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Good L96 platforms for project? RESOLVED


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Old April 1st, 2013, 18:57   #1
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Post Good L96 platforms for project? RESOLVED

I'm being asked to put together a rather precise 460-500 FPS springer bolt-action L96. I do not have that much experience with bolt-action rifles, in terms of what brands make good ones.

I realize your typical Japanese brand is probably among the better platforms for such a task, but I have a $$$ limit that includes the platform itself, as well as whatever necessary upgrades to get it close to 500 FPS all the while being VERY consistant in output.

I realize this is not everyone's choice, and I would appreciate if personal opinions as "if this is not fun rifle to use", "it's for noobs", "not for beginners", etc.. be left out, I do not intend on gaming this rifle at all! It's a project a friend and I have decided we wanted to work on, and I am really looking forward to this.

It'll be a wonderful opportunity to work on a new "system" I haven't touched previously. I have previously worked on a few different gearboxes (AEG), GBBR, shimming, wirring, etc.. so I'm not a total layman when it comes down to parts and playing with them, I actually look forward to the "challenge" of this "new" platform, no matter how 'easy' it may be.

In short, I'm searching a little more for guidance concerning different brands and their L96 platforms, and the ones that are well-suited to accept high-power upgrades, and not worry too much of this or that part not fitting properly because it's not a properly manufactured clone, whether some upgrades are NECESSARY to accommodate a 500 FPS power output, etc..


brands that I can count on for good upgrades..

Anyways, thank you in advance! =]
(I would GLADLY welcome input from personal experiences concerning L96's and upgrades you may have brought to it, with SUCCESS and FAILS).

Last edited by GODSPEED|seven; April 3rd, 2013 at 15:45.. Reason: Questions have been resolved.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 19:08   #2
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try a classic army
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Old April 1st, 2013, 19:18   #3
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Originally Posted by redzaku View Post
try a classic army
Unless you have a link to a Classic Army Bolt-Action L96 platform, please provide it, as I cannot find info concerning this at all. =\
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Old April 1st, 2013, 19:29   #4
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Originally Posted by GODSPEED|seven View Post
Unless you have a link to a Classic Army Bolt-Action L96 platform, please provide it, as I cannot find info concerning this at all. =\
oops, i mean try Tokyo Marui then
and why L96?
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Old April 1st, 2013, 19:40   #5
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To be honest, L96 is NOT MY choice, I'm not even into sniper rifle; my friend is INTENT on it being an L96 (I guess it could also be it's bigger brother the AW338).. =\

I've been trying to pull him towards M24 style rifles, he doesn't like the look.
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Old April 1st, 2013, 20:57   #6
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My vote would be for the Maruzen Type 96 if your friend is set on an Accuracy International AWS style rifle. The APS system shoots great out of the box and there are a lot of parts for it (laylax, pps, pdi, guarder).

There is also the Tokyo Marui L96 AWS, though being newer there are not nearly as many parts available. The plus it does have is the realistic magazine placement. I would still pick the maruzen Type 96 though, just my two cents.

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Old April 1st, 2013, 23:44   #7
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If you can find one. Id recommend the maruzen aps or even an Ares. They have a higher price point initially but you would only need to make minimal invests internal wise. Then again I could be entirely wrong I have no idea what you are intending to do internally. The TM mk96 is cheaper than the above listed but still pricey if you are looking for budget.

Im not super familiar with all the lower end budget brands but if anyone I suppose...Well type 96 platform above the others? Its been a long time but for the most part I don't believe it had an unique proprietary parts.

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Old April 2nd, 2013, 02:11   #8
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Well Type96 (AWF and AWP/L96)

Both designs are based on the Maruzen APS-2 Type 96.
The difference is one is folding stock, like the G&G L96.

They also make a clone of the TM L96 (cheaper materials, but since the feeding ramp breaks in the real thing, you had to change it anyways).
Magazine location is more realistic, but parts/upgrades are harder to find (the Maruzen has been out for decades... the TM only a few years).

I have one right now, and it's incredible stock. They also come with the famous "magic spring", making the rifle shoot at close to 500 fps, yet it's damn easy to operate.

They take any upgrades for T96 (there is a clone of the Zero-trigger at ehobby for 100$, will get one soon to compare it with the real deal).

But really, you only need a new piston/head (3-pieces setup is the best, I really liked the Modify parts for this), metal spring guide (stock will break eventually) and spare mags.

Take the time to disassemble it, clean properly and file/adjust everything that is not perfect. Then you will get a crazy good sniper rifle for under 500$. I am at 300$ right now, with bipod and 5 mags (not counting the crappy scope that comes with it, just get a Bushnell Dawn & Dusk.. they are around 100$ and miles above any "airsoft" scope), with the upgrades.

And the most important thing : It shoots better than my genuine Maruzen Type 96 that costed me 3 times more!
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
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Old April 2nd, 2013, 18:23   #9
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by TokyoSeven View Post
If you can find one. Id recommend the maruzen aps or even an Ares. They have a higher price point initially but you would only need to make minimal invests internal wise. Then again I could be entirely wrong I have no idea what you are intending to do internally. The TM mk96 is cheaper than the above listed but still pricey if you are looking for budget.

Im not super familiar with all the lower end budget brands but if anyone I suppose...Well type 96 platform above the others? Its been a long time but for the most part I don't believe it had an unique proprietary parts.
Thanks a lot for your input, I've been looking into those; unfortunately, the prices I've seen for a Maruzen in-country are way above my allocated budget.

I've also been looking into Ares; unfortunately, I've read something about ARES using proprietary parts, and those parts being hard to find.
The little experience I have with hard to find parts usually has you purchasing them on fishy-looking websites, or paying a huge premium.

I know it sounds bad.. I would love to have that big-ass budget and just buy the best out there and get the best parts.. unfortunately, I gotta make do with what my friend is willing to dish out. I'm trying to get the best for a 650-750 price tag, including the rifle and the upgrades.

I'm simply appreciating the fact that I'll be doing the work! =D

Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post
Well Type96 (AWF and AWP/L96)

Both designs are based on the Maruzen APS-2 Type 96.
The difference is one is folding stock, like the G&G L96.

They also make a clone of the TM L96 (cheaper materials, but since the feeding ramp breaks in the real thing, you had to change it anyways).
Magazine location is more realistic, but parts/upgrades are harder to find (the Maruzen has been out for decades... the TM only a few years).

I have one right now, and it's incredible stock. They also come with the famous "magic spring", making the rifle shoot at close to 500 fps, yet it's damn easy to operate.

They take any upgrades for T96 (there is a clone of the Zero-trigger at ehobby for 100$, will get one soon to compare it with the real deal).

But really, you only need a new piston/head (3-pieces setup is the best, I really liked the Modify parts for this), metal spring guide (stock will break eventually) and spare mags.

Take the time to disassemble it, clean properly and file/adjust everything that is not perfect. Then you will get a crazy good sniper rifle for under 500$. I am at 300$ right now, with bipod and 5 mags (not counting the crappy scope that comes with it, just get a Bushnell Dawn & Dusk.. they are around 100$ and miles above any "airsoft" scope), with the upgrades.

And the most important thing : It shoots better than my genuine Maruzen Type 96 that costed me 3 times more!
I really appreciate your input! BIGTIME!
I've been doing a little reading about the Well L96, sounds not too bad; considering it's a clone.

I've done some research on the net, but sometimes it seems hard to find valuable experienced information concerning the proper platforms, which models perform well, which ones accept readily available upgrades. There seems to be a multitude of "Wow! ths sniper is ssoooooo acruate. soo coooll!! I would get it like litrely 100 times iv I has to!" <- ALT-F4 + Smash Computer + BangHead

I've actually located a few models:

Well L96:

Well VSR10:

Classic Army M24 Socom:

And finally, the G&G L96:
I always feel that something fishy is going on when prices are a GOOD percentage lower than the competition though. =\

The prices are all within what budget I have available, and while I realize I probably will NEVER get the same accuracy a Japanese platform would offer, seriously, I do not expect it..

Now it's simply a matter of looking into each one of these models more in depth; checking the availability of upgrades, known flaws and the way to fix them. I feel confident with disassembly, fitting and that stuff. I enjoy that challenge.

I'm trying to take a few factors into account; one of them being how well built they are. So far, I've read/heard that the Classic Army M24 is rather a extremely solid piece. Also, that it's trigger unit is rather impressively strong. I also already have a small compact list of parts for some upgrading (from this thread:

We don't really care about scopes that come pre-packaged either, my friend has a rather expensive real rifle scope.

Anyways, that's enough blabbering.. I'm starting to feel like I've got boobs growing here..
If you have any additional input concerning the models I've posted above, their compatibility with popular models (ie: is the Well VSR10 a full clone of the TM VSR10?), and you don't mind sharing, it'll save me a little time.. although I'm not expecting to be spoon-fed here; I'm doing some research of my own as well.

Anyways, thanks for your input guys, it's much appreciated!
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Old April 2nd, 2013, 18:54   #10
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Yes, the Well M700/TSD700 is a full TM clone.

As with any VSR-10, you have to swap out the whole trigger/piston/cylinder set to get something somewhat reliable.

The Type96 platform already uses 90deg. sears, so you can run them for a while at 500fps without breaking.

The G$G Mauser L96 is a Well in a repacked box, and Jeff is a reliable guy, don't worry about ordering from him.

Almost all Bolt-action sniper rifles clones shoot around 450-500 fps, so they are good for import. I got one from *REDACTED*

*REDACTED* also stocks quite a few.

*Sorry, this is not in the AV section, can't post stores.
Originally Posted by Drake View Post
Damnit, don't make me add "no discussing temporal paradoxes" to the rules or I'll go back in time and ban you last week.

Last edited by Kos-Mos; April 2nd, 2013 at 19:31..
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Old April 3rd, 2013, 14:59   #11
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Tokyo Marui L96. Based internally on their VSR-10 system (the best airsoft bolt action system), and it has the most available upgrades. The Marui also mimics the real rifle unlike the APS-2 systems, and most clones. The Marui is also available in Canada. It's your best choice all around. The cost is higher, but you get what you pay for. Weight, silence, realism, versatility, available upgrades, best spring system, Marui quality.

Second choice is the Maruzen APS-2

After that, I wouldn't suggest an L96 or .338 AW springer.

TM VSR as an alternate, or CA M24 if cost is an issue.
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Old April 3rd, 2013, 15:18   #12
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Well, cost was an issue. I gave my friend a list of models, and the prices, with some detailed specs, told him to look up some reviews of his own..

He decided to get the Classic Army M24 Military Version.

From what I've gathered, I believe it's a good choice, the price rang of in-country Maruis and Maruzens is about what he wants for a platform + upgrades.

Now I'll be researching the right upgrades et all the technical stuff I take care off from this point on.
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Old April 3rd, 2013, 15:19   #13
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Originally Posted by Ricochet View Post
Tokyo Marui L96. Based internally on their VSR-10 system (the best airsoft bolt action system), and it has the most available upgrades. The Marui also mimics the real rifle unlike the APS-2 systems, and most clones. The Marui is also available in Canada. It's your best choice all around. The cost is higher, but you get what you pay for. Weight, silence, realism, versatility, available upgrades, best spring system, Marui quality.

Second choice is the Maruzen APS-2

After that, I wouldn't suggest an L96 or .338 AW springer.

TM VSR as an alternate, or CA M24 if cost is an issue.
Truly one of the best. I can speak from experience since I own one with full PDI Upgrades (inner barrel, trigger, cylinder, spring and end screw) with the exception of the nineball hopup and feeding fin made by Creation. For me it's dead on accurate.
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Old April 4th, 2013, 10:54   #14
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Originally Posted by GODSPEED|seven View Post
Well, cost was an issue. I gave my friend a list of models, and the prices, with some detailed specs, told him to look up some reviews of his own..

He decided to get the Classic Army M24 Military Version.

From what I've gathered, I believe it's a good choice, the price rang of in-country Maruis and Maruzens is about what he wants for a platform + upgrades.

Now I'll be researching the right upgrades et all the technical stuff I take care off from this point on.
The most prolific M24 I know of is the one CDN Stalker has. Perhaps he's made a post on crack upgrades.
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Old April 4th, 2013, 10:55   #15
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Nice! I'll look into it and/or PM him about it! Thanks!

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