Every year for a brief period of time after Halloween we are told to remember those men and women who gave up their lives in World Wars I and II so that the Western world would remain free from tyranny. We also remember those that did the same in the following wars and peace keeping missions so that others could enjoy the same freedoms that we enjoy. We still have men and women making that sacrifice in Afghanistan as I write this, lying on my bed, in the comfort of my home.
Why don't we remember them all year round? Are 11 days all we are willing to give up to remember what they have done for us? We ask them to be willing to give up their lives and to take the lives of others and we give them maybe two weeks if they're lucky. Yes, someone needs to do their job, and I don't envy the person doing it regardless how much I enjoy dressing up like a soldier and running around in the bush hunting my fellow gamer.
Maybe if we remembered their sacrifices more we would have less conflicts, I doubt it, there will always be people who don't value life and liberty for all as much as we do but it's a hope. We will always need some one to stand up and do what is needed to protect the weak and helpless and I hope there is always someone willing to stand up when we need them.
For those that have no obligations for the day, I challenge you to make the day different than every other normal day off so you can remember those that have fallen for more of the year.