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CIRAS help


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Old April 27th, 2008, 01:29   #1
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CIRAS help

So im apparently really retarded and maybe its just cause of the long day... but wtf CIRAS WTF.

K so ive managed to find a few diagrams of eagles and whatnot being assembled. I picked up my CIRAS from Huang today, great quality for the price and made out of 1000D. Stitching is excellent as well.

Aside from that... CIRAS vests are new to me and I know theres the little loop in the back and you basically feed it through all the holes. BUT. What are the steps in fine detail for somebody like me (lol) who doesn't know what to do with the loop and then the piece of detatched cord/loop that can be tied... then where to put the actual cord through. Is there some instructional video lmao
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Old April 27th, 2008, 01:48   #2
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There's an unillustrated blurb about it in this review:

The vest is shipped assembled, so you dont have to worry about assembling it when it arrives. However, this procedure does take a bit more work. First, re-attach the Quick-Ditch Cord Panel to the center-top area of the front vest part to the velcro pocket area. Second, feed the Quick-Ditch Cord through either shoulder strap all the way through until its tight with the front part of the vest. You must then insert each cummerbund component into the rear inside part of the vest through the sides and tops for the shoulder straps. You then feed the Quick-Ditch Cord through the holes of the cummerbunds that reflect the size you want, starting with the shoulder straps, then feeding the cord through the 4 other velcro cummerbunds that secure the vest together at the bottom. After you have fed the cord, pull tightly and feed the cord through the small metal hole on the inside wall of the vest, it should then feed out into the plate compartment area. Re-close the vest's inside compartments, then attach the 4 side velcro panels to the front of the vest and close the front vest's velcro flaps on each side to secure the vest together.

You are now ready to wear the vest, slide it on, lock, and load.

Makes me like my FSBE :P
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Old April 27th, 2008, 01:51   #3
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Thanks going to read now. Mine didn't come assembled, go figure lol! It was basically just barely held in and I need to learn how to do this so I can keep adjusting it to fit right. Thanks
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Old April 27th, 2008, 02:27   #4
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it has detailed instruction of how to assemble it, but it is in Chinese. hope it helps
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Old April 27th, 2008, 09:51   #5
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Loop is at the bottom.

Feed the loop into the inner cumberbund holes, then the outter cumberbund holes then finish with the shoulder straps. At this point the loop will have the flaps on it and then the steel cable gets fed through the loop and its basically done. After that all you want to do is take the lil left over peice of string and tie around around the cable and loop to secure them
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Old April 27th, 2008, 23:39   #6
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I love my Phantom Scrimmage for the second time today and the balance with plates and fully load is amazing.
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