine the way it is but if you want crazy ROF then you may have to fix it up or look elsewhere

Aesthetics 4/5

Aesthetically it is very close to the TM P90 where as the JG/Echo 1 P90 is not. The CA P90 has a nice texture and it does not look black plain fake plastic like the JG one. The only downfall is that the seams on the gun don't appear as tight as the Tokyo Marui P90s.

Peripherals 3/5

The stock battery it comes with makes the gun shoot wonderfully. It comes with a battery, a charger, and some BBs. Usually I replace the stock battery with something better but I think I will be using the battery until it dies. Its the batteries that gives the peripherals a good mark.

The red dot sight is probably not the best thing you would want to rely on in combat. Its fuzzy and its off, I would say the cheapest one you could get is the BSA Red dot from Dealxtreme

After testing it some more the Hicap magazine definitely should be replaced with better low-cap ones. Reason being is that it seems to unwind after every 10-30 shots. 30 shots if I am lucky.

Internals 4/5

The internals such as the hopup and parts on the gearboxes are the nice solid black ABs plastic parts. Looks healthier and better than the whitish yelloish plastic parts you would find on your JG/Echo 1 P90s. I really like the nice solid black internals as they appear almost the same as a TM P90. The Nylon bushings don't seem to be a problem yet. Though strangely when you shoot a BB it makes a very loud sound not like the TM which is a good thing and a bad thing depending on your playing style.

Overall Review - Will constantly change over time

For now I find it to be a good starters gun. Though this is the initial review and will change over time

Where to get MAGS?
Also for cheapo Mags go to! (But they have fake bullets with them so its a gamble with your money and custom seizure)
ASC Retailers should have them go check it out!

Price Difference

And to quell anyone asking price difference, this was almost half the cost of a TM P90. And I do not regert it at all.

Gun Updates

June 17 2009

Gun is still operational and full functioning

Semi-auto is still working and only jams up if you do not pull the trigger completely Gone through almost 5000 rounds
Full-auto is still kicking it good, don't notice any misfeeds or jams

Only problem is the Semi-auto sometimes if I fire too fast it does not feed. But problem can be solved with a Sector Clip on the gear but I am too lazy to fix and that problem is not all to bad since it only happens once in awhile

Don't use the RDS that came with it, used my own Cheapo China BSA Red do which works perfectely.

Aside from that this is my primary even in outdoor games

Another problem is Echo1/ACM P90 Magazines fit perfectely but the retention is weak and you would have to manually move lock the magazine in by pulling out the magazine catch. Not hard to do and a habit that I come to do for all mags to make sure they are retained
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; June 17th, 2009 at 16:46..
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Old April 7th, 2009, 18:00   #2
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Game Review

Apr 25th 2009 - FTF Outdoor Field (Owner = Brian McIlymoyle (TTAC3))

Body is all aching sore but my arms are fine. The P90 was lightweight and great to carry around and maneuver. Although I was outranged by the longer M14, M4s and FAL's. The thick branches and leaves everywhere provided a lot of cover for me to run around crazy like I usually do. And the only way to peg people is getting in close if I had to estimate I would say within 70 feet was a sure shot kill.

I always had the feeling of being out ranged as my shots continuously curved on 0.20g then I switched to .28g and it curved less but the AEG's with 363mm and longer can peg me no problem past 70 feet.

If theres one thing I would change would be to put on a longer inner barrel if I were going outdoors or just keep this as a CQB gun
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; April 26th, 2009 at 23:41..
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Old April 7th, 2009, 18:01   #3
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Cheaper Magazine Review

Airsoft Global P90 130 round Magazine Review

Its sold out now but save the hassle and do not get these, they have problems

I though the 130 round would be great since it will be double the amount of rounds a TM or other copycat mags would give me. I was definitely mistaken. It appears to have some double stacking inside which I believe is where all the problems stem from. And guess what it cannot even fill up to 130 rounds at most it can fill up to 50-70 rounds.

2/4 mags I bought work perfectly while the other 2 you have to tap on them or poke at the BBs inside to make it cycle.

Now I will still give them one good point is that the ones that do feed, feed great, shoot great and work like TM magazine for half the price.

But if anything I would say save the money and just go for the TM magazine or copycats that are 68 rounds as anything more will probably have the same problems as mine

JG/ACM/Echo1 P90 Magazine - 68 Round

It appears that these mags do not fit on the CA P90 Properly (This is the CA P90 only not talking about other P90 Models). The 130 rounders fit in fine with a little force while these fit in and feed but can pop right out if you jingle it around.

The problem lies within the CA P90's magazine holder latch. I have to manual push the latch to latch onto the mag to hold it into place rather than it just automatically moving into place once the P90 mag is placed in.

Albeit it feeds 100% better than the 130 rounders the fitment will need some modification

Other than that it feeds perfectly and all BBs freely within the Mag into the gun

JG/ACM/Echo1 68rnd Update - Apr 25th 2009

Noticed that some of the mags now pop out BBs if I try to aggresively put the mag in the P90 not too sure if others have that problem but I am guessing the retention spring is not that strong, so probably could be fixed with a tiny spring. I noticed this when I was in a reloading fever while trying to take down an enemy 50 feet away and the BBs were popping out not all the BBs but one or two at a time.
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; April 26th, 2009 at 23:41..
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Old April 7th, 2009, 18:05   #4
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Interesting, this review is in contrary to almost every other account I've heard about the CA90.

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Old April 7th, 2009, 18:07   #5
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My review will change over time

This is the initial review out of the box type
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old April 7th, 2009, 18:09   #6
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Fair enough. Maybe you did indeed get a decent one.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 7th, 2009, 18:35   #7
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Video is up

Originally Posted by kalnaren View Post
Fair enough. Maybe you did indeed get a decent one.
Hmm I tried looking for reviews on it but not many could be found, but I didn't know that the CA P90 was another lottery pick gun. So there are a lot of horror stories of it?
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old April 7th, 2009, 18:48   #8
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Those seams are on the real gun too!!
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Old April 7th, 2009, 18:50   #9
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I know the seams are on the real gun......

I mean they appear to be wider than usual, thats why I said they are not as tight
- Pistolero Steve -

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Old April 7th, 2009, 19:05   #10
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Originally Posted by cbcsteve View Post
Hmm I tried looking for reviews on it but not many could be found, but I didn't know that the CA P90 was another lottery pick gun. So there are a lot of horror stories of it?
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And to be honest, most online reviews didn't outright bash the gun. But most online reviews tend to be way overly kind -they wouldn't even call a turd a piece of shit. You kindof have to read between the lines a bit. Basically, the impresison I got from most reviewers is that they liked it simply because "it wasn't as expensive as a TM" and seemed to used that to justify the shitty piston (think original CA), sub-par gears, non-reinforced mechbox, nylon bushings, and some other mechbox and quality shortfallings. From what I've read I've gotten the impression that the CA90 is actually the lowest quality of the entire sportline series.

But anyway, I'll not fill up your review with my own opinion based solely on other reviews. You actually have your hands on the gun after all

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 7th, 2009, 19:19   #11
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Oh yeah I forgot about the Nylon Bushings and red dot time to edit away

The problems have yet to occur but I am always prone to mass edits. I better go do an accuracy test sometime as now I am sweating after reading from that guy's review on how the BBs don't seem to shoot out properly.

The Hicap Mag is garbage after winding it more and more it seems to only shoot 10-30 shots. 30 Shots if I am lucky
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; April 7th, 2009 at 19:24..
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Old April 13th, 2009, 22:40   #12
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Ran into feeding issues. Filled the mag 70%-80%, wined it, and nothing. Would tap it a few times, empty out some more, wined it again, really smack the mag in. Its a little fussy. Will try low cap mags when I get back. The RDS is complete crap, it bleeds bad.
"Hey I'm the first one to say its a great country but its a straaaaange culture. This is a place where gun store owners are given a list of stolen credit cards but not a list of CRIMINALS and MANIACS. And now they're thinking of banning toy guns...AND THEY'RE GONNA KEEP THE F**KING REAL ONES!"
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Old April 13th, 2009, 22:52   #13
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Okay I just added my review of the

AG 130 round P90 magazines, scroll upwards to see
Overall I would say do not get them

You can also find ones called Silverback that holds 150 rounds I would advise don't get them either, its a reason why they are so cheap and half the price of TM magazines

Yes they are importable but don't bother with those 130+ round P90 magazines as I would say go for the TM or other copycat magazines that are no more than 68 rounds as anything for than 68 would mean that it would have to have double stack in the magazine and that just creates more problems
- Pistolero Steve -

Last edited by cbcsteve; April 13th, 2009 at 22:55..
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Old April 13th, 2009, 22:57   #14
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Thanks for the review on the magazines. I was actually considering buying these.

"Someone in a Prius tried to race me at a stop sign the other day. I couldn't believe it. I had him for the first 100 feet or so but I can only walk so fast."
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Old April 13th, 2009, 23:02   #15
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Yeah I had a feeling people were tempted to get the bigger capacity magazines so I took a dip and well 4 mags came in 3 days thanks to AG fast shipping

2 Mags work perfectly and the other 2 are wonky but still cycle you just have to lightly beat it like a caveman with a club on the table to get some of the BBs to unjam.

They still shoot fine you just have to unjam it first
- Pistolero Steve -

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