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Running all your gear on your belt?


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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:04   #1
K3vX's Avatar
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Running all your gear on your belt?

That's basically the question. I tried to search for info, but I either don't know what to search, or I'm simply blind.

As anyone already did it? Is it viable? Is it something you would recommend against?

I'm still in the process of figuring my gear. I don't know if I want a PC, a Molle Tac Vest or anything. Chest rig seems cool but I'm not interested. But a build I saw on a forum struck me as really interesting.

What if someone was to run all the needed gear on his belt?

I know for you guys, it would be impossible since you all have forty thousand mags, grenades, smoke, comms and everything else I can think of.

But for me, since I'm starting, I only need some mags (5 + the one in the gun maybe)... err and a dump pouch if I don't have the time to put back the empty mag in an empty slot.
For hydration, I know a couple of ''camelback'' hydration carrier that can be used as a backpack or attached to a Molle gear, so I could use that.
Like this, with optional straps to use as a standalone carrier:

I don't even know which type of belt I should use, but obviously one that can fit all the needed stuff on it (mag pouch, etc.).
If the weight is too great, "suspenders" can be used, I guess.

This image is from a video game, but add the hydration pack and it looks functional for me.

Keep in mind I have zero gear right now, and still don't know what to buy.
I might (and will) have some more questions after this one.

Last edited by K3vX; February 5th, 2013 at 14:16..
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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:07   #2
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I hate vests, heavy, bulky, loud
I wear a belt, a holster, some pistol mag pouches, a dump pouch, and a dropleg or belt mag pouch if I'm using a rifle, but I usually only carry 2-3 spare mags for each my primary and secondary, if you start carrying lots of mags it gets awkward quickly,

I do also occasionally wear pants and a shirt

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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:12   #3
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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:12   #4
aka coachster
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It can work but gets bulky and heavy. I run a belt rig only when it's pistol only or if I'm not intending to engage with more than a few rounds at a time.

Pistol/duty belt
Pistol holster
2 double mag pouches (4 mags)
1 double pistol mag pouch (2 mags)
Radio pouch
Dump pouch

Add a camelbak that can be dropped to get lighter

It does get heavy so I wear suspenders to support it all. A chest rig can go on top for longer patrols or to get in the fire fight with the boys on the front line. Or rather, to help the boys raise hell with the other team.
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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:16   #5
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You won't know what suits you until you get out to a game.

My first game was all borrowed from a friend. The weapon, vests, everything. If you have the ability to borrow from someone for a game do it. If you don't, try to "try on" gear and get it in your hands and on you to get an idea for the feel.

Get out and spectate a match. Talk to people. Ask if you can try their gear on cause your researching for your own kit.

Unless you physically touch and use the gear you really will not know. And until you start playing and get an idea for your play style and what gear works best for certain play styles you won't know. So you may find that you'll buy something, but doesn't fit your play style and you may end up selling it anyways.
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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:18   #6
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
It can work but gets bulky and heavy. I run a belt rig only when it's pistol only or if I'm not intending to engage with more than a few rounds at a time.

Pistol/duty belt
Pistol holster
2 double mag pouches (4 mags)
1 double pistol mag pouch (2 mags)
Radio pouch
Dump pouch

Add a camelbak that can be dropped to get lighter

It does get heavy so I wear suspenders to support it all. A chest rig can go on top for longer patrols or to get in the fire fight with the boys on the front line. Or rather, to help the boys raise hell with the other team.
Ducky has a belt config using TACOs. It's pretty light weight and minimal see if you can pester him to post a pic up for the gent? He showed it to me on the weekend, I thought it was quite smart.

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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:22   #7
Mr. Silencer
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I run an HSGI Sure Grip Padded Belt with the following:
4x Taco mag pouches (2x2 double-stacked) at my 9 to 11 o'clock
1x Eagle FB M4 open-top mag pouch at my 8o'clock.
1x Tactical Tailor single 9mm pistol mag pouch up front attached to the Cobra belt that's holding the HSGI SG belt
Safariland holster with Bawidamann PUP MOLLE adapter at 3o'clock
Radio pouch at 4 o'clock.

I'm more of a primary gunfighter (the odd time that I had to pull my pistol, I was basically hosed anyway and let's face it - against 400fps+ AEGs, your 300fps pistol doesn't stand much of a chance unless you get lucky), so that explains my skimpy secondary ammunition loadout.

I actually prefer the belt rig over a chest rig system in hotter climates as it allows my upper body to breathe a lot better and ideally you'd want most of your weight centered around your core anyway, not up high where it'll cause you additional strain on your back. I'm a wedding photographer on weekends and I run about 10-12lbs of lenses and gear on my belt for 16 hours a day vs a slung bag over the shoulder.

Make sure you get a quality belt - in my mind, only 2 belts quality off the top of my head - the Brokos Belt and the HSGI Sure Grip belt.

In CQB environments where I need to go very fast and light, I'll run:
ARES Gear Enhanced Ranger belt with M4 open-top mag holders (2x), pistol mag holder and holster (all custom kydex).
That's it.
For colder outdoor climates, I'll buddy that up with a Mayflower APC thrown over top with 6094 insert (holds 3 mags) and a radio pouch.

Last edited by Stealth; February 5th, 2013 at 14:29..
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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:45   #8
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by Zeonprime View Post
Ducky has a belt config using TACOs. It's pretty light weight and minimal see if you can pester him to post a pic up for the gent? He showed it to me on the weekend, I thought it was quite smart.
then it's essentially the same as mine. you can bug him just as well!

double mag pouches = double rifle taco's or double shingles just depends how I'm feeling that day.
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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:52   #9
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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you will notice in the image you provided that there is an H harness or suspenders incorporated into the setup to hold the extra weight. Essentially it is a chest rig without a molle platform in the fron. Try a canadian rig the old one. I wanna say its a 86 or 96 rig ill look it up and repost.
its baisicly a belt(not a pants belt but an "over belt" like in yer pic) it has the H harness/suspenders and then has a bunch of pouches and its modular so u can remove adjust or add to the pouches.
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Old February 5th, 2013, 14:55   #10
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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okay so its Canadian 82 pattern web gear. There are alot of em in surpluss now so they are cheap (50-70$) and easy to find and OD so the work with most camo.

i personnaly use a chest rig with a belt.
a drop leg holster on the right above that on the rig is another holster for the gemtec oasis
on my 1-2 oclock are two open top short m16/m14 mag pouch with dual 40mm nade pouches ontop of em ( they uold various crap sniper mags or smokes and lighter or smoke nades)
from 12 -8 oclock is a tripple doubble m4 mag pouch
radio in the admin pouch pocket
knife on the left shoulder strap dumper is right in front centre.

when i am sniping i run a belt with a drop leg m9 in the drop leg with an extra mag
have the gemtech on the back of the belt. Mp5k slung over the back (ya i know over kill lol)
two extra sniper mags on the strap that holds the belt to the drop leg in a dual pistol mag pouch facing backwards (up when prone)
and a fanny pack with a bunch of mp5 mags off to the left side
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Last edited by Hectic; February 5th, 2013 at 15:06..
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Old February 5th, 2013, 15:00   #11
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I run a belt rig all the time.
It has a Dump pouch for mags and various stuff, mag pouches, the radio pouch if it's a game with radio, plus a general use pouch to store papers and keys.
the hydration kit takes care of the rest and even then a bottle can fit in the dump pouch.

my advice for that kind of kit is to wear another belt for the pants, tight enough, that will hold the duty belt in postition.
straps and panels on legs will drag your belt down so they'll work better if the belt is a little tight.

check rigs by typing "pouches on the belt rig" in google you'll get examples

Last edited by Jimski; February 5th, 2013 at 15:03..
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Old February 5th, 2013, 15:12   #12
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
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wow jimski two mags thats it? Or are more hidden in the gp pouch?
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Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
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Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
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Old February 5th, 2013, 15:13   #13
Brian McIlmoyle
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if you are playing short sharp engagements with little expectation of having to sustain yourself in a fight for a long time you can probably get away with a solid first line rig.

3-4 mags , a holster and a couple of mags for you secondary, plus a couple of utility pouches for other bits .. and you are golden.

Then later on add a chest rig for sustaining a longer fight.. longer games

Then later on add a assault pack for longer term sustainment

then add a large pack for carryign your gear for a 24 hour or longer game.
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Old February 5th, 2013, 15:13   #14
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Wow, thanks for all the great answers. I'm starting to get really interested in doing this.

Yup, he does have suspenders, which I don't mind at all.
I just prefer to have all my stuff lower than chest, so a standard chest rig is not my cup of tea.

Jimsky: I love the look, and I will definitely google for more.
Stealth: As always, lots of info, thanks!
Coach: Noted. Have any pictures :P?

Also, the HSGI stuff looks good. Both the belt and the pouches. Where did you get yours?

Edit: Brian: I don't plan on firing a lot, and don't own enough mags anyway, so for my first(s) games, what you described is perfect.

Last edited by K3vX; February 5th, 2013 at 15:15..
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Old February 5th, 2013, 15:13   #15
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Originally Posted by Stealth View Post
Make sure you get a quality belt - in my mind, only 2 belts quality off the top of my head - the Brokos Belt and the HSGI Sure Grip belt.
Do you have any experience and/or opinions regarding the Condor Gen2 Battle Belt?

I am considering purchasing one (with matching H-Harness) to use outdoors during the summer... I like to limit what I carry on my back as much as possible.

Another option that I'm considering is the Pantac LBE.

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