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RS SVD wall hanger / Refurbish - solved -


Doctor's Corner

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Old December 3rd, 2012, 22:43   #1
ScooterVauto's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Edmonton
RS SVD wall hanger / Refurbish - solved -

Hello folks
I am in the process of bringing a Wall hanger back to the game.
it was purchased in a "Wall hanger" state.

The mechbox seemed find and when initially assembled the nozzle protrudes
10.5mm as required.
HOWEVER as soon as you cycle the mechbox the tappet never returns to Zero.
I only comes back to 8.5mm (its still spring loaded but leaves the nozzle 2mm short of sealing on the hop up rubber).

When i opened the box I eventually figured out that the Tappet hits the Body right behind the cylinder thus preventing it
from returning to zero.

Everything points to the tappet being wrong, The current tappet has one lone marking on it "O2"
note how the tappet stops short at the front end
and it wont go any further forward due to being seated at the lower rear of the Cylinder


this is the one link i found with a picture of what is supposed to be the RS SVD tappet,
it shows the tappet with the "O2" marking

if anyone has a RS SVD open could you confirm the markings on the tappet
and measure the length of the stock RS nozzle.

any help would be appreciated.


the owner supplied a bag of spare parts. in said bag was another tappet plate.
this plate has NO markings what so ever,
The arm is approx 2mm longer and moves freely from zero to full and back.

I have assembled the mechbox and tested it, the nozzle returns to zero as it should.
assembled the aeg and the fps is 399 - 408 with 20.s
a new Prometheus inner barrel and hopup rubber are enroute

Be well everyone
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Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.

Last edited by ScooterVauto; December 6th, 2012 at 19:11.. Reason: issue has been resolved
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