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JG HK 416 Crane stock New and dead


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Old July 12th, 2008, 16:27   #1
M76's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Cape Town South Africa
JG HK 416 Crane stock New and dead

hope some body maybe able to help. I have a new JG HK416,When I got it I connected the battery to make sure it shot ,which it did, I pulled 2 semi pull and one short burst in AF, the batteries were low so I took them out of the stock and connected them to the charger to charge ,I did play around with the stock abit ,this morning after the batteries were fully charged I install the batteries back in the stock and pulled the trigger , enough ting ,dead , checked fuse, it looks fine, I tried a other battery, no go, I bridged the wiring from the fuse holder , still enough ting.

I have a feeling that somehow i may have damaged the wiring when installing the battery. any help would be great full for .
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Old July 13th, 2008, 09:02   #2
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Cape Town South Africa
Ok found the problem and repaired it ,at the bottom of the crane stock there is a round waster (that keeps the stock to the body ),at the bottom of the waster it has a flat area . the problem is the area is very narrow and the wire that is used that curls is very thick this wire is connected to the stock type wiring of the gear box with very small plate connectors and then sealed with heat shrink , the heat shrink had hooked on the bottom of the washer and when i extended the stock it pulled out and was this connected . I have done a mode to stop this happening in the future. I will post pictures late.
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