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We play airsoft because we can't afford paintball?



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Old November 28th, 2009, 02:26   #106
Official ASC "Dumb Ass"
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not a huge difference? what are you smoking?

that's the first I've heard of paintball being 85% private, it's not like their equipment is in a legal grey area or anything I thought paintball was pretty much commercialized but I could be wrong, the video this thread is based on isn't at a private field either I don't think

as far as I know, most paintball is played at paintball fields where, marker owners and renters alike have to pay out the ass for paint, unless its on a monday or other slow day where it's byop

if most pball was played 85% on private fields, the industry would be in decline, as there wouldn't be enough revenue generated and fields would be closing down, so umm yeh..

Last edited by pusangani; November 28th, 2009 at 02:28..
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Old November 28th, 2009, 02:39   #107
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Well I'm pretty well qualified to assure you that 80% or more of paintball is played privately.
You just don't see it. every week end there are far more players playing private games of milsim paintball, shooting $12 worth of paintball in an afternoon. Thats one of the reason paintball is in a huge ressesion.
That guy in that vidio is dangerous, he is the "godfather" of the paintball wana monapoly. He invented X-ball, and is one of the founders of speedball and the bright color thing that most peopel think is paintball.

In the adrenaline pro shop only 5 out of 100 guns sold are Speedball. and almost 0% of the paint sold is used at a field or for Speedball. paintball is in a huge decline and fields and the companies are going under like crazy.
Fields charge out the ass because it costs out the ass to have a feild. very few gun owners will pay mare then $90/2000 to play at the coolest fields. places that cost 1/2mil to build.

Hug your brothers man.. don't dis em.. 80% of paintballers hate speedball to......

Don't get me wrong Airsoft is still unique and Adrenalines current focas is all about airsoft. We see a huge future for it..

Last edited by Adrenalineguy; November 28th, 2009 at 02:44..
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Old November 28th, 2009, 02:45   #108
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well i guess my nephew is a monkey then lol, that's really surprising, I had no clue
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Old November 28th, 2009, 02:59   #109
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All you got to do is ask man.
"Hey guys I'm thinking of doing this for the airsoft world, thoughts/feelings" etc..

I hate to say it, but I know a handful of guys who are not overly enthused about the certification thing at your field.
In the end it's your field, but if you do want to appeal to the major airsoft world (here) then I would ask publicly what people are looking for, and what they think of some of your ideas

Maybe you should come out to a few other Airsoft events. Maybe Flag Raiders?
They have been doing airsoft for a good long while now, and do things (in my opinion) amazingly well for the airsoft world.
I'm sure others would agree, no?

Last edited by Forever_kaos; November 28th, 2009 at 03:05..
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Old November 28th, 2009, 03:10   #110
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what certification is this?
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Old November 28th, 2009, 03:40   #111
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Direct link to the AdrenalinePaintball forum regarding:
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Old November 28th, 2009, 13:39   #112
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wow $50 is kinda steep, but I guess theyre worried about idiots coming and hurting people, I hope the pballers have to take the same training too, to be fair n all
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Old November 28th, 2009, 14:23   #113
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in all fairness, paintball and airsoft both have idiots who have no business in a projectile based sports, hell I wont even trust some people in this forum with a watergun.

Safety/Introduction certification is always good, at least it help weeding out 50% of all the idiots out there, although sometimes a few of them fall right through crack like some here have in the past/present. As some of the older players here used to say "Airsoft is a priviledge not a right"
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Old November 28th, 2009, 14:28   #114
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From a personal stand point, I've been invited to this field more than once, along with the rest of my team. However I've declined the invite, because to be completely honest, I'm not going to attend an airsoft game when the field tries to justify allowing people ages 13, 14, 15, (minors in general); to play. Just because someone handles a gun, doesn't mean a thing. This is a hobby that's 18+.

Prices are one thing, and when they're too high, thats a problem. But when it starts to involve little kids, its done.
For anyone looking for age verification in the Windsor region: Unfortunately, I will only be verifying people at games, I am currently unable to run around and setup meetings.
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Old November 28th, 2009, 14:34   #115
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Originally Posted by IceTray View Post
This is a hobby that's 18+.

Prices are one thing, and when they're too high, thats a problem. But when it starts to involve little kids, its done.
The 18+rule is only applied here, in Asia there are often more Kids playing airsoft alot younger than what we would have allowed here. I started when I was 13. There are a few under age members here who have displayed more maturity and sound judgement than some of the verified members here.

18+ specifically here on ASC is self imposed & enforced, Judging by some recent thread in this board the 18+rule may not be as effective as we think it would in weeding out the idiots. There are teams out there who have members that are below 18 and No they don't troll on ASC either

Last edited by wildcard; November 28th, 2009 at 14:38..
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Old November 28th, 2009, 17:02   #116
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Originally Posted by wildcard View Post
The 18+rule is only applied here, in Asia there are often more Kids playing airsoft alot younger than what we would have allowed here. I started when I was 13. There are a few under age members here who have displayed more maturity and sound judgement than some of the verified members here.

18+ specifically here on ASC is self imposed & enforced, Judging by some recent thread in this board the 18+rule may not be as effective as we think it would in weeding out the idiots. There are teams out there who have members that are below 18 and No they don't troll on ASC either
added to the fact that there are sites semi clear airsoft outside of ASC, I really question if all of em sells 18+ only. And there's those purchase from outside ASC site and sell to minors. In ASC theres reprecussions but the sites might not
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Old November 28th, 2009, 17:36   #117
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like Bass Pro?, today while shopping for Christmas a few kids was admiring the Broxa and TF AEG packages, these guys are probably no older than 13. One of them actually took the Broxa AK to his parents and to my surprise they actually put it in their shopping cart.
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Old November 29th, 2009, 00:49   #118
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lmao, wow that's wild.

But okay back to the topic more or less.
Sure it's really only an ASC rule (except in Ontario you have to be 18+ to own), but if I understand right AdrenalineGuy is trying to appeal to the ASC crowd.
In the end as I mentioned above it's your rules for your field.

And sure, some events the host of the game will allow people under 18 to play. But that is 100% up to the host and the field owner on a mutual agreement.

My biggest nit pick regarding the certification is whoever is doing it, I doubt has a much Airsoft experience. You can have all the gun experience in the world, and I still don't care.
Airsoft gun experience is for Airsoft guns.
Real steel gun experience is for real steel.

Now sure some basic things cross over, but I still stand by what I said.
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Old November 29th, 2009, 01:36   #119
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This is way off topic, but I want to respond.

First NO ONE under 18 has ever played Airsoft at Adrenaline.
We are not trying to impose a certification on any one, or create somthing for the industry. This will be for players to play at our field, and we don't know if that means seperate games, or games that they are included in.

Adrenaline offers a FREE safety traing lesson to anyone. And everyone not just minors before play.

We hane talked about including 1 parent for the first hour of the course

Every one I have talkd with in the aisoft comunity, has said they thought it would be a good idea and would like to be involved. Everyone knows that kids have asccess to Airguns of all kinds. Someone should provide them with some training.

Again we have NEVER allowed any under one 18 to play Airsoft at the field. That doesn't mean that There is no place for teaching and including youth in any shooting sport. We will continue to look at ways to allow youth to learn and enjoy shooting sports including Airsoft.
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Old November 29th, 2009, 01:52   #120
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I'd like to add a note of clarification.

When you think about it, how many minors have we heard ask "Can I play in a public park?"
Now I know we've heard and seen a few groups of this actually going on.

If we can work something out for those minors to have a location to safely play at. Maybe it's the 'lesser of evils' ?

Hell, a game I was at very recently there was I believe a 14 JUST turned 15 year old.
Did we have any problems? No not at all, he was a great player.
If you can demonstrate the respect, maturity and understanding. And to boot, demonstrate you know your shit and safety?

Sure why not, I'd be for it at certain events if they knew what they were doing.
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