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Airsoft Tank with a new twist.



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Old September 5th, 2006, 17:21   #1
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Airsoft Tank with a new twist.

I was reading the forum thread on Airsoft Arty again just to get some Ideas, and a fleeting little thought popped into my head... so I put on my trusty Hat of Insanity +1 and let my brain run around a bit. What it came up with, other than the concept of peanut-butter flavor toothpaste :-D , was if we can set up some sort of safe-to-fire simulated arty/explosive round... why not make a Airsoft tank that actually has a really big gun on it? Not a real tank with real treads, of course... more like some sort of big truck with a big, tank-like turret on it.

For the gun I was thinking along the lines of some sort of 50-70mm barrel that launches some sort of foam-wrapped BB grenade that would detonate on impact, without risking hurting people... as an alternative you could also launch what would be essentially a plastic baggie of flower or some other heavy powder. Upon impact the baggie would break and send flower everywhere (this was discussed in the Arty thread a bit, if I recal correctly.)

The ammuntion has the same problem as the Airsoft Arty idea: it has to be safe to shoot at people and still have a "splash damage" effect. But it would be easier to develop a tank round that travels in a straight line rather than arcs like a arty round... you would not have to worry about the kenetic energy it would pick up on the way down.

I imagine anyone with some tools and experience could make the vehicle easily enough... you just need a old truck you don't like and something to make the gun out of.

Feel free to tear this Idea down... but go easy on me I always feekl a bit hung over after using the Insanity Hat. :cheers:
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Old September 5th, 2006, 17:33   #2
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Originally Posted by Talraga
I was reading the forum thread on Airsoft Arty again just to get some Ideas, and a fleeting little thought popped into my head... so I put on my trusty Hat of Insanity +1 and let my brain run around a bit. What it came up with, other than the concept of peanut-butter flavor toothpaste :-D , was if we can set up some sort of safe-to-fire simulated arty/explosive round... why not make a Airsoft tank that actually has a really big gun on it? Not a real tank with real treads, of course... more like some sort of big truck with a big, tank-like turret on it.

For the gun I was thinking along the lines of some sort of 50-70mm barrel that launches some sort of foam-wrapped BB grenade that would detonate on impact, without risking hurting people... as an alternative you could also launch what would be essentially a plastic baggie of flower or some other heavy powder. Upon impact the baggie would break and send flower everywhere (this was discussed in the Arty thread a bit, if I recal correctly.)

The ammuntion has the same problem as the Airsoft Arty idea: it has to be safe to shoot at people and still have a "splash damage" effect. But it would be easier to develop a tank round that travels in a straight line rather than arcs like a arty round... you would not have to worry about the kenetic energy it would pick up on the way down.

I imagine anyone with some tools and experience could make the vehicle easily enough... you just need a old truck you don't like and something to make the gun out of.

Feel free to tear this Idea down... but go easy on me I always feekl a bit hung over after using the Insanity Hat. :cheers:

OMG your a genius! This has never been thought of before! :salute:
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Old September 5th, 2006, 18:43   #3
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163154 in Ontario has an Aircanon that was fairly decent..think I have a pic somewhere....ah here's the link

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Old September 5th, 2006, 18:46   #4
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Holy! that thing looks like it could cause alot of damage, sure would add to the effect of war, getting shelled out by bb grenades.
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Old September 5th, 2006, 18:56   #5
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Well, the thing is, anytime you've got mass and velocity, you've got energy -- so the risk of "hurting someone" is there. A tennis ball is a good example; it's light and not overly hard, but when you start putting enough energy behind it to fly straight for more than a few meters, it'll smart if you get hit by it.

If you're going to do a non-BB-launching projectile, you're maybe better off with a very lightweight (NERF-ish) projectile that'll emit a small bang on impact (put a toy cap in it).

I can see players having a problem with being covered in flour, too; you'll look white for the rest of the game. A cloud of flour also poses a flash hazard (risk of explosion) if exposed to an open flame or similar ignition source (no joke).

As for indirect fire projectiles picking up velocity "on the way down", first this is limited by terminal velocity, and secondly something that has enough energy (velocity) to escape gravity (i.e., fly in a straight line) has more energy than if it were being pulled down by gravity alone.
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Old September 5th, 2006, 19:03   #6
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I was thinking that too, most bb grenades are hard and made outa this sorta hard plastic looking outer shell. Getting hit by that on the head or neck could cause a serious injury. Nothing hard could get shot outa that thing.

As for the nerf with cap, would be a good idea... I wish we knew how to make that ninja puff smoke stuff, then it would make a bang when it would impact, not hurt anyone and be sufficient for everyone to know whos dead and whos not.
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Old September 5th, 2006, 19:04   #7
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Blah lbagjhdfagagadfgag (Just checking to see if my sig is disapearing cuz of text size, gonna delete this post)
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Old September 5th, 2006, 21:10   #8
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<-- have the design done (turret & projectile design)
<--does not have the time to invesigate legalities. (both road safe and other)
<--does not have materials to build it.
<--and lets face it if you have the money to build it, you don't have the time to make it.
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Old September 5th, 2006, 21:51   #9
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I just want to make an M2 .50 cal Browning for the back of my pick up truck.

But an artillery peice, now that would be fun....

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Old September 5th, 2006, 21:59   #10
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Originally Posted by Dracheous
I just want to make an M2 .50 cal Browning for the back of my pick up truck.

But an artillery peice, now that would be fun....

airsoft m2 has been made.... blastyman has one, it fires and man does it smart if your close.
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Old September 5th, 2006, 22:04   #11
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didn't say it hasn't, just said thats all I want on the back of my truck .

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Old September 5th, 2006, 22:23   #12
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The NERF ball idea works, I suppose. It's have to be player's best judgment in that case (if you think your close enough to the "bang" to qualify as being hit you call it). Either way a large tank-like thing would be a nice touch to a scenario, don't you think?
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Old September 5th, 2006, 22:43   #13
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Well, I had a LAW project that I started but never finished.(Seems rockets are too dangerous, understandable since I almost lost a eyebrow cause of one.)

The ammo we wanted to use though was based on the Nerf Vortex design, which was reusable (note I'm no safety expert, my right ear remembers all those firecrackers). I'll try to find the concept drawings. We also made an expendable one made out of cork.

All in all, safety wise, if you got your goggles and a soft enough head, you're good. Plus with the vortex design, it whisles as it flies, which is an added bonus.

I'll post the drawings with schematics on the 6th (tomorrow).
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Old September 6th, 2006, 01:45   #14
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Helllloooo... lookee what I found:

A breach-loading, high caliber, air cannon used for recrational paintball. Outfit that with a single solid foam round or a huge load of BBs and I think it would make a beutiful main gun for an airsoft tank don't you? You could screw with the design a bit to make resemble a tank cannon more, but the concept is good.

Make a good rocket launcher too
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Old September 6th, 2006, 07:09   #15
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Long time ago on PaintballMontreal, someone just showed us how to build-up piece by piece a rocket launcher for NERF if I'm right. It was an invention from the guy and it was doing great. Some other people did it so it wasn't a piece of crap.

Only hicky thing.. 1 load of a .12g of CO2 per shot.. So in a tank.. you must have a gooood number of them.. =P
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