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VFC HK416 upgrades


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Old October 12th, 2013, 22:52   #1
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VFC HK416 upgrades

hey so I have been using my vfc for a while now and am starting to think about some further upgrades.

Currently Installed:
-365mm 6.01mm madbull tightbore
-new bucking and H nubben
-wiring and mosfet (DIY) are currently in progress

It is currently shooting 390-400 with bioval .25bb's. I think I might need a lighter spring to bring down the fps a bit. So my question is really what is worth upgrading inside the gearbox? not looking for crazy rps or fps but want it smooth, efficient and reliable.

Thanks for any input!
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Old October 12th, 2013, 23:05   #2
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VFC internals are great. If you aren't doing anything crazy just leave it stock and downgrade the spring. Except maybe put in a sorbo and replace the cylinder head. I don't foresee it breaking but I'm not a fan of it.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 23:11   #3
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I was thinking magic box cylinder, cylinder head and nozzle? I noticed some wear on the inside of the cylinder and air seal is great but probably not perfect. I am running an 11.1 lipo but thats nothing really crazy.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 23:14   #4
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Originally Posted by brian-i-bunker-u View Post
I was thinking magic box cylinder, cylinder head and nozzle? I noticed some wear on the inside of the cylinder and air seal is great but probably not perfect. I am running an 11.1 lipo but thats nothing really crazy.
My VFC was doing over 35 RPS, and i'm still using the stock cylinder. Air seal on a stock VFC piston head is actually great. When I took out my piston last week after it had been doing 25 RPS for nearly a year, there were no real signs of wear. I only replaced the piston head with a POM one and the piston with a half steel rack one because I needed to short stroke.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 23:17   #5
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I've opened up 3 VFCs lately and their AoE is really good to start with, if you sorbo it, you definitely need a new cylinder head and to remove the rubber pad. the stock cylinder head has the rubber pad really well bonded to it and you'll probably not be able to get the pad off without mangling it or the cylinderhead itself.

the clear piston in VFCs are garbage, change it out when you are in the gearbox with a steel rack one properly adjusted for AoE.

The stock airseal is really good, you don't really need to touch it.

If you leave the stock motor and gears in it and use a reasonable battery (and possibly add a mosfet) it does well enough. I'm not a fan of self shimming gears since even a shitty aeg motor can easily compress those shitty little shimming springs. I don't think they do much at all... just a gimmick. Why the gears don't shred is because they seem to have thicker teeth than a standard set, so even with a shit shim job they have more contact surface area than a replacement gearset.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
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Old October 12th, 2013, 23:39   #6
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
the clear piston in VFCs are garbage, change it out when you are in the gearbox with a steel rack one properly adjusted for AoE.

I'm not a fan of self shimming gears since even a shitty aeg motor can easily compress those shitty little shimming springs. I don't think they do much at all... just a gimmick. Why the gears don't shred is because they seem to have thicker teeth than a standard set, so even with a shit shim job they have more contact surface area than a replacement gearset.
What problems have you seen, I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just curious to know. When I took my piston out of my gun last week it still looked exactly the same as it did on day 1, I've been doing 25 RPS on it. I've also never had a single problem with VFC self shimming gears.
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