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Which Sniper Rifle?


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Old February 3rd, 2013, 23:47   #1
Join Date: Jan 2013
Which Sniper Rifle?

Howdy, everybody. This is my first post.
I am a complete Airsoft Newbie (I own a gross spring-loaded transparent pistol and that's it) and am interested in actually playing airsoft. I've discovered the monetary difficulties of living in Canada and playing this sport, but I've more or less accepted I'll have to pay way more than our southern neighbours and have a much smaller selection.

I've been scrounging for sites with good selections and prices that ship to Canada legally and seems the best I can find.

I am most interested in being a sniper and am looking for a good sniper rifle along with a good sidearm. I would prefer to do as little modding as possible (preferably none), though with room to mod in the future. I've found the following and am wondering which of the following would be the best choice for the money, unless there are specific recommendations any of you may have. - A&K M24 Bolt Action. Cheapest, but not much information online so I don't know how good it would be. - Javelin M24. It's about $45 on sale today which is nice. Normally the most expensive of the four. - ECHO1 ASR. Not much information on it either. - JG Bar-10. This one I know from research is one of the better spring-loaded snipers. It's also the most expensive of these four (second-most before the Javelin sale) so if any of the above three are better for their price, I'd get those. This gun bummed me out the most since American sites advertise this for as little as $100 and we lucky Canadians get to spend $80 more.

Thanks a lot. Another quick question. Finding good sidearms for a good price seems difficult; how much do you recommend investing into a sidearm? And gas or AEP? Any specific recommendations? I'm sure these are basic questions but this IS the newbie forum.

Sorry for the long post. I've always sucked at being concise.

Edit: Another quick question, is getting a sniper rifle for your first gun even a smart idea? Because if not, I'd be interested in a CYMA MP5. Any idea how those are?

Last edited by hockeynut824; February 3rd, 2013 at 23:57..
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Old February 3rd, 2013, 23:56   #2
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Honestly I'd recommend starting out with an aeg, you can get a sharp shooter style rifle still and mount a scope ect, Such as an m14 or sr25 variant. Bolt actions often dont work perfectly out of the box, not saying all aegs do either. And it takes a lot of upgrades and $$$. Also how you play the game, if you are really a sniper its not about a huge kill count, if someone with an aeg finds your position and is with in 100 ft or less it can be tough. It could get frustrating. Ill let some of the other guys on this forum give your their advise, such as hectic and some other snipers out there.

Last edited by nstahl.19; February 4th, 2013 at 00:13..
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Old February 4th, 2013, 00:09   #3
Join Date: Jan 2013
Thanks for the reply. By AEG, do you mean an automatic AEG like a submachine gun or assault rifle, or a semi-automatic AEG pseudo-sniper?

As far as pseudo-snipers go, I think these two are the best bets:


Last edited by hockeynut824; February 4th, 2013 at 00:26..
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Old February 4th, 2013, 00:37   #4
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He means an assault rifle, SMG, or PDW the reason for this is it is incredible difficult to use a sniper rifle in airsoft as a beginner not to mention a good sniper rifle will cost you about 1000 bucks I know I'm building one
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Old February 4th, 2013, 00:53   #5
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I'll tell you right now.

If you think a sniper rifle will be an advantage in any way. Stop and just shake your head.

Like mentioned before, its expensive as hell just to make one gamable, and thats just to get the thing shooting marginally more accurately, and a bit more further than your conventional upgraded AEG.

Start playing with a regular gun, and once you feel ready to do so, spend the time and money in building a quality airsoft sniper rifle.
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Old February 4th, 2013, 00:54   #6
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So would you recommend a CYMA M14 Socom or a CYMA MP5?
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Old February 4th, 2013, 01:17   #7
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I've heard good things about both I would personally to with an M14 but I also like to lug around LMG's so a larger gun may not be your cup of tea

My suggestion anytime your thinking about buying a gun go hold it first and see if it fits you for me even though i'm only 5 foot 7 I can handle larger guns because I'm also 175 -180 pounds and work on cars

I also have longer than average (for my size) arms
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Old February 4th, 2013, 01:19   #8
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I'd love to have a chance to hold all of these but I'm afraid nowhere local carries them and I lack friends who have large armouries as well.

Is the semi-automatic M14 viable against people carrying fully-automatic rifles such as the M4 or AK?
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Old February 4th, 2013, 01:23   #9
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I'd say yes but then again I barely use full-auto on anything unless it's an LMG and even then I like the LMG's that come with a selector
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Old February 4th, 2013, 01:31   #10
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JG BAR-10 is the only one that's somewhat viable as an upgrade platform. I'd still recommend the original TM VSR-10 if not a CA M24 or Maruzen APS2.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew
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Old February 4th, 2013, 01:53   #11
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Thanks for all the info, guys. I'll be sure to keep your info in mind if I do decide in the future to build a dedicated sniper rifle, L473ncy.

I'm now torn between the CYMA MP5 and the CYMA M14 Socom. Both seem like quality weapons. I'm looking to play more in the woods, so any more recommendations?

The MP5 is full metal, shorter (better for CQB), apparently shoots at a similar accuracy as the M14, and a higher FPS. The M14 is cheaper, much longer/ larger, and more accurate.
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Old February 4th, 2013, 01:56   #12
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I personally would get the M14 and the full length one at that... CYMA It seems to be a so/so brand , I personally want to get a m14 and was looking at CYMAs its got good reviews nothing bad really..
Before anything go in the store and handle both and see what feels right
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Old February 4th, 2013, 02:05   #13
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Yeah if I got an M14 I'd prefer the full-length version but it's not offered anywhere I can find. I'm not a particularly large person either so perhaps the SOCOM version is for the best.
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Old February 4th, 2013, 10:16   #14
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if u want a AEG sinper go for DMR
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Old February 4th, 2013, 11:49   #15
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
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That statement is completely void of useful information lol

Since we're recommending aeg's and you want an accurate rifle, I suggest getting something that's mechanically able to BE a marksman platform.
AUG, G3, AK series, M14s especially

Those are all known to have excellent hop chamber designs to give you the best possible accuracy.
Contrary to popular belief, the M4 actually makes a really poor marksman rifle due to it's hopup chamber design. But that doesn't mean you can't still get really good performance out of it
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