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Old December 31st, 2009, 11:02   #1
Double Tapper
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I saw this posted on the gun forum and thought I would share it here.
Might go nowhere,but you never know.

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To Eli El-Chantiry, chairman of the Ottawa Police Services Board.

Dear Sir,

Citizens of this city and Canadians right across the country are saddened and horrified with the brutal murder of Const. Eric Czapnik. My heart and prayers go out to his family and fellow officers at this sad and tragic time.

I am aware that the robbery charges laid against Constable Czapnik's accused killer relate to a carjacking Monday night, in which a car was taken from a young adult after a pellet gun was waved in his face.

This again reminds us all of the hazards associated with pellet guns and other "toy" firearms. As you are aware, pellet guns are inherently dangerous consumer products. Air and pellet guns are a leading cause of eye loss and eye damage in children and young adults. More than 50 young people are hospitalized each year in Canada as a result of injuries from pellet and air guns.

While firearms legislation does cover guns capable of firing a projectile over 152.4 metres (500 feet) per second, any guns which fire at or below this velocity are available for purchase at many stores. Ballistic tests have shown a pellet fired at 182.88 metres (600 feet) per second is capable of killing an adult or child.

A related safety concern is the use of realistically-looking firearms -- replica or "toy" -- used in criminal activity. The victim at the end of a barrel is in no position to judge if the gun is real or fake. SWAT teams have been mobilized to deal with people wielding toy or replica guns. Any person threatening to shoot is at risk of being shot, and there have been tragic circumstances, including an incident in this area a few years ago. Toy guns and replica guns comprise up to 40% of guns seized by police.

Shockingly, the Hazardous Products Act does not regulate these items, even though stuffed toys are.

These products have wreaked more havoc and injury than many products regulated under that 40-year-old act. Bringing the manufacturer and sale of pellet guns under the authority of this act would provide a measure of safety and an important step in protecting Canadians.

While this challenge and responsibility resides with the federal minister of health, an intervention by your board calling on Minister Aglukkaq to proceed would be most helpful and very much in the public interest. Public health, safety and crime prevention are the issues at hand.

I do hope your board sees fit to act on this recommendation. In this regard, I look forward to hearing from you.



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Old December 31st, 2009, 11:15   #2
Art affectionado
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You might want to edit your link, theres a space in the http.

Anyways, interesting. It's amazing how airsoft is always lumped in with the hooligans that buy pellet guns to shoot their neighbour's cat.
God is a /b/tard.

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Old December 31st, 2009, 11:18   #3
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by MoreToasties View Post
You might want to edit your link, theres a space in the http.

Anyways, interesting. It's amazing how airsoft is always lumped in with the hooligans that buy pellet guns to shoot their neighbour's cat.
Why is that amazing? From the perspective of the uninformed airsoft guns are 100% the same as any other pellet gun.. except they have the added "danger" of being "replicas" ( in the public perception ) as well

the term "airsoft" is meaningless to most people
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old December 31st, 2009, 11:24   #4
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All I can say is Cars are used purposely for more crimes AND cause WAY more accidental and purposeful deaths than any replica guns ever. I think they should be focusing on banning whats really dangerous first
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Old December 31st, 2009, 11:30   #5
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Why is that amazing? From the perspective of the uninformed airsoft guns are 100% the same as any other pellet gun.. except they have the added "danger" of being "replicas" ( in the public perception ) as well

the term "airsoft" is meaningless to most people
yeah man most people are just fearfull of guns.

wrong people getting ahold of the wrong things some sort of lisence for buying these and importing on a personal level!

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old December 31st, 2009, 11:36   #6
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Why is that amazing? From the perspective of the uninformed airsoft guns are 100% the same as any other pellet gun.. except they have the added "danger" of being "replicas" ( in the public perception ) as well

the term "airsoft" is meaningless to most people

When I first read your post it thought you wrote "MENINGITIS" to people. I guess to soccer moms it's still correct either way.

Link 404'd
Do you know what ruins airsoft?
(Chair), (Drama), (Air), (Sugar) softers, filthy casuals
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it would appear I am not first up in this gang-bang
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Old December 31st, 2009, 11:36   #7
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Originally Posted by KoolAidMan View Post
yeah man most people are just fearfull of guns.

wrong people getting ahold of the wrong things some sort of lisence for buying these and importing on a personal level!
Yeah because people won't abuse their personal licenses ...

Take driving for instance, I have my G license. Does it mean I will always drive sober, awake and aware? (Not that I condone or engage in DD)
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Old December 31st, 2009, 11:40   #8
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Originally Posted by GSK88 View Post
Yeah because people won't abuse their personal licenses ...

Take driving for instance, I have my G license. Does it mean I will always drive sober, awake and aware? (Not that I condone or engage in DD)
it's deterant just like age verification is a deterant makes people think twice on buying a toy commit a crime hmm should i go to joecrackhead down the street and get a real gun fo 300$ o get ageverified and buy a fake one fo 300

not saying it couldn't happen but it makes it less likely

Originally Posted by pusangani View Post
lol why is it that every single fucking underaged kid that comes thru here happens to have some private land to play on when accused of playing in public
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Old December 31st, 2009, 12:04   #9
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The guy got stabbed, shouldn't we be banning knives instead?

2010: the year of Steak Spoons
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Old December 31st, 2009, 12:17   #10
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Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle View Post
Why is that amazing? From the perspective of the uninformed airsoft guns are 100% the same as any other pellet gun.. except they have the added "danger" of being "replicas" ( in the public perception ) as well

the term "airsoft" is meaningless to most people
I agree with you, however, i wish that the difference in attitude was perceived by the public.
God is a /b/tard.

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Old December 31st, 2009, 12:22   #11
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Pretty much everything is "inherently dangerous". I say we just ban her, and her kind.
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Old December 31st, 2009, 12:26   #12
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Originally Posted by Drake
A major event will unfold in relationship to airsoft guns which will cause half the users on ASC to panic as they perceive the sky to be falling.

The other half will snicker without blinking.
the prophecyyyyyy

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2010: the year of Steak Spoons
I see mandatory meat boiling
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Old December 31st, 2009, 12:28   #13
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Here is my view on the case which is strictly my opinion.

I am new to airsoft and didnt even know it existed until last June when I was introduced. I knew about bb guns and never like them and was always against any type of gun in our home as I have 4 young children and didnt even allow them to have nerf, super soakers etc in fact anything that would give them the idea that shooting someone is O.K. becasue children dont understand why it is ok to shoot with water or nerf and not something real and they also dont know when to stop. This Christmas, i bought them all nerf guns and even real paintball guns that are modified to shoot foam type balls in stead of paint. I taught them the importance of safety, safety protection and responsibility and they actually understand more than most kids about guns now.

Guns are NOT the problem when it comes to a crime. If there were no such things as guns, people would use knives, phone books and other objects. If one is going to commit a crime with the intent to kill, he will do just that,

I personally love airsoft because of MILSIM and the realistic looks of the weapons. But if I put myself into the shoes of someone in the Czapnik family, I agree with the advocate that wrote this article. Toy guns should not look like real weapons. Someone mentioned you could use you car to kill but it is not the intent of killing here, You cant hold up a bank with a car, or rape someone with a car or perform a B&E with a car. Because replicas can now be purchased at local stores they are much easier than real steal to get a hold of and because most petty criminals are not out there to kill someone, these "weapons" will do just fine because the public including pro airsofters will not know the difference from a distance back or will be shocked to even pay attention to small details.

My opinion is that even replica holders should bare a license and it should be illegal just like real steal to purchase and carry such a weapon unless licensed. Because these guns can do the same damage as real steel when it comes to a crime scene other than killing, adults should be mentally stable before owning one and obtaining a license to use one. Yes it is a sport,hobby or collection for most of us on here but we can not assume the same for the general public. I understand that there is a black market and if replicas were licensed there will always be a black market just like real steal and even if you use a replica for a crime the penalty is still severe, I feel licensing replicas will help a great deal.

I would be the first in line to become certified to purchase and carry a replica as I love the sport so much. I truly do hope they mandate a licensing system for replica's and stop selling them in stores that are not able to carry real steel.

The best thing to do is teach teach teach.

My opinion Only. Dont care about flames or people telling me i am wrong or why I am wrong because my opinion will not change. My heart goes out to all those that are victims of a crime where a replica was used.
Canadian Airsoft Medic Corps


Last edited by youngguns; December 31st, 2009 at 12:34..
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Old December 31st, 2009, 12:34   #14
Brian McIlmoyle
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Originally Posted by Drake View Post
The guy got stabbed, shouldn't we be banning knives instead?

2010: the year of Steak Spoons
indeed.. Knives are accessible to anyone of any age.. and are just as deadly and dangerous in close quarters as a gun. Yet .. no one ( well except for David Millar , but he's a nutter ) talks about banning them.

.. Don't bother trotting out the CAR IS just as dangerous argument.. it holds no water.

Cars are not designed for the purpose of killing people .. although through their misuse and improper use they result in deaths.. most considered Accidental

Guns ( and in particular handguns ) ARE designed for the purpose of Killing people. and they can also be used for sport.. However when a handgun is used for it's designed and intended purpose .. it kills people .. which is what it was supposed to do.. although the act is illegal.. it can hardly be considered "accidental"
Brian McIlmoyle
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If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite
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Old December 31st, 2009, 13:04   #15
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The gun fear mongering is infinitely more dangerous than the guns themselves.
The war between the sexes is over. We won the second women started doing pole dancing for exercise.
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