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Eagle LVAC (armor carrier)



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Old January 7th, 2011, 16:18   #1
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Eagle LVAC (armor carrier)

Since I updated my assault gear to support a new rifle type, I needed to change my body armor. I used to use a custom made molle body armor that also held my rifle plates.

Now I run an LBT RRV with no back panel, so I needed to hold my rifle plates. Not that I indend to be shot in the back, but I prefer to be covered just in case.

The PACA was a good choice, but I wanted something more rugged. Something that would not rip when crawling on rocks or concrete. As I also intend on using the vest for urban sniping. Eagle offered a good product, called the LVAC. Low Visibility Armor Carrier. It hold BALCS panels (soft armor, kevlar or other type) and also SAPI plates (rifles plates). What differ from the PACA is the waist elastics. The PACA have 3. They look a little frail compared to Eagle single, large, doubled elastic. There is also very good reviews on how resistant this carrier is.

As for armor, I intend on buying BALCS cut panels to put in it. I have to source an affordable seller, so for now, I fitted my old lvl IIIA back panel in it. It's not ment to fit in a BALCS cut, but it does suprisingly. I had to remove the trauma plates so it does not interfer with the curvature of the SAPI plate.

The front part, on the other hand, did not fit. No amount of tugging and pulling would make it fit enough to be confortable. Since I wanted to begin trainning/playing with the rig before purchasing the proper panels, I had to be creative.

I bought 30$ worth of Cordura 800D. (It was on special, and they did not have 1000D). I drew the front panel patern and cut about 20 layers to have the apropriate thickness of real kevlar. Once finished, it was about the same weight as my real panel and same consistency to the touch. WAY better than foam or..... cardboard!

No more rambling. Here are the pics.

Mesuring, fiting, ajusting and preparing to cut the master BALCS layout. The patern I had did not have all the mesurements I wanted. I had to improvise based on the Carrier.

Master BALCS patern cut to size (medium). Time to replicate on many layers!

Fully assembled final product. I won't show all the cordura layers inside, as they are not yet stiched together. I destroyed my sewing machine on my last project. I need an industrial machine I think.

The whole set.

EAGLE inside tag.

Worn by my tactical attack pillow.

Geared tactical pillow. My current rig need a few changes, but the rest of the parts are not yet purchased.


The build quality of this carrier is good. There is only one stitch on a velcro that looked dubious. But it was passed over 2 times extra to compensate. It was a loose strand stuck in a locking stitch I think. But for the rest, it's very good Eagle standard.

I'll update when the rig get some field time.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne

Last edited by FOX_111; January 7th, 2011 at 18:43..
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Old January 7th, 2011, 17:38   #2
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Pretty nice!
Where did you find the 800D fabric? I might just do the same as I told you a couple of weeks ago!
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Old January 7th, 2011, 18:03   #3
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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I'm a proud member of "Club Tissus". It's like Fabricville or bouclair minus the decoration bullshit. They actually have all kind of fabric by the rolls and all the sewing stuff you need. They lack the tactical fabric, but they can order.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne

Last edited by FOX_111; January 7th, 2011 at 18:05..
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Old January 7th, 2011, 18:29   #4
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Great review, thanks!!

Where did you get the LVAC?

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Last edited by rc_p120; January 7th, 2011 at 19:34..
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Old January 7th, 2011, 20:49   #5
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Location: Terrebonne, Québec
From SKD tactical.

I had it in my bookmarks for about a year or two. It was out of stock for so long. My order went trough quickly. And they ship via USPS!!! So no bullshit. My order did get inspected at custom wich delayed the order for 2 days. If it was not for the new year hollyday, I would have had it in less than 5 days.

Vérificateur d'âge: Terrebonne
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Old January 13th, 2011, 21:48   #6
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Are there straps inside to adjust the plate position or it is just a pocket? I searched online but got nothing.

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Last edited by rc_p120; January 14th, 2011 at 05:45..
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