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Why can't the age to be aved be lowered?


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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:03   #1
Derpnation's Avatar
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Why can't the age to be aved be lowered?

You guys probably feel strongly against this BUT I personally feel that it should be lowered with reason.
You see that hunting rifle, that is my pride and joy and I own that 100% legal and the age to hunt has even been lowered. I believe if someone of my age can own such a weapon and has the required training and certification I feel like someone my age should be able to be Aved with reason though obviously if my parents don't want me to be doing it then sure I understand that or if I have never touched a gun but I have and I have my license to prove it. Even someone in the military has to take the classes I have taken to hunt. My friend Who is my age 16 even teaches it. So why is the age 18? Honestly i want to know who has their hunting license and who has a restricted license. Airsoft guns DO NOT fall under restricted they fall under the license I currently own and many of my friends do too because everyone owns a gun here where I live so I would like feed back and some answers please. I am not trying to be an ass so don't get the wrong idea I am just very confused.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:12   #2
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Derpnation View Post
You guys probably feel strongly against this BUT I personally feel that it should be lowered with reason . I am not trying to be an ass so don't get the wrong idea I am just very confused.
Lobby the government to reduce the age of consent. Right now a person under the age of 18 is a Minor.

you can't sign a contract.. you can't acknowledge informed consent.

If you are hurt your Parent or guardian has access to legal remedies against responsible parties.

This is why your mommie has to sign for you.

With respect to age verification. Only adults, persons who can be legally held responsible for their actions should be able to acquire airsoft guns

As a minor .. you can't buy firearms either.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:13   #3
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Looking at your previous posts, I am content that the AV age is exactly where it should be.
Views are my own.

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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:16   #4
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This has already been detailed in the FAQ's and in countless other threads by minors. Please re-read them.

It's about who in our society is LEGALLY responsible for their actions. People under 18 are not. While you may own up to your actions, you are not legally accountable for them. That is the difference.

There are many teams/groups who may allow you to play given your conduct. Another important thing is who can sign the waivers/insurance. As a person under 18, you generally can't. While these issues may have work around's for certain players, Airsoft Canada as a whole isn't about catering to the special cases, it's about giving the masses the correct information.

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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:20   #5
Join Date: Jan 2013
Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
As a minor .. you can't buy firearms either.
well i certainly can you just have to apply for all the right certificates. im 16 i teach hunters ed i am an avid hunter i buy my own ammo i personaly own two firearms. so i dont really understand why we cant own airsoft guns. even with the whole parent consent poop.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:24   #6
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Ok out of you guys who can honestly say they have a license like a safety course? In Harvey Station currently I could buy a gun on my own even here I do believe:
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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:24   #7
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Amanack View Post
well i certainly can you just have to apply for all the right certificates. im 16 i teach hunters ed i am an avid hunter i buy my own ammo i personaly own two firearms. so i dont really understand why we cant own airsoft guns. even with the whole parent consent poop.
as a person over the age of 12 but under 18 you may possess firearms if you are licensed to do so.. but you may not acquire them.

you have a POL not a PAL a POL permits you to buy ammunition.

You can OWN airsoft guns.. you just can't buy them and adult must buy them for you.

you will be to young for just a couple of years, and you will be too old for the rest of your life.. ease down and wait.
Brian McIlmoyle
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Toronto Downtown Age Verifier


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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:25   #8
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You have to be 18 to own any firearm in Canada.

You own those in the same way some little girl owns a pony; it's hers till her parents decide to sell it.

Guess what though, this is not a permanent bar. You're going to get older and when that day comes you will be able to say you own something.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:25   #9
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Brian answered the question and before this thread goes in the direction of the OPs other threads I think I shall lock it down now.

Be safe not just with yourself, but those you play with. If you are reckless with other peoples safety then you will leave.
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Old January 4th, 2013, 12:31   #10
Traveling Man
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Just going to add this link for the minors reading the other minors posts above about the differences in licenses available to those under 18 and those who are older then 18.

"For Individuals aged 12 to 17

A Minors' Licence will enable young people to borrow a non-restricted rifle or shotgun for approved purposes such as hunting or target shooting. Generally, the minimum age is 12 years, but exceptions may be made for younger people who need to hunt to sustain themselves and their families. Applicants must have taken the Canadian Firearms Safety Course and passed the test. The fee to renew a minor’s licence is waived.
Once a person turns 18, they are no longer eligible for a minor’s licence. Instead, they must apply for a Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) and pay the applicable fee. Currently, the fee only applies to the first PAL. The fee to renew a licence with non-restricted firearm privileges only is waived."

Before you spout "facts" do some simple research before arguing with those who aready have.
Saskatchewan Age Verifier! Contact for more Info.
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