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Yet Another Peice of Negative Airsoft Media



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Old April 20th, 2006, 13:34   #1
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Yet Another Peice of Negative Airsoft Media

Toy guns lead to A very close Call
Toy guns that resemble the real thing were at the heart of a tense encounter April 1.
By Sheila Hagar of the Union-Bulletin

``My main concern is, it's an accident waiting to happen.''

Nathaniel Vickers, right, holds a toy gun police mistook as a real weapon in an April 1 incident. The guns came from the home of Tony Kujawski, left, who was not involved in the encounter. Local law enforcement officials say playing with the guns in city limits is illegal. U-B photo by Jeff Horner
Linda Coronado

her son Tony was among three people detained by police while playing with toy guns.

It could have been taken from a cop reality show. Three males were on their knees with wavering hands held high in the air. A young man gave a frightened sob as flashlight beams sliced through the dark.

Behind the kneeling figures, a neatly manicured lawn in front of a family-sized porch added a touch of the surreal.

In fact, nothing was quite what it seemed at first glance.

On April 1, Walla Walla police officers responded to what a caller told them looked like an armed robbery of a neighborhood convenience store. When they arrived at about 10 p.m., it looked like the caller suspected - three figures were in the street, running, ducking behind trees, darting into car ports. All had hoods tied close around their faces and wore glasses or goggles.

All were carrying pistols in their hands.

At least, that's what officers assumed from what they saw.

It turned out the only lethal weapons that night were in the hands of law enforcement. The three men became one adult and two youths, ages 12 and 14.

And the armed robbery was actually a form of tag one night during Walla Walla's recent spring break.

The game was meant to chase away cabin fever, said Nathaniel Vickers, a Union-Bulletin employee.

Vickers, 43, was spending time with the two neighbor boys while his daughters were at a church youth dance, he said. Boredom had set in until he suggested going outside with the ``soft air'' guns belonging to one of the boys.

These air guns are increasingly popular for target practice and recreation, police say. The toy weapons shoot brightly colored and almost weightless plastic BBs, and are lumped in the same category as paint ball and pellet-style guns. By law, soft air guns must have red or orange tips.

``I made sure everyone had goggles or glasses on, because you don't want to get one of those plastic pellets in your eyes,'' Vickers said. He also advised the boys to snug their sweatshirt hoods down tight, to keep the eyewear in place and to protect their ears and skin.

He was under the impression toy gun play is legal, he said. ``I've seen so many kids under the age of 18 with them.''

It was when he laughingly shouted for the boys to stop - he'd dropped his ammunition - that Vickers slowed down long enough to notice the trio was no longer alone on Park Street. ``The next thing I knew, we were surrounded by the police and they told us to drop our weapons.''

It seemed to Vickers at the time as if he and the boys had assault weapons pointed at their heads, he recalled.

All three responded promptly, eager to demonstrate the guns were fake. ``I held it out like this,'' Vickers said, extending clasped fingers far from his body. ``I said, `Sir, it's a toy weapon.'''

Nonetheless, all were kept on their knees and searched while police kept their guns at ``low ready.''

``They were detained with weapons drawn,'' agreed Sgt. Michael Ralston of the Walla Walla Police Department. He noted it was two officers on the scene, while two others stayed in the distance. The weapons were the .40-caliber Glock handguns Walla Walla officers routinely carry.

The officers responded completely appropriately given the information they received of a potentially dangerous situation, Ralston said. The air guns were on the street in plain view at 10 p.m. next to the Alder Street Apex Food and Deli convenience store.

The tag players got the message, Vickers said. ``The police were determined to explain it was a serious situation.''

He added he didn't like the way the officers spoke to them. Nonetheless, his embarrassment at being on his knees in his neighborhood as a result of playing with a toy gun equaled his momentary anger, Vickers remembered.

The mother of one of the boys liked her son's involvement even less. Linda Coronado was asleep on her couch 20 feet from where her 12-year-old son, Tony Manns, was being searched. ``When they came in and told me, I thought it was an April Fools,'' she said.

It was Tony's 14-year-old friend Michael who brought the guns over, she said. Coronado is opposed to toy guns, and even keeps her son's cap pistol out of sight. ``My main concern is, it's an accident waiting to happen.''

Although no one was cited by police over the incident, her family is still affected by it. Tony, a sixth-grader at Pioneer Middle School, barely left the house for days following the scare and is undergoing counseling, his mom said. In the meantime, Coronado hopes to get the story out to other parents.

Tony, at 5-foot-9, and 179 pounds, was initially mistaken for an adult. ``If he had panicked and made a false move, he could be dead,'' Coronado believes. ``A child being exposed to that kind of violence could freak out.''

Airsoft brand and other toy guns are manufactured to look ``more and more like real guns. This is teaching kids how to load guns,'' she said, referring to the slip-in magazines. ``All it takes is a phone call to summon the police when a toy gun is being used.''

She concedes she is unhappy the guns are sold just across the street at Apex, although Michael's guns did not come from that business.

Apex owner Young Cho carries the Double Eagle M47B soft air shotgun, keeping it on a high shelf behind the register. While it weighs a mere three pounds, it sports a scope and a sleek, black body; the mandatory red tip is but a fraction of the body of the toy.

Cho, who has owned the store about 18 months, said he will not allow his children to play with soft air guns. But his business, which caters to neighborhood children and those at the nearby YMCA, has sold several. Buyers are asked for identification to ensure the 18-or-older requirement is upheld, he said.

Coronado said she has seen Apex employees demonstrating the gun to kids in the parking lot. As a mother and a nearby resident, she finds it disturbing. ``It's not a crime for an employee to take the guns out to the parking lot, but the franchise should know what the employee is doing.''

Written into Title 9 of the City of Walla Walla municipal code are several subsections regarding ``public peace, morals and welfare.'' Within those, clause 9.15 discusses firearms, missiles and air guns: discharging any type of air gun is prohibited anywhere at any time in Walla Walla, it states.

Which is fine with Coronado. Tony, who makes good grades and plays AAU basketball, has pestered his mother to buy a toy gun for him, he said.

She was reluctant prior to the April 1 incident, and she is more vehement now. ``I don't want Tony even playing with a gun...any kind of gun,'' Coronado responded.

She had already warned her son about potential dangers, telling him something could happen at any time with kids playing with the look-alike pistols.

``I knew her words would come true,'' Tony chimed in. ``They always do.''

Waiting responsibly since early 2005.

Of course I've got all my ducks in a line, it's easier to shoot 'em that way! - me
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Old April 20th, 2006, 13:43   #2
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stupid assholes and some are adults. what the hell...

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Old April 20th, 2006, 13:48   #3
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Walla-Walla Washington

EDIT* What I mean to say with that comment is that it is news from the states and could have occured with any toy gun on the market, not just airsoft. Heck, I have a cap-gun in my basement that looks like a .38 special.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 13:51   #4
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Wait... where is this from?

Where is Walla Walla?

EDIT - Never mind. No biggy.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 13:57   #5
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''barely left the house for days following the scare and is
undergoing counseling, his mom said. In the meantime, Coronado hopes to get the story out to other parents.''

She's gone apeshit!!! Counselling for playing with toy guns! Oh my god are we all MAD!

Soccer mom's...

I have no comments on the action of law enforcement, their reaction was justified... And that store owner need to keep an eye on his employees.

Oh well, maybe if that adult would have been more responsible and kept to their backyard instead...

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Old April 20th, 2006, 14:03   #6
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This article has zero effect on anything having to do with us.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 14:37   #7
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Originally Posted by RSM RecceGod
''barely left the house for days following the scare and is
undergoing counseling, his mom said. In the meantime, Coronado hopes to get the story out to other parents.''

She's gone apeshit!!! Counselling for playing with toy guns! Oh my god are we all MAD!

Soccer mom's...

I have no comments on the action of law enforcement, their reaction was justified... And that store owner need to keep an eye on his employees.

Oh well, maybe if that adult would have been more responsible and kept to their backyard instead...
I think he's getting counselling because he is a child who was searched at gunpoint in the dark by police. Strangely enought I could imagine how that might be traumatic. Hopefully he pissed himself and won't do anything so stupid again.

I am dissappointed the police did not charge the 43 year old moron.

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Old April 20th, 2006, 14:53   #8
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People are just idiots.

And then you get the pissed soccer mom behind it all, just because the people are so stupid to do that, she is attacking the thing they MISUSED and MISTREATED like a bunch of four year olds.

That always happens.

It's like saying.... Lets see.... Some people are camping, soccer mom is sitting on a chair reading. Son asks hey mom can I play with these matches?!?!?!? Yeah whatever I want to read my book on how tom and katie had a baby weeeee. Then omg! What?! OH NOES!! The son lights the forest on fire, then the firemen come, a huge operation costing tons o cash to put this fire out, then in the end the mother freaks out at the match company, because it put her sons life in danger and almost got them killed.

I know its a far off analogy but almost the same point.

I hate all events like this, because they are in no way reflective of the REAL airsoft community, I think it's time people like that see the way we handle minors, and people that pull stupid crap like this. Like cmon. Take responsibility for your own actions. Dont go trying to ruin others' lives because you or your husband or whoever was stupid enough to go play with realistic looking pistols with kids because you had 'cabin fever'...

Is it just me or did the excuse sound completely stupid?

I dont know I'm in a ranting mood today, things like this piss me straight off.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 15:06   #9
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In, the picture it shows a clearsoft gun am I right?
stupid over protective mother. "Soccer Mom"
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Old April 20th, 2006, 15:09   #10
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Originally Posted by soccer mom
This is teaching kids how to load guns, she said, referring to the slip-in magazines.
Or letting the kids watch any war movie, or play any video game. GET A GRIP LADY.

And yes they are those stupid soft air guns from crappy tire.
(thats what i assumed they were, but clicking the link obviously shows that)
I say get the damn things out of there, just bad bad bad bad bad stuff coming from them.

I think the real beef should be with Canadian tire itself. And the stupid adults buying these for thier children, thats where the action needs to be taken, not at the product itself. It's just like real guns, its the people, not the guns themselves.

Word of the day: (words in this case) Freakin Idiots!
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Old April 20th, 2006, 15:14   #11
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The 43 year old moron who decided to play tag at 10pm at night with toy guns in a city should have his head examined and was lucky it wasn't examined by a .40 bullet. Had the officers killed him I would have had more sympathy for the officer who pulled the trigger than the dead tard. Darwinism by cop.

Some people just don't have the good sense god gave a carrot.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 15:15   #12
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Originally Posted by Gish
This article has zero effect on anything having to do with us.
Bad Press is Still Bad press weather it is comming from the states or not. With Airsoft in canada still falling through a loop-hole in the law, we don't want it becoming restriced. So, yes, this does in fact affect us.

My 2 Cents

"Piss Off A Liberal - Buy A Gun" Bumpersticker
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Old April 20th, 2006, 15:53   #13
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I think cops should blow them away, then be given medals and a raise for "serving and protecting" the gene pool from idiocy.
You know, there's like a butt-load of gangs at this school. This one gang kept wanting me to join because I'm pretty good with a bo staff.
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Old April 20th, 2006, 17:59   #14
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Did anyone else notice how this 'news' was writen like poetry or a piece of fiction? Maybe it's just me...

Anyway, it's just more stupid people not knowing the rules... they should have read a FAQ or two :-D
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Old April 20th, 2006, 23:04   #15
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People should just be educated.

These people aren't retarded, just mis-guided.

What's too bad too is that they're probably NOT the kind of people who are going to go around shooting random people, or threatening people. They just wanted to go play, and made a REALLY bad judgement call.

I don't know if they need to die for it.
If it's made clear what happens if you go play in the street, decked out in hoodies & soforth, fewer people are going to do it. Maybe they'd even knock on some doors and say "we're gonna go play now"...

Sure, it should be a logical thing to think of BEFORE you go do it, but seriously, if we're being realistic, at some point we're all going to have to admit: There's ALOT of really daft people out there.

You can't stop stupid people, there's too many, but there's a lot of simple things to do to help streamline their pathway through life (and indirectly make your own easier)...

As for "these are teaching children how to load guns"... :roll:

Whatever, bitch. If your kids are so impressionable, why the hell aren't you impressing a GOOD EXAMPLE onto them?
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