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Old August 24th, 2006, 13:21   #1
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Calling all International Airsoft Players


The United Airsoft Alliance (UAA), an international organization of brotherhood and camaraderie among airsoft players and teams, cordially invites all international teams and players the world over to join our organization.

Currently our international members hail from Abu Dhabi, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, and the United States.

Our principles are stated in our Manifesto and Code of Ethics for playing, which are posted in the opening page of this web site.

We welcome all international players and teams to join in solidarity with our vision of worlwide friendship among all airsoft players.

Warmest regards to all!

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Old August 24th, 2006, 15:14   #2
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hmmm....reading..the word Gospel scares me...hmmm

this rule for Knife kills is interesting
9.2 A knife kill occurs when a player “taps” the opponent on any part of his body. When that happens the opponent is considered “dead”.
so you don't need a knife for a knife kill..
9.3 A “knife killed” opponent does not announce that he/she is “hit”, but raises his/her weapon over his/her head and proceeds out of the play area like any “hit” player.
and this keeps it silent..hmm

13.2 No swearing (There are kids in the area!)
say what?!?!

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old August 24th, 2006, 15:33   #3
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O.o what what what!?!? Kids!!?!?
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Old August 24th, 2006, 16:42   #4
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Yeah because kids play in the U.S. and the Phillipines.. I guess Hong Kong too..

They probably just don't understand the rules around here. I'm pretty sure Canada is the only country that has the rule 18+ to play..? I may be wrong though.
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Old August 24th, 2006, 17:37   #5
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Shure as long as it's free.
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Old August 24th, 2006, 17:44   #6
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Originally Posted by UAA
12.0 Civilians
12.1 Civilians are all people not involved in the airsoft game.
12.2 If a civilian enters the play area, you are responsible to call for a cease-fire and inform all other players in the area that a civilian is passing through.
12.3 After the civilian has passed your position, call “civilian clear”.
12.4 When all the players in your area have called “civilian clear”, you may mutually resume game play.
12.5 If a marshal is around, the marshal shall be the one to declare the restart of game play.
Ahhh.....I hope they are referring to civi that were hired to be in the airsoft milsim.
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Old August 24th, 2006, 17:51   #7
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in the us (as far as i know i herd this from us players) an 8 year old can walk into an airsoft gun shop with there parent and get one at 10 they can do it themselves

and yes they have whole stores dedicated to airsoft or so i am told

cry cry sob sob were forced to order online

side note i dont know how accurate the information actually is but i know its dam close i may be off by no more then 5 years

but lets also not forget this is the country that its there constitutional right to bear arms (they can legally make it so that americans have to register and get permits but above all its there right to own a gun) that's kinda scary but i rather live in i think its switzerland there you can play airsoft in the streets lol and no orange tips
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Old August 24th, 2006, 18:09   #8
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Yeah because kids play in the U.S. and the Phillipines.. I guess Hong Kong too..
yeah i went on a vacation a few years ago with my friends to Hong Kong and you see all these kids running around in malls, streets, subway, with no-name brand BB guns, kids like 12+ usually get marui springers/GBBs. you see BBs all over the ground in hong kong. Kind of scares me. I think HK allows kids to get guns and its ok to publically bring it out is because its impossible for citizens to get real firearms (only if your are terrorist and you smuggle it in which again is impossible) and so the police there are used to kids with crappy springers....

my 2 cents :-D
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Old August 24th, 2006, 21:46   #9
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Originally Posted by BBS
Yeah because kids play in the U.S. and the Phillipines.. I guess Hong Kong too..
yeah i went on a vacation a few years ago with my friends to Hong Kong and you see all these kids running around in malls, streets, subway, with no-name brand BB guns, kids like 12+ usually get marui springers/GBBs. you see BBs all over the ground in hong kong. Kind of scares me. I think HK allows kids to get guns and its ok to publically bring it out is because its impossible for citizens to get real firearms (only if your are terrorist and you smuggle it in which again is impossible) and so the police there are used to kids with crappy springers....

my 2 cents :-D

Yeah, I knew they played in public, I just didn't know if they allowed kids.

Guess they do.

I read that they play in parks, streets, and basically anywhere in an open place, which is a really stupid idea, what if a random person walked thru a couple of people shooting at each other, not knowing of what is going on, and got hit in the eye?

Another reason why I don't want to go to Hong Kong.
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Old August 24th, 2006, 21:49   #10
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Exagarated to the nth degree!!!
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Old August 24th, 2006, 21:58   #11
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Originally Posted by Houston
Originally Posted by BBS
Yeah because kids play in the U.S. and the Phillipines.. I guess Hong Kong too..
yeah i went on a vacation a few years ago with my friends to Hong Kong and you see all these kids running around in malls, streets, subway, with no-name brand BB guns, kids like 12+ usually get marui springers/GBBs. you see BBs all over the ground in hong kong. Kind of scares me. I think HK allows kids to get guns and its ok to publically bring it out is because its impossible for citizens to get real firearms (only if your are terrorist and you smuggle it in which again is impossible) and so the police there are used to kids with crappy springers....

my 2 cents :-D

Yeah, I knew they played in public, I just didn't know if they allowed kids.

Guess they do.

I read that they play in parks, streets, and basically anywhere in an open place, which is a really stupid idea, what if a random person walked thru a couple of people shooting at each other, not knowing of what is going on, and got hit in the eye?

Another reason why I don't want to go to Hong Kong.
Scary thought, but I doubt there is so little control.
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Old August 24th, 2006, 22:05   #12
Huge G. Recksion
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Originally Posted by BBS
Yeah because kids play in the U.S. and the Phillipines.. I guess Hong Kong too..
yeah i went on a vacation a few years ago with my friends to Hong Kong and you see all these kids running around in malls, streets, subway, with no-name brand BB guns, kids like 12+ usually get marui springers/GBBs. you see BBs all over the ground in hong kong. Kind of scares me. I think HK allows kids to get guns and its ok to publically bring it out is because its impossible for citizens to get real firearms (only if your are terrorist and you smuggle it in which again is impossible) and so the police there are used to kids with crappy springers....

my 2 cents :-D
I come from Hong Kong, and actually am living in HK for the summer... It's kindda true that kids can get bb guns when they are like 12... but i have never see kids shooting each other in malls, streets, subway. Although they are not strict about the purchase of airsoft guns, i am pretty sure everyone in hk are pretty strict about playing in public. As for bringing it out to public, ya everyone is fine with a 12 year old kid runnin around with a toy pistol yelling "bang bang".

Chinese parents are pretty strict about public display.... shootin someone in a mall will rarely happen. i cant say 100% percent, cause i dont know everything, and its bound to happen once or twice, even in canada.

Gun purchase is like imposible in HK... i dont even know if there is a real steel gun store in hk. i think we are a lot safer even compared to canada. At least we havnt had a gang war with ppl gettin shot while they shop outside eaton mall.

so u dont have to be afraid to come to HK. i've never heard of anyone gettin shot while they take a stroll at the mall, or takin the subway to work! :grin:
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Old August 24th, 2006, 22:09   #13
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Wow... I'm from hong kong, and i go to hong kong at least twice a year, but i have never seen people in the streets with bb guns, and i have never spotted BBs in public (like on the ground and stuff). Even in Mongkok (where most bb gun shops are) i have never seen a kid, or even an adult walk around with a BB gun before.

Edit: just to clear things up, i have never seen a person in hong kong with a BB gun in their hands. All i see is that they carry it in boxes, so they can get from point A to point B. Us Asians aren't THAT crazy... :-D
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Old August 24th, 2006, 22:15   #14
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Originally Posted by BBS
yeah i went on a vacation a few years ago with my friends to Hong Kong and you see all these kids running around in malls, streets, subway, with no-name brand BB guns, kids like 12+ usually get marui springers/GBBs. you see BBs all over the ground in hong kong. Kind of scares me. I think HK allows kids to get guns and its ok to publically bring it out is because its impossible for citizens to get real firearms (only if your are terrorist and you smuggle it in which again is impossible) and so the police there are used to kids with crappy springers....

my 2 cents :-D
What kinda fucked up neighbourhood did you live in??? And you seem to have no idea what you're talking about, you sure you went to HK and not to Texas?

I lived in HK for like 10 years, and still go back every few years to visit. Yeah you can get airsoft at a lot of places, most toy store carry some cheap springers, but you certainly don't see a lot of kids running around with their springers or AEG in public. That's just over-exageration. At most, I see kids running around with super fake plastic guns that shoots out red plastic suction darts. (The ones you get for a dollar at the dollar store and break after 20 shots)

The furthest public kids will go with a real airsoft gun is inside the apartment conplex, ie running around the floor they live on with other kids. Even then, I can't say I've seen one and I lived at quite a few places. HK is a city where majority parents actually stand at the playground and watch their kids play, you think they'll let their kids run around with a BB gun? They are scared shitless when the kid got a tiny scrap on knee let alone having their kids getting potentially shot in the eye. And they won't bring it to school to show off either because their backpack at literally packed with books since grade 1!!!

There are plenty of airsoft fields in HK, indoor and outdoor! They even have one in the basement of a mall, so it's easily accessible for most.

So who ever says people in HK play airsoft in public, take some pictures, prove me wrong. Until then, do use your "I heard from this guy", "I heard from a friend", "I read about it". :smack:
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Old August 24th, 2006, 22:18   #15
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Originally Posted by Huge G. Recksion
Gun purchase is like imposible in HK... i dont even know if there is a real steel gun store in hk. i think we are a lot safer even compared to canada. At least we havnt had a gang war with ppl gettin shot while they shop outside eaton mall.
There are gun clubs that are mostly pistol based, can't say I've seen or heard about a gun club with shotguns or rifles. But then again, you can play with real steel in a lot of places in China.

I remember going as a kid, my uncles got to fire maybe a mag off an AK and a few pistol mags. (They could be blanks, but I was too young to remember)
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