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Hello from Russia



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Old October 17th, 2012, 05:28   #1
Sunmix's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Russia, Petropavlovsk
Hello from Russia

Hello. My name is Alexander, I'm a airsoft player and game master from Kamchatka region, Russia.

I want to discuss a possibility of airsoft competitions between Canada airsoft players and Russia airsoft plaayers in June or July, 2013 in Kamchatka region

Let me tell some words about competitions, airsoft in Kamchatka and my region.

1. Competitions
In that year our team was in neighbour region - Magadan. Airsoftert of that region organize it. In the next year competitions will be in Kamchatka.
Competitions are doing for teams of 5-6 warriors, and different stages doing at different days. We are making the disciplines:
- Knife battle. A team give 1 member for competition. Competition does by olympic system (loser is come out from competition). The duel do with the training knifes of soft plastic (it is non-traumatic) Base rules: one hit-one point. The man, who takes 3 points is winner and go to next stage. Contact by any part of a body is forbidden.
- Encounter attack. Teams are takes a own points (different sides of territory or building). At the command they start to to find, grasp and bring (either to destroy, or to hold certain time) a certain object. Analog CTF, but no one command dont know, what kind of mission will be.
- Practical shooting. In 3-floors building a targets is located. TASK: For the shortest time to find and strike all targets in a building. Firing is allowed only from certain points. A route there pass at most 2 members of team, however their time is summarized.
- Rescue a hostage. In the building - 3 terrorists and 1 hostage. Task: For the shortest time rescue a hostage and destroy all terrorist without casualties. Counts a time and penaltties for casualties and killing hostage. Of cource, it is a basic plan, it will be corrected, but no much
Pics from the events:

2. Airsoft in Kamchatka
i'll try to tell you about airsoft in Kamchatka. I'll be speak about common moments, about event, which I spoke in thread Hello from Russia, and will tell some words about Kamchatka. Also i'll try to make a pics by using direct linksto pics in our forum. If the will not to show in that forum, tell me about this.

1. Airsoft in Kamchatka.
In Kamchatka "airsoft" called "strikeball". Further I will use this word, as more habitual for me. We have a 3 organizational units : Assotiation of Kamchatka Strikeball (AKS), Military and Patriotic Strikeball Club "Ris' " (VPSK "Ris' ") (in translating to English it wil bee "lynx") and Team Leaders Council (SK). First organization is union "ortodox" players, which are serious strikeballists, reconstructors, and plays most of the strikeball games. Second organization is engaged in beginners and minor players. AKS and VPSK "Ris' " are antagonists, and usually not plays at same game. Third organization is Higher structure in Кamchatka strikeball, which do the policy of Kamchatka Strikeball. It consist of Team Leaders and Game Masters (who do the games). I'm not a member of first and second organization, but I as a GM, a member of Team Leaders Council.
Our games is based on:
- fiction computer games (like S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Resident Evil, Aliens versus Predator etc.
- real military events
- Ourselves scenarios.
Some pics of our fiction games:

1. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:

2. AvP

Some pics from our real-based-events games:
1. 9 may

2. Kuril Landing Operation

Video from the game:

3. Some pics from ourselves games

As you can see, we are plays at any season and any weather. Even at night in the wood in a blizzard in the winter Other regions count that we are crazy

In actual, there are over 300 men and women, which plays strikeball in 15 operating teams. All team leaders a members of Team Leaders Council.

We have not sponsors of our games, and we are make a games by GM's entusiasm and GM's money. We are dont use a big objects like abandoned factories, but many former military bases in kamchatka, at here no restrictions to use. We are have'nt any private field, potentially, our play territory - all territory of region (exclude cities and other points, where people is lives, and operating government objects).

By our rules:
1. We don't resolve a play men who 18- years old
2. We don't resolve a play men who uses alcohol and/or narcotics
3. In order that the team was considered as team, in it not less than 10 people should consist
4. For manufacturing of imitations of grenades and mines we use the petards of the industrial manufacturing which have passed certification, from among available on free sale. Our grenade usually is еhe balloon filled with peas and a petard inserted into it. How looks our grenade:

5. We forbid to play who has no military clothes if it isn't provided by the concrete scenario of game
6. We are dont use a autotechnics at the game because safety of players. There was a tragic experience of use a technics, after that we dont use it.

Rules of the Kamchatka strikeball is much more, of course, but all of them I cant to translate.

At the end, sense of game - collective rest on a nature, neutralization of negative emotions and aggressive aspirations, pleasure of mutual communication of worthy people.

3. Kamchatka
kamchtka is one of most beautiful places of the world. Some of nature objects are in UNESCO list as a objects of the words's legacy.

There is over 400 volcanoes, 29 of them are operating.

Great proud of our region are fish (salmon) and bears. If look on the map of Kamchatka, contour looks like a salmon fish

Because of the volcanical activity, we have a hot thermal springs, in the places of it we are builds a sanatorium zones. Thermal water is very mineralized, and very useful for the helth (for example, I healed my skin when the official medicine says that it is no heal)

There is three cities in Kamchatka, and many little villages. Number of inhabitants of Kamchatks - 350 000, in Petropavlovsk - 200 000 peoples lives.

Many of our territory is empty, and never anybody stepping here

Peoples, who lives in Kamchatka a friendly and ready to help. It is because we have very difficult life because of climatic conditions, and we try to help each other.

Our cities is no good, it very old cities, bad roads, bad houses - our government not do something for its. I dont love my city, but i love Kamchatka. And many of my friends think that some.

================================================== ====

At the end.
We are ready to buy flight tickets from Anchorage to Kamchatka.

From you:
Possibility to go to Anchorage (tickets and vises),
payment for hotel (near 60 USD for night for 1 man, as the variant - field camp in the forest. Living in russian military tent and it will be no-cost. Other variant - living in our homes as our guests. It is no-cost too.),
payment for food (near 30 USD a day, but in the field camp - near 10 usd a day, but you will must to cook by youselves)

From us
Tickets from Anchorage to Kamchatka and back
No-cost automobile transport in Kamchatka
Solved problems on boundary in Russia
Our friendship and good relation

I ready to answer to your questions.

Last edited by Sunmix; October 17th, 2012 at 22:17..
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Old October 17th, 2012, 17:52   #2
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Location: Russia, Petropavlovsk
Please inform me if this project is interesting or not interesting for you, because we must to know about start or no our part of this project
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Old October 17th, 2012, 18:38   #3
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Calgary, AB
This is a really good idea, and I'm sure it'd be fun, but I just don't think I can go all the way to Russia, I don't have the time and money.

Just curious though, what FPS limits do you guys play with?
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Old October 17th, 2012, 21:01   #4
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Location: Russia, Petropavlovsk
Originally Posted by Ready View Post
This is a really good idea, and I'm sure it'd be fun, but I just don't think I can go all the way to Russia, I don't have the time and money.

Just curious though, what FPS limits do you guys play with?
1. we have a 8 month to the event, i think a tickets to the Anchorage will be cost near 600-700 USD (it is a 1500 USD in a two-way), and 500-700 USD in Kamchatka (hotel and food an drink ), in summarizing - 2000-2200 USD. With the entusiasm - anyone can to find a possibility to accumulate a sum It is not big sum even for russians.

for pistols: 100 m/sec=328 fps
for automatic weapon/carabines: 130 m/sec=427 fps
for LMG: 150 m/sec=494 fps
for sniper rifles: 172 m/sec=566 fps
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Old October 20th, 2012, 00:17   #5
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This is very interesting. In winter, what temperatures do you play in? How well do the guns perform? How many players do you usually have?
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Old October 20th, 2012, 02:32   #6
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As awesome as it sounds, not everyone can afford to pay 2200 USD to go play airsoft plus unless gear is provided, it is quite hard for canadians to bring their own gear all the way to another country. even with paper work filled in to allow our guns to be brought out its still a pain in the ass.

Sadly to say this is in my opinion this is nothing short of a pipe dream
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Old October 20th, 2012, 11:57   #7
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Originally Posted by phloudernow View Post
Even with paper work filled in to allow our guns to be brought out its still a pain in the ass.
It's really not.

Sounds like a sweet event! Russia has always been a beautiful looking country that I would oneday liek to see, perhaps, when that time comes I can make it coincide with an event
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
Like seriously dude. The incredible lack of common sense in the question could be scientifically investigated for evidence of a black hole.
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Old October 20th, 2012, 12:02   #8
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I'm loving all that Russian kit. I just wish it wasn't such a paint to get here in Canada.
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Old October 20th, 2012, 21:58   #9
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What's the security situation like in the region? The idea is very tempting, the people going to this clearly need the $$ to do such a trip it's not for the avg joe.
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Old October 21st, 2012, 22:17   #10
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Location: Russia, Petropavlovsk
Sorry for late answers - i really was been busied on prepairing to closing summer season in Kamchatka.

Originally Posted by QuincyXavier View Post
This is very interesting. In winter, what temperatures do you play in? How well do the guns perform? How many players do you usually have?
In winter we plays at temperatures near -15 degrees of Celsium. NiMH batteries is not useable in the at temperature, and we are using a LiFePO batteries, it is approximately 1500-2000 shots. But need a special recharger for it No problems with the guns minimum players - a team (10-12 members), maximum players - all teams and beginners without teams - near 350. Usually - 70-120, depending on game type.

As awesome as it sounds, not everyone can afford to pay 2200 USD to go play airsoft plus unless gear is provided, it is quite hard for canadians to bring their own gear all the way to another country. even with paper work filled in to allow our guns to be brought out its still a pain in the ass.
sum of 2000 usd I calculate approximately. I really dont know, how much a price for tickets to Anchorage I can to say about sum which will need in Kamchatka. At maximum, it will be:
- 6 days on 40 usd - 240 usd
- 7 days for food 30 usd a day - 210 usd.
- some much more (souvenirs, alco, etc) - 100-200 usd.

maybe it will be lower that i think, and, however, it trouble can be decided by discount of airline.
About troubles with the crossing boundary - from our side it is no problem. If i will find a contacts of embassy of USA in Canada, i can to take maximum info about crossing boundary between Canada and USA and to try to decide it. I think it is no problem too (if men in embassy are adequate).

Returning to money question. You have a lot of time to accumulate a sum. it is can be a own accumulaties, sponsor help etc. For example - if some of your organizations (teams, or structures like our Team Leaders Counsil) want to organize a team to us, maybe make a some higher (3-5 USD from one man) cost of the ames an accumulate a money in special fund.

What's the security situation like in the region? The idea is very tempting, the people going to this clearly need the $$ to do such a trip it's not for the avg joe.
What do you mean under word "security"? If it is about criminality, of cource we have a some level of it, but no more like any other place. If it about bears, we have a some trouble in that case, but we usually decide it problem.

In parallel, i try to link to alaska airsofter, but it does not turn out yet If you cant to go to us, maybe you will help me to find a contact to Alaska airsofters. It will be valid the real cooperation

If you have a any questions, i ready to answer it.

My contacts:

on the PM message i can to give my cellular phone number
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Old October 21st, 2012, 22:41   #11
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I would love to go, but my Russian passport expired and its complicated to get a new one... lol
Got any connections in the governement?
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Old October 21st, 2012, 23:04   #12
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Originally Posted by ViR View Post
Got any connections in the governement?

It is a great-great-great-greatest secret
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Old October 21st, 2012, 23:44   #13
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Originally Posted by Gato View Post
It's really not.

Sounds like a sweet event! Russia has always been a beautiful looking country that I would oneday liek to see, perhaps, when that time comes I can make it coincide with an event

If you will can to send at least 5 people, I on pleasures will get drunk to green devils For anything I will not believe that from all Canada it is impossible to scrape up 5 people who can go to Russia
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Old October 25th, 2012, 07:30   #14
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Location: Russia, Petropavlovsk
Hello to everyone.

Some info about competitions.

1. We provide free of charge accommodation of your team by 7 people and their three meals a day, transport to venues of stages of competitions. Accommodation (most likely, now we we specify) in the territory of the recreation facility located around a sanatorium zone of Paratunk. In the territory of base there is a pool with water from a thermal source, its visit - at your expense (roughly - 7 USD for time). A food besides the fact that is provided by us - at your expense. Transport in other places - at your expense. Alcohol, souvenirs, other purchases - at your expense. If the region directs more than one team, it settles and eats at own expense.

2. I wrote a letter to US embassy in Calgary about crossing a border with airsoft gears. Now I wait for response.

Thus your team saves on accommodation and a food.
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Old October 25th, 2012, 07:57   #15
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Cost of tickets to Anchorage:
1. From Calgary - 822 dollars
2. From Toronto - 931 dollars
3. From Yellowknife (two-way) - 1420 dollars

as you can see, your payment for this event will be near 1600-1800 dollars for tickets to Anchorage+russian visa (near 20 dollars)+200-300 dollars for emergency. Decide, friends, it is good possibility to visit Russia.
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