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Another Trade Dispute - Requesting Help from ASC Members, particularly players in New Brunswick



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Old April 10th, 2010, 23:39   #1
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Another Trade Dispute - Requesting Help from ASC Members, particularly players in New Brunswick

Because a number of people have already addressed concerns with dealing with this person and I want to raise awareness about this user, the user's name is below:
USER: Ddelz

Hey guys,

I figured I'd start my own thread about a dispute I had a few months back, as I'm kind of encouraged by 1) the recent increase in disputes being outed in public and 2) the relative success in terms of dealing with this issue as a community. So here I am giving it a shot:

Back in December of last year, I purchased a Western Arms Wilson Combat 1911 from a member in the classifieds from Fredericton, New Brunswick, which was described as "shooting condition". Upon asking him to further clarify what kind of description the gun was in, he sent me a few more crappy quality pictures and said everything was fine with it. So I said after debating a bit and examining the pictures for a long time I said okay, paid the money and it was a done deal. The seller promptly responded after receiving payment by saying something along the lines of "Great, now I can go out today and buy that Crossman shotgun I want!" which is all fine and dandy until later.

In any case, I waited a fairly appropriate time, the seller was at least prompt with shipping it to me and kept open comms. Once the package arrived (which was a foam-padded hard case packaged into a sturdy cardboard box with MORE padding) though, I opened it to find to my horror a broken gun.

Of immediate note out of the box was that the frame of the 1911 pistol had cracked at the rear where the beavertail safety connects to the frame.

As I opened the gun bit by bit to see what was wrong with it/what could be done about the frame, the list of problems just kept on increasing. I found out the following problems later on as I went through the gun:
-BOTH of the included mags were leaking (I believe his posting said there was only one of the mags leaking)
-broken disconnector
- missing safety-slide plunger and spring set

Although admittedly some of those are easy fixes, I've looked into all of those and they are, for the most part, quite costly and quite frankly I don't want to have to deal with it as I paid for a shooting gun as I recall the seller had claimed this gun to be.

So I PM the guy about it, stating what damages are apparent on the gun and he says "That's impossible, I test fired the gun before I shipped it out. It must have gotten damaged during shipping." Now, looking at the packaging, there's no way any damage could have occurred to the gun in transit except maybe the leaky mags due to variations in temperature, I'll at least give him that. But both the hard case and the cardboard box were very much intact, there's no way an intact box and intact hard case could avoid damage and the gun would absorb any and all shock/damage.

In any case, I argued with him over a few a PM's and requested that I get a full refund and that I would send him the gun, even at my own expense for shipping: I would consider that a fair deal. However, the seller continued to be uncooperative in providing any sort of financial compensation, so I asked him if he could at least take the time to help me source the necessary parts I'd need to get the gun shooting again; he refused even this and said he'd "love to help" me but "didn't have the time or money" to help me out very rudely. I found this hard to believe as, even though he claimed to be "two grand in the hole", he unwisely purchased a Crossman shotgun the very same day with the money I had just sent him. Wouldn't logic dictate that you would put that money towards managing your debt? And over and above that, his debt was not my problem nor is it now.

Now, a few months later I've received absolutely no compensation, and this person continues to use ASC and its classifieds to post his stuff and peruse the website as if he's done nothing wrong. More importantly, he's continued to deny me communication and ignores my PM's insisting that we discuss the issue further.
I'm not necessarily demanding a resolution, but at least some consequences be issued to this person because clearly they think they can get away with selling crap in a box and get away with it. I'm hoping that the same positive attitude cast on other situations such as this will be shared with mine.

Additional details can be asked off of me via PM. If anyone has any specific details they require in order to help, I'll be glad to offer any and all information I have (including the actual PM's sent between him and I).
Please note that the quotations used in this thread are not verbatim, but the general ideas were captured as best as possible without using the actual PM's as direct copy-and-paste quotations.

Any additional information that I'm cleared to post here I will, including screen caps of his original posting (in case he changed it) as well as the PM's if I'm allowed to do so.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by jareyes; April 15th, 2010 at 03:15..
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Old April 10th, 2010, 23:47   #2
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General note: if you aren't directly involved in this or able to personally provide some assistance (i.e. NB members) please keep your comments to yourself.
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Old April 12th, 2010, 23:30   #3
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I would just like to raise awareness on this issue once again, as this person has posted another ad in the classifieds (that should give you a slight hint as to who it is) and obviously has no compulsion to handle this responsibly.

Drake has informed me that he has sent this person a PM regarding this issue, but seeing as how Drake has not informed as to this person's response but has instead continue to post in the classifieds, I can only assume that they don't care for the site's rules or admins.

Nobody from the NB area is willing to help?
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Old April 17th, 2010, 14:43   #4
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Try Atlantic airsoft.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 16:30   #5
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To be honest i did not see this before.

Please bring your post over to for a better response.


meant to edit this in sooner but i got pulled away from my precious internet.

Post up at as well.

Last edited by Cobrajr122; April 17th, 2010 at 16:57..
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Old April 17th, 2010, 17:51   #6
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AAS databank has no member listed under that username, obviously this doesnt mean he isnt under a different name. I'll make a general post on AAS to direct him here.

ANB is your second option, im unable to see their user list as a lot of AAS members are not welcome on that forum.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 18:13   #7
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Im not from new brunswick but I beleive this might help with your dispute. Just wanted to point out that if the package was insured, canada post can/will pay for the damages occured during shipping. This is done by the sender calling up canada post and making a damage claim.

This is one of the reasons I ship any guns/parts insured. the extra 2-3 $ is well worth the cost and if the buyer doesnt think so, the risk would be on them for not paying for the insurance. If you dont have it insured, I would highly recommend that you have insured all parcels to the approximate value of the package your shipping in the future.

Good luck with resolving this issue

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Old April 17th, 2010, 19:41   #8
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Originally Posted by Duilin View Post
AAS databank has no member listed under that username, obviously this doesnt mean he isnt under a different name. I'll make a general post on AAS to direct him here.

ANB is your second option, im unable to see their user list as a lot of AAS members are not welcome on that forum.
quick update:

member found his profile on AAS, i missed it. he is currently banned from AAS, and has been banned since augest '09. Try airsoftNB forum.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 21:21   #9
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I've already sent Drake multiple PMs about this, and it's being resolved privately.
I'm not even getting into this here because I've been defending myself against this guy for months now. I'm done.

Ban me or punish me if you will, but I'm not claiming responsibility for a broken gun when I gamed it and shipped it in perfect working condition. Drake knows the details, if anyone wants them, ask him.
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Old April 17th, 2010, 21:34   #10
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Lol from what you described Jeff, that gun didn't sound like a good deal at all

if I even suspect the seller is being less than honest I wouldn't go forward with the deal

WA guns are known for being hard to find parts for, buying one that was in less than mint condition is just asking for a headache/moneypit much less the the frame being cracked requires a new frame which is a restricted part and would make more sense buying a whole new gun instead.

Best case scenario would be a refund yes, but the seller doesn't seem like he wants that as I doubt he wants that POS gun back

maybe try and get the seller to file a claim with CP for damages, but unless he paid for extra insurance, you would only be getting $100 back

but seeing as this happened last year I'm pretty sure that option is expired by now
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Old May 26th, 2010, 18:27   #11
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Originally Posted by Duilin View Post
AAS databank has no member listed under that username, obviously this doesnt mean he isnt under a different name. I'll make a general post on AAS to direct him here.

ANB is your second option, im unable to see their user list as a lot of AAS members are not welcome on that forum.

that's not true at all, there are several players in NB who are welcomed members on both ANB and AAS including Bean who is an admin here. Please don't bring that issue here, it has no place, the reason you were banned from ANB has nothing to do with this topic.

I'm one of the founding members on ANB and this situation has only come to my attention this afternoon. I've spoken to Ddelz and I would like to speak to jareyes before taking any actions. If the gun was in fact shipped broken then there will be reparations made.
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Old May 30th, 2010, 16:52   #12
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I bought the TM G36C he had for sale. He said he would ship it out but I sent him a PM and he hasn't been on since May 23rd and hasn't responded.
Can anyone help?

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Old June 1st, 2010, 02:00   #13
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Haven't received any help or any word from Ddelz. Asking the admins for his personal information now.

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Old June 3rd, 2010, 23:39   #14
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I'm having the same problem with this guy. I bought an ICS l85 from him and he says he shipped it, it has been 3 weeks now and still no gun and im out 450 bucks. I've tried to reopen coms with him and still no response.
I don't know what to do now.
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Old June 4th, 2010, 01:05   #15
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yep, me too. bought three g17's from him for $450 around may 22nd and hadnt heard from him since. fucking hell guys, 7 years on the boards and i've never been scammed. let's hope this witch hunt actually works out.

btw i called the bank and they said emt's are no good for any kind of protection unless your account's security was compromised. they said to take it up with the local police and i guess i'll do that if we dont get an answer soon.
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