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accuracy of aeg verses sniper rifle.


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Old November 30th, 2006, 02:19   #1
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accuracy of aeg verses sniper rifle.

Yes I am new to airsoft and please don’t flame me... I have done some reading but still have some questions.
Yes I am from the USA I know I know why am I on a Canadian website... well its because we don’t have one this good.

So here is my question how accurate is a really good sniper rifle? what is the max range to get a one shot kill 90% of the time?

what about an AEG with full upgrades? how does this compare to the sniper rifle?

I know most new players want to be snipers but have no idea what is involved. I do know what is involved. I have a real sniper rifle and can engage targets out to 850 yards with it. I know about stalking and waiting for hours in one spot. I go elk hunting and am gone for days to find the right elk and get in a place to take that one shot.

what I am wondering is if I get into airsoft what kind of range will I be able to engage targets from and if its even worth getting a sniper rifle or if an aeg is better. cost is not an issue.

I hear that a fully upgraded sniper rifle has better range but I cant find anywhere that lists how far that is.
With the best sniper rifle could I consistently make kills at 100 yards?
marksmanship is not an issue as I can put all three shots through one hole at 100 yards with my 308.

thanks for your time!
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Old November 30th, 2006, 03:08   #2
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100 yards, yeah maybe 100', 125' if theres no wind.

With a single shot you'll have maybe a 50% chance of hitting a man sized target at 100' with an upgraded AEG (400fps) if your lucky. Short burst (3-5 shots) will have a much higher chance of having one or two hit.

With a bolt action spring sniper rifle (450fps) you should be able to hit a target at 100' fairly consistently (65-75% of the time?) and maybe 125-150' with far less consistency.

This is of course if theres no wind and all is well with your gun. If you can shoot a .308 that well it doesn't mean much with airsoft because of the difference in ballistics. Low velocity round projectile out of a smooth bore versus a high velocity (relatively) bullet out of a rifled barrel, massive difference.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 04:44   #3
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Some claim that bolt action sniper rifles such as the high powered Tanaka M700 series can hit man-sized targets out to 200-250 feet with 90% accuracy.

Upgraded 400fps AEGs can generally hit targets at 75-100 feet with the same accuracy.

The general higher power of sniper rifles are what allows the greater range.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 06:51   #4
Amazing KG3
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Originally Posted by Jeremy_V View Post
Yes I am from the USA I know I know why am I on a Canadian website... well its because we don’t have one this good.
YEAH, damn straight!
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Old November 30th, 2006, 09:42   #5
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I've done tests, and depending on what ammo I use and wind conditions that day, I can hit a man sized target at 120 feet (measured) with one shot 90-70% of the time (not an exaggeration). Upgraded G3 SG1.

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Old November 30th, 2006, 09:54   #6
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With my SL-9 (MS100SP Installed, not Chrono'd yet)

I can Consistently hit a 6" x 6" Target at 100' (Single Shots) Next time I get a chance, I'll Measure out 120 and 150 and see how accurate it does.

[edit]Incidentally, thats with 0.28g[/edit]
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I recommend you wait until you're 18+, have a decent education, a good job, a home that isn't your parent's basement, a car, and enough expendable cash that you don't have to ask my advice on buying junk - by then you'll be old enough, wise enough (hopefully) and have enough cash to buy whatever you want regardless of the multitude of conflicting opinions you're going to get.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 10:33   #7
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There is no way, unless you go to extremes, that any airsoft will hit a target at 100 yards.

If you reach 200 feet total, it's a good day.

About 100 feet is the most you can hope for with consistent accuracy for an AEG or decent sniper rifle. When both are 'stock', they are pretty much equal in range and accuracy.

Go to a game and rent some guns before buying anything.

Again, better accuracy and range is not impossible, but you need to make changes.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 11:33   #8
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A few weekends ago, a buddy of mine went to the Ferry game in Abbotsford, B.C. and played with a Tanaka M700 AICS. He was on the opposite end of the ferry and could hit the other end of the ferry. I can't remember how many meters that was, have to ask him and repost. But it is possible hitting long ranges with high powered bolt action sniper rifles.

Depending how big your field is, the SR-25 would be a good choice if you went the AEG way.

Although it could prove to be combersome in tight quarters, but if you're playing in tight quarters such as an indoor field, use your sidearm.

But like Greylocks suggested, go to a game and rent some guns before buying anything. If someone at your field has either a AEG or Bolt Action Sniper rifle, ask if you could take a few shots. That way you can decide which is better for you.

Good luck in your search and have fun with whatever choice you decide with.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 11:44   #9
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Sorry for the thread jack, the ferry is 330', some may not believe you can shoot from one end to the other, but i was there in april and saw a few kills from bow to stern.
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Originally Posted by kos View Post
I swear, I didn't find out about it till I got home from bangin' little miss rotten-crotch!
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Old November 30th, 2006, 11:47   #10
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Mongoose said it. It's not impossible, but unless you have an upgraded gun of any kind it's unlikely. If you do, it is not a consistent thing.
I should mention that by target I mean something smaller than a pie plate. A human being is far bigger than that.

If you are familiar with real guns, you will notice just how weird airsoft ballistics are. You are better off thinking about shotgun patterning than figuring normal rifle ballistics.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 12:17   #11
Red Tiger
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On my field i had the opportunity to see many very pimped AEG and BA sniper !

Here some exemple :

- Fox's Classic army M24, fully upgraded ; Value of 1500$. This rifle was shooting constantly 450FPS with 0.20. With Good quality 0.30 bb Fox was shooting 175 feet with no problem. At 200' + he had to ajust for wind and distance.

- My fully pimped 395 FPS M14 , Value of 1500$+. This aeg was shooting fine within 135-150' . At longer distance i had to make ajustment for range and conditions. I never achieve the accuracy close to any BA.

- AIC M700 tanaka : value of 1000$ ; stock version. This BA had range but no accuracy when in stock form ! Hop up and barrel had to be changed. At full FPS i had attain some 400' range shot.... almost 700 FPS. but accuracy is not very good. Use very good quality bb, very good tightbore and clean it often.

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Old November 30th, 2006, 12:18   #12
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You also have to consider the fact that a single impact does not register on most airsoft player's perception. Especially at long range and if it hits a piece of their vest or gear such that they won't have the tactile feeling to go with the "pop" sound of a single hit. I'm not saying airsoft players ignore or cheat such kills, far from it. I'm just saying from experience that such is human perception in the high level environment of a game, expect alot of your "hits" not to be preceived. Also at sniper ranges its near impossible to actually see the bb completely downrange regardless of your scope's power, so add to the above you will assume more hits on target than in fact are actually arriving. So you're setting yourself up for frustration. Be prepared for that.

Add to the above the low ballistic rate and range and airsoft rounds are *easily* dodge-able.

Given all of that, and after many events, I've yet to see snipers be effective at all in airsoft events where there is any degree or cover and conceilment at all (remembering in airsoft that conceilment often equals cover because of the low weight projectiles).

Assault riflemen, even fast moving SMG-ers make much more tactical impact on the airsoft field, and tend to leave events with a higher satisfaction level (the "got stuff done" factor) and less bad feelings over sportsmanship (point blank sprays notwithstanding).

Sorry to throw that out there to a hopeful sniper prospect, but someone should say it. I want you to enjoy airsoft, so you should have the full picture on what to expect in play.
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Last edited by Hillslam; November 30th, 2006 at 12:22..
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Old November 30th, 2006, 12:48   #13
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Originally Posted by Jayhad View Post
Sorry for the thread jack, the ferry is 330', some may not believe you can shoot from one end to the other, but i was there in april and saw a few kills from bow to stern.
Not saying I'm correct or anything...I'm just going off what my buddy told me.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 14:28   #14
Hortons Heros
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pm gm_gunner. He's using a bolt action gas and once he got used to it he is super accurate and getting great distance. I have no numbers but I know he does. gm's sniper is adjustable from over 600fps to 280fps. Toss him a message and see what he says.

the upgraded AEGs I've seen have had more issues. Lots of power but their hop-up can't take it. Seems cheaper to buy a good gas sniper that is already made to handle the power.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 14:46   #15
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Thanks for the info. Hortons. Will have to send a PM to him. I just ordered my Tanaka M700 AICS and am curious what fps it has. Of all the people I've talked to who owns this sniper rifle says they are getting fps of over 600+ fps easy!
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