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GBBR Mags...


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Old November 27th, 2012, 14:29   #1
CptSchlink's Avatar
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GBBR Mags...

I have been hearing a lot of complaining about GBBR mags. Apparently they leak and are hard to maintain. What advice would you give to prevent a negative experience using GBBR mags?
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Old November 27th, 2012, 14:43   #2
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And on top of all that I'm poor so spending a ton of money on goodies isnt an option. Try to think of some other options.
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Old November 27th, 2012, 14:47   #3
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asking someone else to solve your financial problem is kinda silly.

airsoft is a pay to play sport... meaning that there's a certain financial burden/investment one has to make in order to effectively play it.

If you can't afford to buy and maintain equipment, then you can't afford it.

Your options are to do some reading to find out if gbb is right for you on your budget, that includes maintenance and cost of replacement parts when things break and what YOUR options are for YOU.

There's tons of maintenance tips for mags on the forums. usually the issue is you drop it on the feed lips or the seals dry out or swell up, causing leaking.
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Old November 27th, 2012, 14:50   #4
Brian McIlmoyle
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most GBBR mags are realcap ( 30 rounds) and cost $40-$60 each

so you need to expect to pay $250 to $400 for magazines alone,

due to the fact that all GBBR magazines are prone to leak.. some sooner some later.. you likley to need replacements during a typical season

so you need to budget $300 to $500 for mags

is this within your "poor" budget .. if not then you should re think the whole GBBR plan

you need about $1000 to invest in the weapon system..

I'm a full on WETARD I have 14 GBBRs but zI still don't recommend an GBBR as a players first gun
Brian McIlmoyle
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Old November 27th, 2012, 17:03   #5
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Im not asking for financial advice. Just asking a question to see if anyone has good ideas. Man you guys flame people pretty quickly.

Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
asking someone else to solve your financial problem is kinda silly.

airsoft is a pay to play sport... meaning that there's a certain financial burden/investment one has to make in order to effectively play it.

If you can't afford to buy and maintain equipment, then you can't afford it.

Your options are to do some reading to find out if gbb is right for you on your budget, that includes maintenance and cost of replacement parts when things break and what YOUR options are for YOU.

There's tons of maintenance tips for mags on the forums. usually the issue is you drop it on the feed lips or the seals dry out or swell up, causing leaking.
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Old November 27th, 2012, 17:05   #6
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Thanks for those quotes. So your saying that no matter what mags I buy they will leak eventually? Thats too bad. Is it because of leaky seals? I do not fully understand why manufacturers cant build a sturdy leak proof mag. I understand they go through a lot when in play but there should be some good options out there.

Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
most GBBR mags are realcap ( 30 rounds) and cost $40-$60 each

so you need to expect to pay $250 to $400 for magazines alone,

due to the fact that all GBBR magazines are prone to leak.. some sooner some later.. you likley to need replacements during a typical season

so you need to budget $300 to $500 for mags

is this within your "poor" budget .. if not then you should re think the whole GBBR plan

you need about $1000 to invest in the weapon system..

I'm a full on WETARD I have 14 GBBRs but zI still don't recommend an GBBR as a players first gun
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Old November 27th, 2012, 17:08   #7
Green Synergy
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If you're using a WE GBBR...

1. Avoid the first generation 30 round STANAG magazines, they are horrible for leaking
2. The second generation 30 round STANAG magazines are much better, they took the design of the 20 round magazines which also is much better
3. Accept your magazines are wear items and there is high potential you'll have to replace them, on the plus side WE makes a refurbishment kit for first generation magazines
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Old November 27th, 2012, 18:21   #8
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by CptSchlink View Post
Thanks for those quotes. So your saying that no matter what mags I buy they will leak eventually? Thats too bad. Is it because of leaky seals? I do not fully understand why manufacturers cant build a sturdy leak proof mag. I understand they go through a lot when in play but there should be some good options out there.
seals degrade.. moving parts get worn.. Mags are consumables
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Old November 27th, 2012, 18:58   #9
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Answering your questions...

Always keep them with gas inside, you will have the option to use green gas, propane, and CO2.
For CO2 and propane, use some silicon oil in the mags to keep them sealed. For green gas the only important thing is to leave always gas inside.

Always try to lube your gun that is going to help too... Also buy some O-rings for propane and green gas mags. Look for them in evike (big store in the US) to know what I'm talking about.

And if you can try to have some spare parts is better to fix them than to be buying all the time new mags (is not easy at the beginning to fix them)

Recommendation, buy from 6 to 8 mags if you can. And pay attention to the selling section in this website there is pretty good deals over here. You will save TONS of money buying used, and there is not many problems as electric guns or the problems are really easier to be fixed. If you need more info you can pm me.

Good luck bud!

Last edited by FULLMETAL; November 27th, 2012 at 19:51..
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Old November 27th, 2012, 18:58   #10
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I've bought 5 extra mags so far and that's already $300+, will add 4 more to make my kit at 10 mags which is another $240+. The rifle itself was at VFC g36k at $500, If you're not financially secured, don't buy a GBB of any kind.

10 gas mags @ 30rds = 300 rds
1 aeg hi-cap mag = 300 rds
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Last edited by BennyBoy; November 27th, 2012 at 19:07..
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Old November 27th, 2012, 19:47   #11
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Sure, you may get 300 rounds with a high-cap.......but they suck plain and simple! Real cap mags in a gbbr makes you pock your shots more which takes more skill than spraying an area down! Gas gun mags may be more expensive, but the realism is way more fun than with an aeg!

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Old November 27th, 2012, 19:49   #12
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Originally Posted by PugsleyAdams View Post
Sure, you may get 300 rounds with a high-cap.......but they suck plain and simple! Real cap mags in a gbbr makes you pock your shots more which takes more skill than spraying an area down! Gas gun mags may be more expensive, but the realism is way more fun than with an aeg!

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PLUS they don't sound like freaking maracas when you r running in the battlefield!!
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Old November 27th, 2012, 19:50   #13
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What are the common ways for GBB magazines to fail? O-ring degradation? Is valve failure common? What about the connectors/tubings inside the magazines? Is it common for the gas tank inside the magazine to crack? Anything else?

O-ring degradation seems to be relatively easy to fix... I also remember seeing a thread about seal leaking GBB magazines with heat glue...
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Old November 27th, 2012, 19:59   #14
aka coachster
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Don't use hot glue. Use gasket maker. Read my tutorial on GBB mags and z0ng's on WE mags.

Most common on the original WE mags is a main seal failure. Causes vary from drying up, poorly assembled and breaking the seal from a fall/drop. Then it's a toss up between the fill and flow valves leaking but I they are easy fixes. I haven't tried the new ones but their design is more like a GBB pistol which is less prone to failure.
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Old November 27th, 2012, 20:01   #15
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Originally Posted by coach View Post
I haven't tried the new ones but their design is more like a GBB pistol which is less prone to failure.
Thanks, I will go check that.
The failure in GBBR and GBBP magazines are different?
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