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Hash Vapor October 22nd, 2009 02:45

We play airsoft because we can't afford paintball?
Just got a kick out of this video.

Most of you probably aren't aware, but in paintball big changes are starting to take place.The industry is trying to move to a smaller standard ball size. The reasoning being that due to the failing economy and great expense of paintball, buisness related to the sport have been suffering and failing. The answer lies in making the balls smaller, adding more value per shot through less waste and yada yada yada. But there are also some intersting comments regarding airsoft, along the lines of how we all secretly long to be paintballers but just can't afford it. Probably more true for the american airsoft kiddie market than here but funny none the less.

YouTube - Richmond Italia on .50 Cal

FOX_111 October 22nd, 2009 02:51


The more milsim paintball evolve, the more it come closer to airsoft. The speedball thing is destined to remain a clown sport.

aznpos531 October 22nd, 2009 02:55

Half of 3 million airsofters (using his figures) will switch to paintball? I somehow highly doubt that.

surebet October 22nd, 2009 03:00

I'm curious about this, especially since I just got a DM9.

*hides in shame*

rustysniper October 22nd, 2009 03:12 my recollection and personal knowledge....I know of Paintballers converting to Airsoft...but I do not know of any Airsofters converting ot Paintball? Reason...realism....have you noticed paintbal guns trying to look more like real steel....never going to happen unless they loose the air and go to a smaller caliber.....

skalnok October 22nd, 2009 03:14

i love how he thinks paintball is 100 percent better and airsoft only exists because its cheaper......

surebet October 22nd, 2009 03:25


Originally Posted by rustysniper (Post 1089404) my recollection and personal knowledge....I know of Paintballers converting to Airsoft...but I do not know of any Airsofters converting ot Paintball? Reason...realism....have you noticed paintbal guns trying to look more like real steel....never going to happen unless they loose the air and go to a smaller caliber.....

Nah, I just do both. But to me, milsim paintball is the real horror, either you neon up and go shoot the shit out of people in ballons or you milsim for real.

The paintball version always seemed shallow to me.

Zilgorn_Zeypher October 22nd, 2009 04:13

lol Isn't airsoft more expensive than paintball

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw October 22nd, 2009 04:21

In Canada yeah, not really in the States and other countries not run by soccer mom antis.

Dart October 22nd, 2009 04:39

how is changing the cal. size of paintballs going to make it cheaper for people? 68cal to 50 cal means all new barrels, guns, shoot even a new squeege to fit down your new tighter barrel. Its going to make the 68 cal stuff obsolete there for making it harder to sell that gear. Now you have to go buy new gear and have a 68cal dust collector.

.... cause you know the 8mm airsoft BB took off.

Lerch October 22nd, 2009 07:13

Doesn't make much sense...although I will note that airsoft BB's are cheaper then paintballs...even though I can get pb markers for $100-/+ and the cheapest 'good' AEG still come over $300.

Still though, like Dart said, this is gonna suck for anyone who's already into the sport. New everything is gonna hurt their wallets more then buying paintballs and CO2. It'll be an easy change for people who don't have anything yet :p

WhiskeySix October 22nd, 2009 07:21

It's pretty much assured that the .50 cal revolution will fall flat on it's face. They tried it before, didn't work. It's basically one company (Smart Parts) trying to shove this down everyone's throat. No other manufacturer's are on board.

And the asshat in the video, is a royal douche, and a shitty salesman. True milsim is in airsoft, always will be. Paintball is there for some additional fun on the weekends.

Saberwing October 22nd, 2009 07:52

Seems to me that some 40 year old man wants those 16 year old kids with $20 to come get covered in his new special rainbow splooge...

AngelusNex October 22nd, 2009 07:59

If a smaller caliber paintball is the answer then why not go .40 cal, Rap4 already makes em, and uses em. .40 cal and stfu and sit down are the douche bags only two options.

coach October 22nd, 2009 08:30

here's one of the .50 cal's shooting. didn't realize that shooting a paintball gun required such a claw shaped trigger hand. lol also, do static targets really need that many rounds shot at it to prove you hit it? how can this be any cheaper?

YouTube - GI Milsim Impulse50 - .50 Caliber Paintball Marker Shooting at PSP World Cup 2009

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