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Paintball to Airsoft: The Switch



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Old July 31st, 2012, 16:16   #1
Snipetek's Avatar
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Paintball to Airsoft: The Switch

Hey all -

I'd like to hear about how many of you guys are former paintball players who have made the switch to airsoft? I have been playing paintball religiously for about 10 years - I have since dropped it for airsoft. I should have done it a long time ago...

What makes you love airsoft? For me it's the realism, tactics, and the camaraderie I see on the field. :infantry:
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Old July 31st, 2012, 18:11   #2
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Cool Same...But

Basically the same reasons, also it's ALOT less expensive. and personally it also doesn't hurt as much as paintball, and paintball is way to heavy for me, they also don't offer tactical options/accessories. Since when have you seen an EOTech on a paintball gun? lol
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Old July 31st, 2012, 18:12   #3
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I play both. I've always enjoyed the fun/light mood of paintball, playing with the right people of course. For me airsoft is more of a "grown-up" way to dress up and play soldier, making it a totally different experience.

The same safety principles apply to both sports and there are careless/idiotic people on both sides of the fence. This is what happens when just any civilian can get their hands on something that shoots projectiles, regardless if it's BB's or paintballs, or potatoes, whatever.

I enjoy both and I can't stand elitist views in either community. I don't care how "mil-sim" you think you are, it's a game, get the fuck over it.

My biggest airsoft pet peeve besides idiots would have to be hi-cap mags. Totally defeats the idea of realism.

Last edited by cadpat_tact; July 31st, 2012 at 18:38..
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Old July 31st, 2012, 18:28   #4
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I've seen an eotech on a marker.

I dont see the relevance of dragging paintball players in the mud, I've seen some excellent milsim in paintball and terrible atempts in airsoft.

As far as game dynamics and systems, both even out depending where you play.

For me the instant permanent switch was for 3 reasons :

Operating system is very realistic, gbbr even better
The price
The DIY approche that has made us able to play in unexpected places.

Regarding that last point too, airsoft has less collateral dammage, in some cases, thats a big win for playong in special areas.

Being able to do a movie with em is also a good selling point. I've seen shit loads and some have given life to near hollywood quality.

So there you go, I never looked back.

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Old July 31st, 2012, 18:35   #5
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I HATE HOPPERS! I was running a milsig mag-fed marker the last year I played. It was way better for my play style, but having 6 x 18 round mags going against a field of people carrying no less than 4 pods and a full hopper, it became more of a survival game then an action sport! I found airsoft guns are more my style and even running a gbbr I dont find myself that out-gunned.
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Old July 31st, 2012, 20:24   #6
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Well lets see here, I started playing paintball in the early days early 80s. It was the only game, airsoft wasnt around. Paintball changed over the years and moved into milsim type games or speedball arena bs. It wasnt until I found a copy of Airsoft international a few years back that airsoft caught my eye.
So there is by far more cheating in airsoft, just my experience, then painball. dont get me wrong there is still cheating in painball. But some times you just cant wipe all the paint off! So I play as close to real as possible with buddy I trust which lessons the cheating a lot.
Airsoft by far, to me, is the better game. Guns are more realistic and nos paint mess to clean and I dont have to worry about kids!
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