Hello, I am new to this site, I don?t partake in air soft but do want to try it some day, I did do paint ball when I was younger.
The reason for my post is the government has issued an ordinance council banning many semi automatic, bolt action, pump action and single shot firearms, I have even seen some air soft guns listed in the FRT as banned, these items are banned 100% on looks and feelings and not functionality or facts.
At the end of the day it does not matter if you are an PAL or RPAL holder this action should be vary scary to every one. The government wants to ban all guns.
I have been involved in this movement since the 90?s and I can tell you for sure that they want to take the sport shooting guns, then the hand guns, then hunting guns and after that my guess would be air soft will be in there also.
I?m asking that all shooting community?s stick together to help fight this, out voices are louder in numbers, please take the time to sign all the e-petitions and urge you to get your friends to sign it, we have lots of signatures but it?s not enough, these petitions should be over 5 million signatures