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GBB loading muzzle jam


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Old August 22nd, 2013, 04:15   #1
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GBB loading muzzle jam

So I went to my first game tonight and was running my Tokyo Marui P226. (and only it)

In the very last game (after playing maybe 6-8 games in about 4-5 hours having fired a max of 10 mags) the gun jammed.

I had already put about 10-15 shots through the gun in this last match and for some reason or another I changed mags. I fired a single shot at an enemy (hit 'em ) and I noticed the slide looked funny.

Closer inspection showed that the slide was stuck slightly rearwards, and through the "ejection port" of the pistol I could see the Loading Muzzle.

After leaving the match I was able to take a better look at it.

-The slide was jamed. I could only move it a little bit backward or forward. (I did not force it)
-After turning the latch to remove the slide, I...removed the slide.
-The Loading muzzle was stuck fully forward giving me full view of the Nineball DYNA Piston head.
-I removed the Recoil spring+guide, then the barrels+hop up.
-I then gave the loading muzzle a little nudge and it snapped back.
-I did not notice anything unsual, though I am new to all this.
-I re-assembled and fired the gun a few times and it worked without a problem.

Any idea what could cause this to happen?

I have a SD POM Loading Muzzle lying around....should I swap it in?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 04:27   #2
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I think it's the oring on the piston head, you might need to replace the piston as that's what happened to my G18 when the piston head oring got caught.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 04:54   #3
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it could be your BBU got a little loose, cant remember if the piston is a screw in type but may be loose as well.

blue loctite
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 04:54   #4
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Or maybe fire 5-6 mags through it and see what happens. Airsoft guns just like real things, it can jam for many different reasons you know... Might be defect in that one bb, might be some sand/dirt that got inside, might be lack of oil in moving parts etc.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 05:08   #5
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Thanks for the quick reply guys.

I guess if it happens often I can attribute it to a bad piston head o-ring, or a lose BBU. (or whatever else it could be)

I guess I'll give the gun a good cleaning and lube it up. (though I did this the day before)

Should I apply the silicone oil directly on the piston head and all around the Loading muzzle?
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 05:14   #6
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you dont want oil slathering all over.
if it soaks your hop rubber then thats no good.
maybe a little drop on the o ring every once in a while
generally a little lube mixed with your green gas takes care of bussiness
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 05:31   #7
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Originally Posted by jamuke View Post
you dont want oil slathering all over.
if it soaks your hop rubber then thats no good.
maybe a little drop on the o ring every once in a while
generally a little lube mixed with your green gas takes care of bussiness
Absolutely. I always add a couple drops to my propane nozzle after every 8-10 mag fills. As per the propane adaptor kit instructions I have.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 07:45   #8
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Like you said, take the gun apart, clean up the gun of any dirt and gunk and apply a super thin coat of oil. Tighten everything down and retest with a few mags. If the problem persists then their is either something with the piston head or the nozzle itself. Also check the return spring for any kinks or knacks. GBBS jam occasionally for what ever reason even if they are perfectly functional afterwards. It's probably nothing to worry about.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 09:22   #9
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Got it! Thanks :-)
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 12:08   #10
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I agree with Renegade). The most common time I see this, is because the o-ring has blown off and is sitting at the back of the blowback unit.

However, if your 226 is completely stock, then it actually doesn't use an o-ring system. Rather, it uses a piston cup design, which has been known to blow outward a bit hard during propane expansion, and isn't able to close down quick enough before the nozzle comes rushing back at it. This could result in a couple of things:

1) A flipped edge
2) A ripped edge (if it couldn't handle the force during a 'flip')

In any case, the easiest fix (if that's the case), is to replace it with a different piston head design. I've got tons of different ones in stock.

Check it first, to confirm that's the case. Do a quick takedown, remove the recoil spring and barrel, and try moving the nozzle by hand. If it's very sticky and difficult to move, then it's likely the piston head that's out of place.
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Old August 22nd, 2013, 17:44   #11
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Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
I agree with Renegade). The most common time I see this, is because the o-ring has blown off and is sitting at the back of the blowback unit.

However, if your 226 is completely stock, then it actually doesn't use an o-ring system. Rather, it uses a piston cup design, which has been known to blow outward a bit hard during propane expansion, and isn't able to close down quick enough before the nozzle comes rushing back at it. This could result in a couple of things:

1) A flipped edge
2) A ripped edge (if it couldn't handle the force during a 'flip')

In any case, the easiest fix (if that's the case), is to replace it with a different piston head design. I've got tons of different ones in stock.

Check it first, to confirm that's the case. Do a quick takedown, remove the recoil spring and barrel, and try moving the nozzle by hand. If it's very sticky and difficult to move, then it's likely the piston head that's out of place.
Thanks for the reply Illusion :-)

I did disassemble the gun to clean and lubricate it yesterday. When I got to the loading muzzle and BBU I left them in the slide, but I was able to move the Loading Muzzle outwards and expose the Red Dyna piston head underneath, and the O-ring appears to still be in place.

I applied some silicone oil and tested the loading muzzles operation by moving it out and letting go, allowing it to snap back in place.

After re-assembly I racked the slide a few times, and fired a couple rounds to test and all appears in order so far.

The gun isn't stock...and it does appear to use alot of gas on stock TM mags. (20 rounds to empty. Less if fired quickly) Previous owner suggested maybe installing a different o-ring on the piston head.

Also, the gun did come with a Shooters Design POM Loading Muzzle un-installed. Maybe I should install it?

Last edited by slowbird; August 22nd, 2013 at 17:46..
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Old August 24th, 2013, 11:22   #12
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Well I think I may have found the problem.

If it's not the problem it's a problem.

Piston head was very loose as was the screw holding it in.

Also the o-ring must be slighty too small because the loading muzzle slides right over the piston head without any resistance.
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Old August 24th, 2013, 12:39   #13
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Originally Posted by slowbird View Post
Well I think I may have found the problem.

If it's not the problem it's a problem.

Piston head was very loose as was the screw holding it in.

Also the o-ring must be slighty too small because the loading muzzle slides right over the piston head without any resistance.
Hi Matt,

The piston head o-ring is actually suppose to expand a little bit. The DYNA piston head has holes it and when air passes through, the holes funnel the air from beneath the piston head thereby expanding it a little bit. Of course, it all depends the on how tight the piston head o-ring is. If it's too tight, it wont expand and make a good seal.

The problem is actually on the loading muzzle itself. I've inspected mine (granted it's aluminum) and i find that the grooves in which the loading muzzle glides along catches one of the side rails (? I don't know what they are called) of the loading muzzle. This is caused when the muzzle spring recoils too much and the loading muzzle is shooting too far off of the BBU. When the spring spring recoils too much, it increases the chance of that spring being crimped and pushes the loading muzzle to grind against the BBU too much and thus causing a jam. Plus, also it increases the chances of the piston head obstructing the loading muzzle when returning to battery.

You can try the Shooter's design loading muzzle I sent you. It should be working better. As I said in my PMs, it's brand new and tested. If you have any issues, let me know. I can provide you with a new BBU if need be.

The easiest way to fix your issue is to use a stronger loading muzzle spring to....
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