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Teens arrested for firing BB guns at kids in a park



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Old July 30th, 2014, 01:41   #1
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Teens arrested for firing BB guns at kids in a park

Officers were called to a park in Vaughan for a weapons call Tuesday night.
York Regional Police say two young males were reportedly shooting a pellet or BB gun while children were playing nearby.
Photographs sent to CP24 show at least one police officer at the scene with his gun drawn and two suspects on their knees with their hands up in the air.
Weapons call in Vaughan
Police are seen arresting two suspect following a weapons call on Dufferin Street, in Vaughan, on Tuesday, July 29, 2014. (Joy Katz-Cantor)
The person who took the photo told that the northbound lanes of Dufferin Street, north of Center Street were closed while police arrested three suspects.
The males, all believed to be youths, are currently being investigated for weapons offences, police said.

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Old July 30th, 2014, 01:58   #2
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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Throw the book at them, I say! Zero tolerance!
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Old July 30th, 2014, 02:41   #3
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in china they would got killed
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Old July 30th, 2014, 12:00   #4
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The real crime is their awful loadouts.
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Old July 30th, 2014, 12:50   #5
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Originally Posted by Danke View Post

The real crime is their awful loadouts.
Loadouts? Which Loadouts? :P

That said:
Holy shit I was expecting to see 10-14yo children in these photos!
These guys should have known better for sure

Looks like they were using stupid .12g green BBs too... these guys are badass
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Real life comparison,

GBBR- bang bang -- Giggle

AEG-- merrrzip merrzip -- meh
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Old July 30th, 2014, 13:09   #6
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Kamloops RCMP Const. Jason Epp said the trio won’t be charged because they weren’t committing any criminal acts with the fake firearms. But, he had a word of warning for anyone who owns similar toys.

The fuck is wrong with the RCMP in BC ? At their age, these scumbags should know better. I'll fucking walk around with my M4 GBBR because I can back my ass up with this stupid related excuse.

Or better, walk around with a chainsaw. It won't be working at the time so I can clearly say that i'm not doing anything wrong, eh ?

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Old July 30th, 2014, 13:15   #7
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I was expecting idiot 15 years olds. They where idiots early 20 years old.

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Old July 30th, 2014, 14:12   #8
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.. and to do it in broad daylight too...
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Old July 30th, 2014, 14:21   #9
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Originally Posted by Aper View Post

The fuck is wrong with the RCMP in BC ? At their age, these scumbags should know better. I'll fucking walk around with my M4 GBBR because I can back my ass up with this stupid related excuse.

Or better, walk around with a chainsaw. It won't be working at the time so I can clearly say that i'm not doing anything wrong, eh ?
In Kamloops yes.
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Old July 30th, 2014, 21:54   #10
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Hey what do you guys think about this?
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Old July 30th, 2014, 23:51   #11
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Wow.... Hate this type of thing, they only bring more negative attention to already somewhat restricted sport.

P.S. 20 y.o.'s should now much better than to run around during the day with airsoft outside in a city...
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Old July 30th, 2014, 23:56   #12
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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I don't understand what this has to do with airsoft.
People do drive by shootings with paintball guns frequently. People get killed and disabled by baseball bats all the time. I can't tell you how many thousands of windows have been broken by baseballs.
Hasn't had any effect on their sports, so why would someone using sporting goods outside their context affect our sport?

So someone robs a store with a fake gun that shoots pellets. So what. Nobody was actually in any real danger, and the only person at risk of serious bodily harm is the guy with the fake gun.
I can tell you I FOR SURE would rather be held up with an airsoft gun than a real gun.
So despite what retarded acts people perform with airsoft guns, the fact is they're using it outside it's intended purpose. They're not putting anyone at serious risk of injury outside of shooting someones eye. And they're being punished for it.
So I don't see why anyone would have their panties in a bunch over this.
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Old July 31st, 2014, 00:21   #13
Red Dot
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Really? No problem with people running around in public with toy guns that look exactly like real firearms? Might want to rethink your stance there.
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Old July 31st, 2014, 01:09   #14
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
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My wife was recently held up at her bank. The guy only handed a note (which is how 90% of these go), but it said he had a gun on it. My wife has been working in a bank for nearly a decade now, and they go through very specific robbery training every three months. She handled the situation well and the guy is now behind bars. However, every time a guy walks into her bank now wearing a baseball cap, a hood, looks suspicious, or even remotely like the guy who robbed her, her heart skips a few beats. My wife is a tough girl, but that'll effect her for the rest of her life because of real fear.

On the other hand I'd rather be shot to death by a real gun, than stabbed to death or bludgeoned to death. But the truth is that technically carrying a firearm depending on the circumstances is not illegal. In this case though they could've hit these ass-clowns with mischief, reckless endangerment, brandishing a weapon, etc. There are a lot of creative laws to nail people like this. Alas our system believes in tolerance, understanding, and second chances. Instead of making some hard examples out of a few to deter the many, our streets are filled with half-retards who know they won't get in any real trouble. Until it's too late anyways and some kid is missing an eye. Maybe your 4 year old son playing at the park because a group of shit-heads like this were shooting these things nearby. At least they got away with it, so the proper example has been set... NOT!
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Old July 31st, 2014, 10:39   #15
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i agree its not good, i guess where the BC incident was there are no laws about discharging an airgun in that town municipality ect..
as to the "id rather be held up by an airsoft gun, only one in danger is the offender" i do somewhat agree, but at the same time i dont, unless u have a keen eye and are able to id it as airsoft, the emotional impact is the same, and could seriously effect even the toughest SOB. Tho if i was held up by an airsoft gun and notices the glint of the inner barell or the kjw trades on a glock grip, that would be one sorry mofo sittin in the er having an airsoft gun removed from his ass among other injuries.
but the mental impact is why one would be charged as if it were a real gun, and even in the case of the "i have a gun" note would also be charged with armed robbery.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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