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Why is the M4 so popular?


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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:29   #1
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Why is the M4 so popular?

With all the real-life faults of the M4, why do people like it so much?

Real-life trials show the HK416 is superior to the M4, yet not all the major manufacturers have the HK416. TM for example has a slew of M4 variants but nary an HK416.

Point is, why does everyone love the M4? Is it because it is used by the Canadian forces and the US?

I would have thought that most airsofters, given that they can be kitted in "dream equipment" would choose the most effective real-life weapon, not just what a budget army could afford?
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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:31   #2
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We don't use the M4. Ours is different.

Sure the 416 is superior, but it's also a buttload more expensive than the M4... and the US military already has M4's...
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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:31   #3
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Because it's got what Airsofters crave... It's got electrolytes!
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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:34   #4
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Everyone wants to be like Marine Force DeltaSEAL Rangers. And what do they use? (at least, before some of them picked up the 416 )

Plus then they can win at irony and run LIKE KENYAAANNNNSSS
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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:34   #5
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Also, the M4 came out in 1994. The HK416 came out in what? 2005 or 2006? Airsoft companies are just NOW coming out with Hk416 replicas. Think about it for a minute and you'd understand.

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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:37   #6
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From airsoft POV, availability of parts/accessories et cetera
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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:42   #7
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Because the M4 can make you win! Win at things you cant even win at. Things like yelling! Yes the M4 can make you win at yelling!

Asking why people like M4 is a very tough question, because the opinions can vary so vastly almost no two answers could ever be alike.

Why do some people like apples more than oranges?

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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:45   #8
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Because Airsoft is essentially a platform for either professional training/simulation, or recreational simulation/role-playing(gasp!), and M4/M16 is one of the most widely used weapon platform in the world(aside from AKs, which is just as popular in Airsoft form, but maybe a tad less compare to M4/M16 as you can dress them up like barbies without having been shouted, so if you strive for accuracy in Pro-training or accurate loadout for your role-play, you ended up using one.... Besides, a lot of people in Airsoft like to play cowboy(the Free West) than Indian(the Eastern Bloc/Commies/Terrorist...etc)

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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:48   #9
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Originally Posted by RacingManiac View Post
Because Airsoft is essentially a platform for either professional training/simulation, or recreational simulation/role-playing(gasp!), and M4/M16 is one of the most widely used weapon platform in the world(aside from AKs, which is just as popular in Airsoft form, but maybe a tad less compare to M4/M16 as you can dress them up like barbies without having been shouted, so if you strive for accuracy in Pro-training or accurate loadout for your role-play, you ended up using one.... Besides, a lot of people in Airsoft like to play cowboy(the Free West) than Indian(the Eastern Bloc/Commies/Terrorist...etc)

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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:50   #10
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It's just like why people like to have American Dollar (10 years ago, not now lol)
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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:57   #11
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Because the M4 is the best thing since sliced bread!

its a very modular rifle. loads of add-ons, accessories, which are readily accessible and not so expansive for the many of them.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 21:57   #12
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416s just became available how many days ago? I can't see most average folks ditching kit just because something new is up.

Originally Posted by sigsour View Post
With all the real-life faults of the M4, why do people like it so much?

Real-life trials show the HK416 is superior to the M4, yet not all the major manufacturers have the HK416. TM for example has a slew of M4 variants but nary an HK416.

Point is, why does everyone love the M4? Is it because it is used by the Canadian forces and the US?

I would have thought that most airsofters, given that they can be kitted in "dream equipment" would choose the most effective real-life weapon, not just what a budget army could afford?
That's easy to answer, Apples are Canadian and they rhyme, nuff said. Oranges are from some foreign country, we don't know which one but they're not from here, also they rhyme with nothing!
Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
Because the M4 can make you win! Win at things you cant even win at. Things like yelling! Yes the M4 can make you win at yelling!

Asking why people like M4 is a very tough question, because the opinions can vary so vastly almost no two answers could ever be alike.

Why do some people like apples more than oranges?
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Old February 12th, 2008, 22:19   #13
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Is it true you can retrofit an M4 with an HK416 upper receiver and you can't tell the difference (ie. you can't tell it has a different upper receiver)? It's a question for "role-playing" authenticity. I've read that some special forces have ordered HK416 upper receivers.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 22:24   #14
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plus 416 is ugly, and that's the only thing that counts.
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Old February 12th, 2008, 22:26   #15
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