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Hi Capa 5.1 Mag Feeding Issues?


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Old December 13th, 2005, 19:35   #1
satanic pope
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Hi Capa 5.1 Mag Feeding Issues?

I've had a TM Hi Capa 5.1 for a while now and have noticed that my mags don't feed the bbs consistently. I've tried many different solutions such as cleaning, lubing the bbs track up the mag, only filling the mag half full of bbs, and a couple others except for stretching the spring out.

My questions being has anyone encountered this problem and found a solution that can get the bbs to slide up the mag consistantly?

This is sticktly in the magazine and has nothing to do with the rest of the gun but I haven't encountered and can't find any related threads so I put it to you guys. Even if there's a replacement spring with more tension in it that I can replace instead of the stock one but I can't think of many more solutions.

Any help is of course appreciated.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 20:01   #2
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I was having this problem as well, i just gave it a good lubing at it worked fine, it still happens now and again but very seldomly.
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Old December 13th, 2005, 20:18   #3
fill the mag with BBs
put it in the gun
and rack the slide over and over

i had the problem with all 4 of my mags and after 2 full mags of Bbs being racked through, it feeds like butter now
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Old December 13th, 2005, 20:57   #4
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Droc
fill the mag with BBs
put it in the gun
and rack the slide over and over

i had the problem with all 4 of my mags and after 2 full mags of Bbs being racked through, it feeds like butter now
As in cocking the gun?
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Old December 13th, 2005, 21:18   #5
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My mags were a bit more stubborn then Droc's. I filled them part way, lubed the crap outta them and worked it up and down for about an hour on each mag. LoL i was watching TV while doing this and after an hour they were still jamming consistently, it was actually worse! So I looked down and saw that the BB's were completly black. So much silicon oil and gunk from the mag lips built up on them that they musta been WAY bigger then normal. Anyways moral of the story is they have never gave me any problems since.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 16:49   #6
Join Date: Dec 2001
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"Lubing" the shit out of your mags ain't gonna do crap. You have to file down inside the feed lips where it mates to the mag.
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Old December 14th, 2005, 17:23   #7
Delierious Designer of Dastardly Detonations
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Lubricant adheres to dust and dirt which makes for more fouling in your mags down the road.

Be careful filing away in the mag finger areas. Take a bit too much mat'l off and you'll get a lot of double feeds.

If you note that all of the bbs are rattling around loose when your mag jams, then the follower is jammed. You can file down the sides of the follower a bit to fix this.

If some of the bbs are loose with a bunch of bbs piled up against the follower and a bunch above that are loose, then a bb is jammed in the passage. I suspect some dirt or sand is binding one bb which is holding up the follower and other bbs. Remove the baseplate and scrupulously clean the bb channel with qtips.
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