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Old January 2nd, 2010, 22:30   #76
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Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
You can argue it one way or the other, but as far as the Criminal Code of Canada is concerened a "firearm" is considered a weapon.
And so is your finger in your pocket when you say "Stick'em up!!".

Or an empty box when you pass a note to a bank teller saying "Put the money in the bag, I have a bomb.".

A weapon is any object used in an offensive or criminal matter to inflict injury, death or as a threat.

A knife, axe, tire iron, pipe, screwdriver, rope, cement block and a million other items are also weapons. It depends on use and context.

Or they could simply be tools or objects.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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Old January 2nd, 2010, 22:31   #77
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Styrak View Post
Yes key word being Criminal code.

If it's involved in a crime of course it's a weapon.
...Stop right there and go no further, you obviously have no idea how the Criminal Code works.

The Criminal Codes does not set out its definitions based on the assumption that the item in question was involved in a crime. It defines things for what they are, and despite what some people believes, does not set weapons out to be evil.
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Old January 2nd, 2010, 22:42   #78
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oh bloody...
Mac got a point, any tools can be use as a weapon. However, you can't deny that our government consider Firearm to be a weapon regardless.
Oh and the Car Analogy is beaten to death on both sides, please don't use it...unless your the Awesome awesome Wendy Cukier (sarcastic...) if you know what shes spits out her mouth you will realize how dumb a prof she is in Psychology. She want the govt to controll inanimate objects to reduce a human behaviour -violence.
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Old January 2nd, 2010, 22:50   #79
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Originally Posted by The Saint View Post
...Stop right there and go no further, you obviously have no idea how the Criminal Code works.

The Criminal Codes does not set out its definitions based on the assumption that the item in question was involved in a crime. It defines things for what they are, and despite what some people believes, does not set weapons out to be evil.

If you walk into a liquor store with a piece of wood whittled to look like a Glock and demand money, you will be charged with armed robbery. If you walked in with a Marui M92F and shot the clerk, you would face assault with a weapon charge, even though the airsoft gun is not a weapon without the overt act of assault.

If you walk with a cane but proceeded to beat the hell out of a jerk who cut into line at the ATM, you would be charged with assault with a weapon. I have seen nowhere in the CCC that specifies a cane is a weapon unless its use falls within the provisions of a defined criminal action committed with it.

Start wrapping your heads around it people, it ain't a weapon unless it's used as such. A knife in my pocket is legal and is not considered a weapon. If I pull it out in any manner used to threaten, harm, kill or intimidate, it becomes a weapon. How hard is that to understand?
Age verifier Northern Alberta

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing what's for dinner.

Freedom is the wolves limping away while the sheep reloads.

Never confuse freedom with democracy.

Last edited by mcguyver; January 2nd, 2010 at 23:21..
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Old January 2nd, 2010, 23:47   #80
The Saint
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I really don't understand why you're talking down to us Mcguyver, when your argument isn't how the law works. You're arguing from your own normative possession, we (Brian, Morb, myself) know where you stand but am pointing out how the law actually work.

Originally Posted by Criminal Code of Canada
"weapon" means any thing used, designed to be used or intended for use
(a) in causing death or injury to any person, or
(b) for the purpose of threatening or intimidating any person
and, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, includes a firearm;
Essentially, there are two types of weapons in the Criminal Code,
1. Designed as a weapon (guns, swords, knives, etc)
2. Used as a weapon (more about the intent of the user)
Both are equally valid weapons, but some like to argue/believe that only Number 2 should exist. Not the way the law works.

Finally, as far as the Criminal Code is concerned, using a piece of wood whittled to look like a Glock makes that piece of wood a weapon results in the same offence as using an airsoft gun. Using a pellet gun, though, is much more severe.
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 00:12   #81
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Originally Posted by mcguyver View Post
It ain't a weapon unless it's used as such.

How hard is that to understand?
Because it's wrong.

The point I was making (while I don't agree with myself in a political sense, I agree in a legal sense) is that a gun is a weapon, no matter the circumstances. Anything can be a weapon, but a gun is a weapon.

This point cannot be ignored.

If someone walked down with the street with an RPG-7, loaded, it is a weapon. In any sense. If he had some (non-weapon) object he could potentially do as much damage with, you would not regard it the same way.

Comprende, amigo?

Take a different tone, man, none of us are idiots.
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 00:15   #82
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one more thing, I though Airsoft, specify cansoft isn't replica, but Imitated firearm due to clear reciever, correct? yes, I know that people can buy cansoft then paint it black.
my english is bad. however, It don't make up different on your ignorance.
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 00:15   #83
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Originally Posted by AngelusNex View Post
All I can say is Cars are used purposely for more crimes AND cause WAY more accidental and purposeful deaths than any replica guns ever. I think they should be focusing on banning whats really dangerous first
IMHO, I think a closer analogy would be Alcohol rather than cars as cars by themselves are critical to the functioning of our society. Alcohol is not. Yet, you do not need a license to purchase Alcohol. Its curent application is purely an "entertainment" based beverage. Cannabis has arguably equivalent if not better health applications than Alcohol.

I think in a civilized society there should be licenses for everything
1. childbearing: so people like MJ cant be allowed to procreate
2. alcohol consumption: so people like mel gibson cant drink
3. voting: so people who voted david miller arent ever allowed to vote again...
4. weed: so people like jerry seinfeld can continue to be funny (at least to the people who are smoking it..)
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 00:26   #84
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geez, Soccer mom talk about toys guns, not real guns. Far as I know, even if Government ban firearms, they still can't really 100% remove firearms due to black market, illegal import, etc. Firearms control is just act government use to show those soccer moms that they do something about it. but problem is that Soccer moms can't accept reality that most crime commit with real firearms is illegal in first place. Do you really think person can just buy real M16, or AK-47 from store in Canada? They can do this with Airsoft version, but can they really kill people with airsoft guns?
my english is bad. however, It don't make up different on your ignorance.
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 01:03   #85
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I'm completely for firearms and their ownership, but can someone just answer this question.

What is the purpose of a gun?
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 01:33   #86
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Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded View Post
I'm completely for firearms and their ownership, but can someone just answer this question.

What is the purpose of a gun?
A gun is a device that, when a hot chick is holding it, makes her ten times hotter.

For evidence, I submit: (image semi-NSFW)

All other purposes of a gun are secondary to this.
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 01:36   #87
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Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded View Post
I'm completely for firearms and their ownership, but can someone just answer this question.

What is the purpose of a gun?
It can be anything from hunting to pest control/animal control, to fun, defense, offense (yes, killing people, wars, etc) and the list goes on.

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Old January 3rd, 2010, 01:37   #88
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Originally Posted by chronic View Post
IMHO, I think a closer analogy would be Alcohol rather than cars as cars by themselves are critical to the functioning of our society. Alcohol is not. Yet, you do not need a license to purchase Alcohol. Its curent application is purely an "entertainment" based beverage. Cannabis has arguably equivalent if not better health applications than Alcohol.

I think in a civilized society there should be licenses for everything
1. childbearing: so people like MJ cant be allowed to procreate
2. alcohol consumption: so people like mel gibson cant drink
3. voting: so people who voted david miller arent ever allowed to vote again...
4. weed: so people like jerry seinfeld can continue to be funny (at least to the people who are smoking it..)
You're one of those liebral arent you? Licensing will lead to registeration, registeration will lead to restrictions, which will lead to prohibition. What happen to the INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY? you should just do a registery of people who can't get those stuff. And NO, DON'T EVER EVER try to take away people's freedom and rights. We don't want to start a dictatorship like Britain and Austrialia....

man I thought when I immigrated to Canada I could gain more freedom and rights...turns out the people is going down the slippery slope...Time to find another country... US? ugh hate their healthcare...Norway? They don't allow immigration...Switzerland? Ugh don't speak the 3 languages they use...Ugh man there's no where to go...good bye cruel world!
back on topic, The only reason we ASC want to push for licensing of airsoft guns is simply were in the bottom of the hole already we (Airsofters in Canada) wants to go back up the slippery slope which we slip thru from completely OK to nay in 1998
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 01:39   #89
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Originally Posted by Janus View Post
A gun is a device that, when a hot chick is holding it, makes her ten times hotter.

For evidence, I submit: (image semi-NSFW)

All other purposes of a gun are secondary to this.
hmm, I dont see a gun in the pic..
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Old January 3rd, 2010, 01:40   #90
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Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded View Post
I'm completely for firearms and their ownership, but can someone just answer this question.

What is the purpose of a gun?
There is not real purpose in terms for the society. Its just like booze, cars, and individual life. We have them because in a democratic (k...not democratic anymore lets called non-fascist country) one could own an property so long as it does not infringe the rights of others.
In addition, there is also the history of hunting, sports, collecting, and formerly self-defense (You can no longer use that as a justification to get a license for it, since 1978 I believe)
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